Interview Questions Template
General Characteristics
1 Why did you apply for the position with our company?
2 Tell me about what you know about our company, and why this position appealed to you?
3 Tell me about the best job you ever had? Why was it so good?
4 What did your least favorite aspect of your last position? What did you like best?
5 Do you consider yourself a negative or positive person?
6 Tell me about a typical day in your last job.
7 Tell me about the type of people you like to work with? What are their characteristics? How do they work?
8 Can you tell me about a time in which you experienced conflict or had a problem with the way on of your peers handled a situation? How did you handle the situation?
9 Same question, but about a supervisor?
10 In your past experience, have you ever been in a situation where a procedure or process that you were required to follow stated to do something one way, but you knew there was a better way to handle it? Can you tell me about the process and how you handled this conflict?
11 Tell me about a time when one of the companies you worked for handed something down the chain of command ( a policy, procedure etc.) that you did not agree with? What did you do? How did you handle it?
Questions on Core Values to determine behavioral fit:
[COMPANY NAME] team members are governed by a guiding set of principles that each of us from the President to the Operations coordinators strive to live by and endeavor to obtain.
Through our experience we’ve founded that these aren’t learned principles that we’ve had to push on people, but rather something that is ingrained in the way people operate.
I would like to ask you a few questions around these core values to help gain a better understanding
1 Our first core value is referred to as a standard of excellence in all that we do. This calls us to be exceptional in the ordinary things, faithful and diligent in the little things and trustworthy when nobody’s looking. Based upon your past experience can you relate a time when you exhibited a standard of excellence in your professional life?
2 Another of our core values is to create a WOW experience in our clients. This core value correlates with the standard of excellence, but reminds us that we must approach each project, task, phone call or interaction with our clients where they leave with a feeling of WOW; they care, they understand us, they resolved that quickly, they are competent, I wish I had staff like that etc. Can you tell me about a time when you created a WOW experience for someone at a professional level?
3 Our team members focus on creating solutions that represent a mutually beneficial outcome between employer and employee, company and client, company and vendor and employee and employee. We call this concept “win/win”. Based upon your past employment experience can you describe a difficult scenario in which you create a win/win environment?
4 One of our most important core values that we strive to obtain is to be a charitable organization. This calls each of us to be involved as an active member of the community, volunteer time, help mobilize efforts, demonstrate compassion give monetarily etc. On personal or professional level do you currently belong to any organization that promotes this cause?
Specific Work Experience Questions
Procedure Exercise:
You have the following items sitting on a countertop:
● Loaf of unopened bread
● Unopened jar of peanut butter
● Unopened jar of jam
● A knife
● A plate
In the next few minutes, take a moment to write a procedure that details how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using the materials listed above.
Legal Disclaimer: The Interview Questions Template is intended for informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal information or advice. This information and all HR Support Center materials are provided in consultation with federal and state statutes, and do not encompass other regulations that may exist, such as local ordinances. Transmission of documents or information through the HR Support Center does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, you are encouraged to consult an attorney.