Dogs have been around for millions of years. A s far as anyone knows does the dogs of today, among others, originally descend from the miacids, which lived 50 million years ago. This animal was the forebear of the cat, raccoon, bear, hyena, and civet, as well as of the wolf, fox, jackal, and dog. Miacis, undoubtedly a tree climber, probably also lived in a den.

The fossil record shows three main groups of dogs.

The first group evolved in North America about 40 million years ago. Fossil evidence tells us that these first dogs looked like a cross between a weasel and fox. The name Hesperocyon means "western dog." The hesperocyonines became extinct about 15 million years ago.

The second group, the borophagines, began flourishing about 34 million years ago and were larger hyena-like animals with huge jaw muscles and sturdy teeth. They became extinct about 2.5 million years ago.

The third group, the canines, includes the extinct dire wolf and all living species of canines. This group occurred only in North America until about 7 million years ago, when some species crossed a land bridge to Asia.

Dogs are probably the descendants of the grey wolf. The first demonstrable signs of relationships between man and wolves date back to 10.000 to 15.000 years ago.


A wolf-like ancestor of the dog was probably the first animal to be domesticated by humans - more than 10,000 years ago. Our relationship has come a long way since.

W During the Middle Ages, people started seeing dogs as status symbols. The number of dog breeds started to increase enormously. This is still happening today.The dog evolved in the company of humans and cannot exist without them. That relationship has become so intimate that dogs are often viewed as creatures apart - neither person nor beast. The ancients saw dogs as messengers between the living and the dead. Today dogs are often used in experiments that might threaten human lives.


The normal life span of a small or medium-size dog is about 15 years. A large dog lives only about ten years, however. On the average, a ten-month-old dog is sexually mature. Whelping is usually a painless task. The bitch licks the pups as dry as she can. The puppies draw nourishing milk from their mother until 4 months of age, until they are weaned, or given food more solid than milk to eat. The puppy's eyes, which are closed at birth, open when it is between one and two weeks old. By the time it reaches its first birthday a puppy is considered a dog,although sexually mature beforehand. When a dog reaches old age, its eyes begin to weaken. The hair on its muzzle turns grey. The old dog begins to feel numerous aches and pains and might become easily irritated and snap at members of the family.


Dogs have in similarity to wolves 78 chromosomes. They have well-developed teeth with visible adjusting towards meat diet. The skeleton of the dog is made of about 300 bones, of which some 20 is caudal vertebras. The dog lacks collar bone.

Dogs like to sleep a lot and they are equipped with an urge to keep themselves somewhat clean. The dog should be able to live in a dry place and have great freedom to move about. It must be given the opportunity to relieve itself at least three times a day.

If the dog holds its tail high and wags it, the animal is happy and confident. If it drops its tail and remains still, the dog is apprehensive. If it pulls its tail between its legs, the dog is afraid.


The English Mastiff and the St. Bernhard dog is regarded as the heaviest breeds. The individual record is held by an English Mastiff, Zorba, in 1989 weighing 155,6 kg. Zorba, is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as heaviest dog in the world.

The smallest full grown dog, a Yorkshireterrier, weighed in 1944 merely 113 gram. The yorkshireterrier constitutes along with the Chihuaha and the toy poodle the smallest breeds.


The German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherds are also known as Alsatians and were originally bred as herding dogs.The dogs height: 60-65 cm and weight: 35-40 kg. The coat may besolid black, grey, tan or gold. Its ears are medium sized and set high and erect. The neck is strong and muscular. The tail is bushy, set low.

German ShepherdDogs are intelligent, responsive, solid temperament.They love their own children in the family, but may be suspicious of other children. They loveother pets, if trained from puppyhood to accept other pets.German Shepherd Dogs are very good watch-dogs and guard-dogs. This versatile breed has well-earned the reputation as family companion, guide dog, police dog, and, of course, herder. They are excellent travellers and love to ride in the car for long trips. They are truly a companion and can be taken everywhere - fishing, swimming, boating, hiking, etc.Their life span is 12 - 13 years.

The German Shepherd needs a large open yard. They are extremely intelligent and make a wonderful companion, show or obedience dog. The German Shepherd is exceptionally trainable, but sometimes the training is not easy as they are intelligent and will try to think of ways to avoid doing what you are asking.

The Newfoundland dog

The Newfoundlands are now used primarily as watchdogs and companions.The Newfoundland is a large dog.Males can grow to 70 cm tall, and weigh 65 kg; the females are slightly smaller.This breed of dog has an impressive barrel chest. Its double coat is dense and water-resistant. Most Newfies are black, but brown, and grey varieties exist, as well as the striking black-and-white "Landseer". They drool, they shed. Shedding of the undercoat is twice a year. Newfies have short life spans. These dogs only live an average of 8 to 10 years.

Newfoundland dogs are even tempered, intelligent, and confident.This dog is good-humoured, gentle, friendly with all living creatures, and will protect its family if necessary. The Newfoundland is famous for his gentleness, protectiveness and love of children. (Nana in the original Peter Pan was a Newfoundland.) This breed will be a good friend to any other dog, animal or visitor with good intentions. The Newfoundland is very sensitive to the tone of your voice. Training must be calm and consistent.

The Newfoundland dog is at home in the water as he is on land. The breed is also born with the instinct to lifesaving and numerous documented records exist of rescuing human beings from drowning by the Newfoundland.

The Rottweiler

Today this dog is one of the most popular in the world. The Rottweiler has a massive, powerful body. He is always black with rust to mahogany markings,spot over each eye. His height: 61-69 cm and weight: 43-59 kg. The Rottweiler is basically a calm, confident and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness. He is self-confident and responds quietly. Intelligence low to medium.Activity level ishigh outdoors, low indoors. A very good watchdog.The Rottweiler is dominant to other dogs, may fight, chase, or kill livestock. May be aggressive towards a child if provoked by teasing or roughhousing.The Rottweiler´s life span is10-12 years.

They can be dangerous dogs if not raised the correct way. A Rottweiler has it in his blood that tells him that anything that breathes or moves is not welcome in ‘his’ household, UNLESS his owner says it is okay.