Appendix 2. Search strategies

Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to Present

# / Searches
1 / exp neoplasms/
2 / stem cell transplantation/ or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation/
3 / transplantation, autologous/ or transplantation, homologous/ or transplantation, isogeneic/
4 / allografts/ or autografts/ or isografts/
5 / 2 and (3 or 4)
6 / ("transplantation* haematopoietic stem cell" or "transplantation* hematopoietic stem cell" or "stem cell transplantation*" or "transplantation* stem cell").tw,kf.
7 / ("allo inplant" or "allogeneic graft*" or "allogeneic transplantation*" or "allogenic transplantation*" or "allograft*" or "alloplastic graft" or "alloplastic implant" or "allotransplant*" or "autogenous graft" or "autograft*" or "autologous transplantation*" or "autotransplantation*" or "graft,allogenic" or "graft,homologous" or "graft,iso" or "graft,syngeneic" or "homograft*" or "homoiotransplantation*" or "homologous graft" or "homologous transplantation*" or "homotransplantation*" or "isogeneic graft" or "isogeneic transplantation*" or "isograft*" or "isologous graft" or "isotransplantation*" or "organ homotransplantation*" or "syngeneic graft" or "syngeneic transplantation*" or "transplantation* allogeneic" or "transplantation* autologous" or "transplantation* homologous" or "transplantation* isogeneic" or "transplantation* isograft" or "transplantation* syngeneic" or "transplantation*, homologous" or "transplantation*, isogeneic" or "transplant,homo" or "transplant,iso").tw,kf.
8 / 6 and 7
9 / ("autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "autologous stem cell transplant*" or "autologous stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic stem cell transplant*" or "allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant*").mp.
10 / 1 or 5 or 8 or 9
11 / 10 not (exp animals/ not
12 / anxiety/
13 / anxiety disorders/
14 / ((angst or anxiousness or apprehension or anxiety or nervousness or hypervigilance or anxieties or worry) adj10 (measur* or evaluat* or assess* or scale or scales or inventory or index or score*)).tw,kf.
15 / ("anxiety sensitivity index" or "beck anxiety inventory" or "death anxiety scale" or "depression anxiety stress scale" or "hamilton anxiety scale" or "hamilton anxiety rating scale" or "hamilton scale for anxiety" or "hospital anxiety and depression scale" or "had scale" or "had score" or "hads" or "liebowitz social anxiety scale" or "self-rating anxiety scale" or "social interaction anxiety scale" or "sias (anxiety)" or "social phobia scale" or "state trait anxiety inventory" or "state and trait anxiety scale" or "y-bocs" or "yale brown" or "ybocs").tw,kf.
16 / 11 and 12
17 / 11 and 13
18 / 11 and 14
19 / 11 and 15
20 / or/16-19
21 / limit 20 to english language
22 / limit 21 to "all child (0 to 18 years)"
23 / (infan* or neonat* or newborn* or "new born*" or child* or adolescen* or juvenile or teen* or girl* or boy* or youth* or toddler* or paediatric* or pediatric*).mp.
24 / 21 and 23
25 / 22 or 24 [under 18]

Embase Classic+Embas 1947 to 2016 Week 25

# / Searches
1 / exp neoplasm/
2 / hematopoietic stem cell transplantation/ or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation/ or autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation/
3 / ("transplantation* haematopoietic stem cell" or "transplantation* hematopoietic stem cell" or "stem cell transplantation*" or "transplantation* stem cell").tw,kw.
4 / ("allo inplant" or "allogeneic graft*" or "allogeneic transplantation*" or "allogenic transplantation*" or "allograft*" or "alloplastic graft" or "alloplastic implant" or "allotransplant*" or "autogenous graft" or "autograft*" or "autologous transplantation*" or "autotransplantation*" or "graft,allogenic" or "graft,homologous" or "graft,iso" or "graft,syngeneic" or "homograft*" or "homoiotransplantation*" or "homologous graft" or "homologous transplantation*" or "homotransplantation*" or "isogeneic graft" or "isogeneic transplantation*" or "isograft*" or "isologous graft" or "isotransplantation*" or "organ homotransplantation*" or "syngeneic graft" or "syngeneic transplantation*" or "transplantation* allogeneic" or "transplantation* autologous" or "transplantation* homologous" or "transplantation* isogeneic" or "transplantation* isograft" or "transplantation* syngeneic" or "transplantation*, homologous" or "transplantation*, isogeneic" or "transplant,homo" or "transplant,iso").tw,kw.
5 / 3 and 4
6 / 1 or 2 or 5
7 / 6 not ((exp animal/ or nonhuman/) not exp human/)
8 / anxiety/
9 / anxiety disorders/
10 / anxiety assessment/ or anxiety sensitivity index/ or beck anxiety inventory/ or death anxiety scale/ or depression anxiety stress scale/ or hamilton anxiety scale/ or "hospital anxiety and depression scale"/ or liebowitz social anxiety scale/ or self-rating anxiety scale/ or social interaction anxiety scale/ or social phobia scale/ or state trait anxiety inventory/ or yale brown obsessive compulsive scale/
11 / ((angst or anxiousness or apprehension or anxiety or nervousness or hypervigilance or anxieties or worry) adj10 (measur* or evaluat* or assess* or scale or scales or inventory or index or score*)).tw,kw.
12 / ("anxiety sensitivity index" or "beck anxiety inventory" or "death anxiety scale" or "depression anxiety stress scale" or "hamilton anxiety scale" or "hamilton anxiety rating scale" or "hamilton scale for anxiety" or "hospital anxiety and depression scale" or "had scale" or "had score" or "hads" or "liebowitz social anxiety scale" or "self-rating anxiety scale" or "social interaction anxiety scale" or "sias (anxiety)" or "social phobia scale" or "state trait anxiety inventory" or "state and trait anxiety scale" or "y-bocs" or "yale brown" or "ybocs").tw,kw.
13 / 6 and 9
14 / 6 and 10
15 / 6 and 11
16 / 6 and 12
17 / or/13-16
18 / limit 17 to english language
19 / limit 18 to (infantor childor preschool child <1 to 6 years> or school child <7 to 12 years> or adolescent <13 to 17 years>)
20 / (infan* or neonat* or newborn* or "new born*" or child* or adolescen* or juvenile or teen* or girl* or boy* or youth* or toddler* or paediatric* or pediatric*).mp.
21 / 18 and 20
22 / 19 or 21
23 / limit 18 to (infantor childor preschool child <1 to 6 years> or school child <7 to 12 years> or adolescent <13 to 17 years>)

PsycINFO 1806 to June Week 3 2016

# / Searches
1 / exp neoplasms/
2 / ("autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "autologous stem cell transplant*" or "autologous stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic stem cell transplant*" or "allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant*").mp.
3 / ("transplantation* haematopoietic stem cell" or "transplantation* hematopoietic stem cell" or "stem cell transplantation*" or "transplantation* stem cell").mp.
4 / ("allo inplant" or "allogeneic graft*" or "allogeneic transplantation*" or "allogenic transplantation*" or "allograft*" or "alloplastic graft" or "alloplastic implant" or "allotransplant*" or "autogenous graft" or "autograft*" or "autologous transplantation*" or "autotransplantation*" or "graft,allogenic" or "graft,homologous" or "graft,iso" or "graft,syngeneic" or "homograft*" or "homoiotransplantation*" or "homologous graft" or "homologous transplantation*" or "homotransplantation*" or "isogeneic graft" or "isogeneic transplantation*" or "isograft*" or "isologous graft" or "isotransplantation*" or "organ homotransplantation*" or "syngeneic graft" or "syngeneic transplantation*" or "transplantation* allogeneic" or "transplantation* autologous" or "transplantation* homologous" or "transplantation* isogeneic" or "transplantation* isograft" or "transplantation* syngeneic" or "transplantation*, homologous" or "transplantation*, isogeneic" or "transplant,homo" or "transplant,iso").mp.
5 / 3 and 4
6 / 1 or 2 or 5
7 / 6 not exp animals/
8 / anxiety/
9 / anxiety disorders/
10 / ((angst or anxiousness or apprehension or anxiety or nervousness or hypervigilance or anxieties or worry) adj10 (measur* or evaluat* or assess* or scale or scales or inventory or index or score*)).tw,id.
11 / ("anxiety sensitivity index" or "beck anxiety inventory" or "death anxiety scale" or "depression anxiety stress scale" or "hamilton anxiety scale" or "hamilton anxiety rating scale" or "hamilton scale for anxiety" or "hospital anxiety and depression scale" or "had scale" or "had score" or "hads" or "liebowitz social anxiety scale" or "self-rating anxiety scale" or "social interaction anxiety scale" or "sias (anxiety)" or "social phobia scale" or "state trait anxiety inventory" or "state and trait anxiety scale" or "y-bocs" or "yale brown" or "ybocs").tw,id.
12 / 7 and 8
13 / 7 and 9
14 / 7 and 10
15 / 7 and 11
16 / or/12-15
17 / limit 16 to english language
18 / limit 17 to (100 childhoodor 120 neonatalor 140 infancy <2 to 23 mo> or 160 preschool ageor 180 school ageor 200 adolescence)
19 / (infan* or neonat* or newborn* or "new born*" or child* or adolescen* or juvenile or teen* or girl* or boy* or youth* or toddler* or paediatric* or pediatric*).mp.
20 / 17 and 19
21 / 18 or 20
22 / limit 17 to (100 childhoodor 120 neonatalor 140 infancy <2 to 23 mo> or 160 preschool ageor 180 school ageor 200 adolescenceor 320 young adulthood

Health and Psychosocial Instruments 1985 to April 2016

# / Searches
1 / neoplas*.mp.
2 / ("autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "autologous stem cell transplant*" or "autologous stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic stem cell transplant*" or "allogenic stem cell transplant*" or "allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant*" or "allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant*").mp.
3 / ("transplantation* haematopoietic stem cell" or "transplantation* hematopoietic stem cell" or "stem cell transplantation*" or "transplantation* stem cell").mp.
4 / ("allo inplant" or "allogeneic graft*" or "allogeneic transplantation*" or "allogenic transplantation*" or "allograft*" or "alloplastic graft" or "alloplastic implant" or "allotransplant*" or "autogenous graft" or "autograft*" or "autologous transplantation*" or "autotransplantation*" or "graft,allogenic" or "graft,homologous" or "graft,iso" or "graft,syngeneic" or "homograft*" or "homoiotransplantation*" or "homologous graft" or "homologous transplantation*" or "homotransplantation*" or "isogeneic graft" or "isogeneic transplantation*" or "isograft*" or "isologous graft" or "isotransplantation*" or "organ homotransplantation*" or "syngeneic graft" or "syngeneic transplantation*" or "transplantation* allogeneic" or "transplantation* autologous" or "transplantation* homologous" or "transplantation* isogeneic" or "transplantation* isograft" or "transplantation* syngeneic" or "transplantation*, homologous" or "transplantation*, isogeneic" or "transplant,homo" or "transplant,iso").mp.
5 / 3 and 4
6 / 1 or 2 or 5
7 / ((angst or anxiousness or apprehension or anxiety or nervousness or hypervigilance or anxieties or worry) adj10 (measur* or evaluat* or assess* or scale or scales or inventory or index or score*)).mp.
8 / ("anxiety sensitivity index" or "beck anxiety inventory" or "death anxiety scale" or "depression anxiety stress scale" or "hamilton anxiety scale" or "hamilton anxiety rating scale" or "hamilton scale for anxiety" or "hospital anxiety and depression scale" or "had scale" or "had score" or "hads" or "liebowitz social anxiety scale" or "self-rating anxiety scale" or "social interaction anxiety scale" or "sias (anxiety)" or "social phobia scale" or "state trait anxiety inventory" or "state and trait anxiety scale" or "y-bocs" or "yale brown" or "ybocs").mp.
9 / 7 or 8
10 / 6 and 9
11 / limit 10 to english language
12 / (infan* or neonat* or newborn* or "new born*" or child* or adolescen* or juvenile or teen* or girl* or boy* or youth* or toddler* or paediatric* or pediatric*).mp.
13 / 11 and 12


# / Query / Limiters/Expanders
S23 / S20 AND (S21 OR S22) / Limiters- English Language
Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S22 / TX (infan* or neonat* or newborn* or "new born*" or child* or adolescen* or juvenile or teen* or girl* or boy* or youth* or toddler* or paediatric* or pediatric*) / Limiters- English Language
Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S21 / (MH "Adolescence") OR (MH "Child") OR (MH "Infant") OR (MH "Infant, Newborn+") / Limiters- English Language
Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S20 / S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 / Limiters- English Language
Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S19 / S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S18 / S10 AND S14 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S17 / S10 AND S13 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S16 / S10 AND S12 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S15 / S10 AND S11 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S14 / TX ("anxiety sensitivity index" or "beck anxiety inventory" or "death anxiety scale" or "depression anxiety stress scale" or "hamilton anxiety scale" or "hamilton anxiety rating scale" or "hamilton scale for anxiety" or "hospital anxiety and depression scale" or "had scale" or "had score" or "hads" or "liebowitz social anxiety scale" or "self-rating anxiety scale" or "social interaction anxiety scale" or "sias (anxiety)" or "social phobia scale" or "state trait anxiety inventory" or "state and trait anxiety scale" or "y-bocs" or "yale brown" or "ybocs") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S13 / TX ((angst or anxiousness or apprehension or anxiety or nervousness or hypervigilance or anxieties or worry) N10 (measur* or evaluat* or assess* or scale or scales or inventory or index or score*)) / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S12 / (MH "Anxiety Disorders") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S11 / (MH "Anxiety") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S10 / S8 NOT S9 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S9 / (MH "Animals+") NOT (MH "Human") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S8 / S1 OR S4 OR S7 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S7 / S5 AND S6 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S6 / TX ("allo inplant" or "allogeneic graft*" or "allogeneic transplantation*" or "allogenic transplantation*" or "allograft*" or "alloplastic graft" or "alloplastic implant" or "allotransplant*" or "autogenous graft" or "autograft*" or "autologous transplantation*" or "autotransplantation*" or "graft,allogenic" or "graft,homologous" or "graft,iso" or "graft,syngeneic" or "homograft*" or "homoiotransplantation*" or "homologous graft" or "homologous transplantation*" or "homotransplantation*" or "isogeneic graft" or "isogeneic transplantation*" or "isograft*" or "isologous graft" or "isotransplantation*" or "organ homotransplantation*" or "syngeneic graft" or "syngeneic transplantation*" or "transplantation* allogeneic" or "transplantation* autologous" or "transplantation* homologous" or "transplantation* isogeneic" or "transplantation* isograft" or "transplantation* syngeneic" or "transplantation*, homologous" or "transplantation*, isogeneic" or "transplant,homo" or "transplant,iso") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S5 / TX ("transplantation* haematopoietic stem cell" or "transplantation* hematopoietic stem cell" or "stem cell transplantation*" or "transplantation* stem cell") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S4 / S2 AND S3 / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S3 / (MH "Allografts") OR (MH "Autografts") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S2 / (MH "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase
S1 / (MH "Neoplasms+") / Search modes- Boolean/Phrase