1. Meeting Called to Orderat 3:33PM.
  2. Roll Call – See Secretary’s records.
  3. Approval of Minutes (with corrections)
  4. 2.12.13
  5. Motion by Nicole S, Second by Travis
  6. All in favor, Motion passes.
  7. Guests
  8. Theresa Acardi
  9. Director of Career Development Center
  10. Goal is to create a buzz on campus and get more students into the Career Development Center.
  11. Services are free!
  12. Upcoming events (see handout) – please do your best to attend!
  13. Career Month beginning March 7th!
  14. Life coach coming in to speak on leading skills for life.
  15. Spring Career Fair coming up on April 5th.
  16. Please spread word of center to other clubs on campus.
  17. Resume Review Workshop also coming soon.
  18. Career Fair Prep Workshop on March 21st!
  19. Open to suggestions, please stop in with suggestions!
  20. Cody Snapp
  21. Please like/follow the various social media outlets.
  22. Spread the word to other students!
  23. Please use the hashtag “#MolloyLife”
  24. Committees – No dates to report.
  25. Priorities & Planning (P&P)
  26. Financial Resources
  27. Undergraduate Academic Policies & Programs Committee (UAPP)
  28. Community & Campus Life
  29. Alumni Association
  30. Legislative Officer Reports
  31. Residence Hall
  32. No update
  33. Public Relations
  34. No update
  35. Community Service
  36. St. Baldrick’s Day
  37. Working on donations for raffles.
  38. If you’re interested in joining the committee please let Kerri or Gemma know.
  39. Everyone please do your best to help out with the event and sign up on the signup sheet via
  40. Each MSG member is required to bring in one baked good
  41. Academic Board
  42. No change
  43. Class Officers
  44. Seniors
  45. Class meeting
  46. March 7th at 4PM.
  47. Juniors
  48. Toga party
  49. April 4th
  50. $2 non-Molloy, Free for Molloy
  51. Beer with Seniors.
  52. PR on Facebook almost 100 confirmations already
  53. Flyers and posters will be up soon.
  54. Dressing up in Togas handing out invitations two weeks prior to the event
  55. Motion for $1,200 including decorations, food, DJ, Toga costumes for PR, sidewalk chalk, etc.
  56. Motion by Connor, Second by Juliana
  57. All in favor, Motion passes.
  58. Kanjam
  59. Tentative date waiting for confirmation with Janine (April 18th at 3:30 PM).
  60. Thinking about doing it on the day of Boxtown right before the events
  61. $10 per team to enter (between 20 and 30 teams)
  62. Prizes are gift cards to the bookstore, Molloy sweatshirts, and possibly getting two reserved parking spots on Molloy campus for the winners.
  63. Amanda recommends scheduling a raindate.
  64. Motion for $400 for pizza and prizes
  65. Motion by Connor, Second by Jess
  66. All in favor, Motion passes.
  67. Sophomores
  68. Bachelor auction
  69. March 6th at 6PM
  70. PR will be up by Friday as will the application.
  71. Price for dinner still in works, will motion next week.
  72. Class Meeting
  73. 5PM Today.
  74. Freshmen
  75. Freshman class open forum
  76. Wednesday February 20th 5:30pm
  77. H.O.P.E.
  78. No update
  79. S.A.A.C
  80. Thank you for attending White Out!

5.Executive Board Reports

  1. President
  2. St. Baldrick’s Day- E-Board has been organizing and moving forward on St. Baldrick’s Day to assist Community Service
  3. Special elections
  4. There are vacant spots (2 Community Service and Sophomore Class Historian)
  5. Check emails for more info.
  6. Vice President
  7. Constitution
  8. Thank you for concerns and suggestions
  9. Constitution will be drafted the week after Spring Break so it will be ready before elections for next year.
  10. Treasurer
  11. Budgets and Fundraised – Numbers are current.

Budget / Fundraised
1. / MSG / $32, 369.84 / $ 22,750.34
2. / Programming / $17, 335.41 / -
3. / Seniors / $5, 485.81 / $1,590
4. / Juniors / $ 2,734.00 / $1,323
5. / Sophomores / $ 2,930.72 / $1,407
6. / Freshmen / $ 2,045.05 / $ 331.00
  1. Student Activities Coordinator
  2. No change
  3. Programming Coordinator
  4. Stuff-A-Bear
  5. $553 raised for National Marfan Foundation in Port Washington
  6. Approximately $70 dollars in donations.
  7. Thank you for your help everyone!!!
  8. Secretary
  9. Constitution Quote
  1. Old/Unfinished Business
  2. Motion for $1,000 for the remaining money needed for Gala Photos
  3. Motion by Nicole, Second by Joe
  4. Abstaining: Craig, Liz
  5. Motion passes
  6. Amanda has resigned from Community Service due to Academics but she will attend meetings and events and plans on running in April.
  7. Regarding the Smart Board being placed in the Information Commons (from Student Forum) Mike L has a meeting tomorrow regarding
  8. New Business
  9. Video Game Tournament being planned by Senior Class with LEAD and Anime club.
  10. Fundraised money will be donated to a charity for disabled gamers.


  • Blizzard of Bucks – TONIGHT @ 8PM in Madison Theater
  • Home Basketball Games – Saturday, February 23, 2013 @ 12PM & 3PM
  • MSG Hangout – Friday, February 22, 2013
  • Room and time will be sent out ASAP
  • Movie/Game night!
  • Orientation Leader Applications are due soon – please apply!
  • Sign up for Relay for Life!!! (April 19th 7PM-7AM)
  1. Adjournment
  2. Motion to Adjourn meeting at 4:11PM
  3. Motion by Anthony, Second by Connor
  4. All in favor, Motion passes.