Morning Announcement

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Spirit Day Friday: Black Out

Pep Rally Friday – GARNER GYM

This is pep rally schedule for grades 6-12:

6th period: 1:20 – 1:50

Pep Rally: 1:55 – 2:30

7th period: 2:35 – 3:05

The following seniors will be taking retakes of their composites on Monday, September 9, beginning at 7:30am in the Garner Gym.

Jacob Stujenske

Austin Johnson

Jake Austein

Jacob Bennett

Cody McNeal

Kyle Elrod

Morgan McClure

Katie Morgan

Hannah Tapp

Hunter Bennett

Kaitlyn Cook

Hannah Criswell

Katie Childers

Jordan Celmer

Shea Gould

Nathan Polzin

John Michael Atkeison

Nat Cagle

Savannah Matthews

Sinney Chan

Courtni Clifft

Joseph Wilson

Tristin Porter

Margy Westbrook

Courtney Rush

“Answers in Genesis”

Monday, September 9 – Viking Center

Grades K – 5: 9:00-9:45

Grades 6-12: 10:10-11:00

There is a meeting for parents and students of 7,8,9 graders interested

in the Washington DC Trip. The meeting is Monday, September 9 @ 6:30pm in the library.

This trip will be spring break - March 7 – 11, 2014.

There will be a Project Graduation Parent Meeting on Monday, September 9, 2013 at 6:30pm in the cafeteria.

The following students are running for Student Council:

Sawyer Antonetti, Brixton Bishop, Ajay Chatha, Shea Gould,

Kate Kheradvar, Summer Rudd, Jacob Stujenske, Madison Taylor,

William Thomas, Ragan Walker, Xandrea White

We will announce the date for speeches and election soon.


Mrs. Dana Crook is our new boxtop coordinator.

Mark your calendar:

Monday, September 9: Senior Composite Retakes

“Answers in Genesis”

Project Graduation Parent Meeting @ 6:30pm in the cafeteria

Washington DC Meeting: 8th and 9th Grade Students and Parents – 6:30pm in the library

Wednesday, September 11: Progress Reports

Wednesday-Thursday, Sept 11&12: Fall Sports Pictures

Thursday, September 12: Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30pm-7:00pm

Saturday, September 21: ACT

Cheer Camp 9:00-2:00

MSU High School Band Day

Friday, September 27: Football Homecoming

Saturday, September 28: Arlington Open Band Competition

CLUB NEWS: Pep Club sign up in Mrs. Jill’s room!

Monday: NHS will meet Monday at lunch in Mrs. VanDyke’s room. We will not meet the first Monday of the month since it falls on the Labor Day holiday

Tuesday: The Ecology Club will meet in the Biology Lab at lunch


Thursday: MS FCA will meet at MS lunch in Mrs. Vanderpool’s room

HS FCA will meet at HS lunch in Mrs. Demmons’ room

Friday: Spanish Club will meet at lunch in Mrs. McAfee’s room.



Thursday 9-5-13

Golf vs. FACS/Lausanne @ Chickasaw Country Club 4:00

Jr. High Volleyball vs. Grace St. Luke’s (H) 5:00

Gate worker: J. McAfee 4:00

Varsity Volleyball vs. USJ (A) JV5:00/V6:00

Soccer vs. Covington (A) 5:30

5/6 Football vs. Briarcrest (A) 5:30

7/8 Football vs. Grace St. Luke’s (H) 5:00

Gate workers: J.Medley, MA Rhea 4:00

Friday 9-6-13

Varsity Football vs. Rosemark (H) 7:00

Gate workers: H. Ozier, P. Breedlove, C. Cocke, K. Demmons


Afternoon duty: First Semester

9/3: Morris/Pilcher

9/9: Yates/Henry

9/16: Kelley/Tomlin

9/23: Perkins/Rhea

9/30: Shemwell/Morris

10/7: Pilcher/Yates

10/15: Henry/Kelley

10/21: Tomlin/Perkins

10/28: Rhea/Shemwell

11/4: Morris/Pilcher

11/11: Yates/Henry

11/18: Kelley/Tomlin

11/25: Perkins/Rhea

12/2: Shemwell/Morris

12/9: Pilcher/Yates

12/16: Henry/Kelley

Afternoon Duty September 2013

9/3 Bowling

9/4 McWilliams

9/5 Moffatt

9/6 Clayton/Moffatt

9/9 Clayton

9/10 Aguanno

9/11 Bowling

9/12 McWilliams

9/13 Moffatt

9/16 Moffatt

9/17 Clayton

9/18 Aguanno

9/19 Bowling

9/20 McWilliams

9/23 McWilliams

9/24 Moffatt

9/25 Clayton

9/26 Aguanno

9/27 Bowling/Moffatt

9/30 Bowling