Rēzekne University College (Latvia)
Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań (Poland)
University of Latvia (Latvia)
Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia)
2nd International Conference on Latgalistics
“Centre and Periphery:
A Change of Perspectives”
Conference in Honour of the 100th Birthday
of Marija Andžāne
Rēzekne, Latgalia, Latvia
October15th–17th, 2009
Dear Colleagues!
The 1st International Conference on Latgalistics took place from September 19th-20th, 2008 in Saint-Petersburg with the aim of starting off a new tradition of conferences.
In the second conference, we will be aiming for a more general debate on a new understanding of centres and peripheries from a perspective of regional and minority languages, folklore, literature, and processes which are connected with these topics in society, education and politics, such as regionalism, questions of locality and globality, decentralisation, identity, and multiculturalism. The point of departure of the discussions will be based on issues relating to the region of Latgale – but scholars working on one or several of the conference fields regarding other regions are wholeheartedly encouraged to participate in orderto give the conference a contrastive perspective.
The conference will be dedicated to the commemoration of the Latgalian poet Marija Andžāne who would have turned 100 yearson September 8th, 2009. In 1933, Marija Andžāne published the first collection of her poetry, Reits (Morning), in which for the first time a writer did not solely rely on her own knowledge of the language, but followed the orthographic principles of Latgalian as developed by P. Strods. M.Andžāne studied educational science at the State Teachers’ Institute in Rēzekne, the predecessor of today’s Rēzekne University College. She collected Latgalian folklore, and was through her work an inspiration for many pupils. Her life and work are an excellent example of active philological work as a contribution to the development and maintenance of traditional languages, literature and folklore.After World War II, the poet lived in the United States, where she became the most recognised representative of Latgalian poetry.
The conference will also provide the framework for the presentation of the results of the Ethnolinguistic Survey of Latgale, conducted by Rēzekne University College and the University of Milan, in the monograph Valodas Austrumlatvijā (Languages in Eastern Latvia). Interested scientists as well as representatives of cultural and educational institutions and the media are kindlyinvited also to this event.
The conference envisages to create interdisciplinary debates between the following fields:
–Applied linguistics,
–Theoretical linguistics,
–History of culture and art,
–Folklore and literary science, and
–Innovative methods in the teaching of language, culture or history.
Conference Languages: Latvian, Latgalian, English, Russian (if required with simultaneous interpretation).
It will be possible to participate in the conference with a paper or a poster.
Length of Papers: 30 minutes(20 minutes paper + 10 minutes discussion)
Length of Poster Presentations: 5 minutes+ 30 minutes common discussion of 3–5 posters
The registration form can be found on the web site of Rēzekne University College:
> English > Research > Conferences.
Participation Fee:60 Euros (40 Euros for students), including the published conference proceedings, the conference dinner, coffee breaks and lunches.
Important Dates:
–May 1st, 2009: Deadline for paper and poster abstracts
–June 1st, 2009:Decision and information of the organising committee about paper and poster acceptance
–October 15th-17th, 2009: Conference
–December 1st, 2009: Deadline for written versions of the papers for publication in the conference proceedings
–During 2010: Publication of the proceedings
Please send the registration form with your paper or poster abstract until May 1st, 2009
to the conference’s coordinator Ilga Šuplinska:.
Rēzeknes Augstskola
Filoloģijas katedra
Atbrīvošanas aleja 115
Rēzekne, LV 4600, Latvia
On behalf of the Organisatorial Committee
Ilga Šuplinska