Please complete one form for each of your dogs. Thank you.

You can alter the document so please give as much detail as you can. The more the better. If you are printing the document and filling it out by hand. Please number your answers and provide the extra pieces of paper labeled so that the details of the answer correspond with the question. You can return the questionnaire either in person or by scanning and sending it back as an attachment.

First Name(s):______

Last Nams(s)______

Phone Numbers – Home______

Cell ______


Address ______

City______Postal Code______

Email Address______

Dog’s Name: ______

Age______Sex: _____Male ______Female ____ Weight ______

Spayed or neutered? ______

How Old was the dog when you got it? ______

Dog’s health: Excellent __ Good ___ Poor ___

If poor, what issues does the dog have?

Is there a part of your dog that they don’t like to have touched? ___

What is their reaction if they are touched in that spot? ______

Is your dog in pain? ___ Do you give the dog medication for pain? __

Is your dog on any other medication? __

What for? ______

What is the breed (or breeds if mixed) of your dog? ______

If you have more than one dog, which dog do you perceive as the one in charge of the other(s)?

General Information:

How many adults live in the home with your dog? ______

How many children – under 18 - live in the home with the dog? _____

What are the ages of the children? ______

Does your dog sleep in your bedroom? ______In your bed? ______

Does your dog roam free during night? ______Sleep in a crate? ______

Do other pets live in your home?

(Please tell us the species/name/age and sex of other pets).


Does your dog interact well with the other pets? (If no, which pet and explain the problems the dog is having).


Food and Feeding Time:

Do you feed your dog at specific times or do you free feed? ______

What type and brand of food do you feed your dog – dry, raw, canned? ______

How much do you feed per serving? __

Does your dog eat human food? ___ How often? ______

Can you take the food away from the dog? ____

If not, what do they do to prevent you from taking the food?

Does the dog wait for food? ____

Do they sit or lay down until you tell them to eat? ____

Do they jump or bark, whine or run about while you prepare food? ______

The Home:

Do you have a yard or garden? ___ Is it fenced? ____

Do you have invisible fencing? ____

Does your dog jump fences? ___

Does your dog dig in the yard or garden? ___

Do you crate your dog? __ Does the dog go into the crate by themselves throughout the day? ___

Has your dog ever chewed or eaten bedding while in a crate? ___

Does the dog have a “place?” A pillow or crate or rug that they lay down on? ___

Does your dog protect or guard this or any other space? ___

About your dog:

A history of biting? ______. If yes, provide detailed history of each event.

The more detail you provide the better. There is always context to a situation.

Aggressive with other dogs?___A history of fighting? ____

Is your dog still aggressive or a fighter? ____

What have you done to alter the dog’s behavior?

Is your dog high energy? ___

Does your dog calm down easily? ___

Does your dog have a favorite toy? _____

Can you take the toy from the dog whenever you wish? ____

Can a stranger? ___

How much exercise does your dog get in one day? ____

One week? ____

How much exercise does your dog get off-leash in one day? ____

One week? ____

Does the dog pull on the leash? ____

Is your dog leash reactive? If so describe the circumstance that would cause the reactivity______

Bark often? ____

Bark at the door-bell or a knock at the door? ____

Growl at family members? ____

Growl at new people? ____

How does your dog react to new people in general?______

Does the dog jump on people? ____

Does the dog guard toys or objects? ____

Will the dog allow you to take a bone from them? ____

Does your dog play bite? ____ Has it ever led to injury? ___ Explain please.

Chew furniture or other objects? ___ Please provide details.

Collect items such as socks or toys? ____

When you recall your dog do they respond and return? ____

Do they ignore you? ____

Will the dog bolt through an open door? ____

Is your dog shy? ___

Does your dog have separation anxiety? ___

Is your dog anxious? ___ Always? ___

Give an example of a situation that would make your dog anxious.

Is your dog nervous? ___ Always? ___

Provide an example of a situation that would make your dog nervous.

Is your dog ok with being handled, leashed and walked by a stranger?

Does your dog attend any dog daycare, kennel, off leash dog park, or another social situation on a regular basis?

How often?

Have you and your dog completed successfully basic obedience training?

Is there anything that has not been covered about your dog you feel we should know?

And Last but not least….. What is the top 3 things that would really change your relationship with your dog, what do you want to achieve?______

What Training Program are you interested in? Privates? Board and Train?


Go to our website for more info and prices

Upon completion of this questionnaire please resave it, and send back to or

You will be contacted about which of our many training programs would be best for you and your dog.

Since we offer many options and we like to customize the training program to meet each clients specific needs, the more detail you give us the better we can place you into one of our programs.