March 14th – 18th, 2016
Spelling: Latin Roots
1. describe 11. subscription
2. interruption 12. spectacular
3. inspection 13. eruption
4. scribble 14. eject
5. respectful 15. abruptly
6. bankrupt 16. prescribe
7. project 17. reject
8. injection 18. aspect
9. manuscript 19. rupture
10. suspect 20. inscribe
Monday: Write words 1-7 10x’s each
Tuesday: Write words 8 -14 10x’s each
Wednesday: Write words 15-20 10x’s each
Thursday: Spelling Pretest; Study all words for Quiz tomorrow
Friday: Spelling Quiz
Math: Mrs. McMillan
Monday: Gallon Worksheet
Tuesday: Ruby’s Ribbons Worksheet
Wednesday: Changing Units Worksheet
Thursday: Powerful Thirst Worksheet
Social Studies: Mrs. Hite
Monday – Wednesday: Study states, abbreviations, and locations for the states in the Great Lakes, Midwest, Northwest, and Southwest regions of the United States
Thursday: Test on the states, abbreviations, and locations for the Great Lakes, Midwest, Northwest, and Southwest regions of the United States
Pearl Upper Elementary...anchored in excellence!
Science: Mrs. Hite
Chapter 2: Reproduction and Survival
Monday: Chapter 2, Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Wednesday: WB Chapter 2, Lesson 1 Test (WB p. 20)
Language Arts: Mrs. Goff
Text: The Mystery of St. Matthew Island
Monday: Reading Worksheet
Tuesday: Reading Worksheet; Study Vocabulary Terms
Wednesday: Study Vocabulary Terms for Quiz tomorrow
Thursday: Vocabulary/Reading Test (in class)
***Your student has received a new reading log for the 4th 9 Weeks. Please ensure that he/she is reading each night and filling out the reading log!
**This Thursday, March 17th: 3rd 9 Weeks Report Cards Issued. Please return on Friday, March 18th.
**Pearl Upper will be collecting money for the March of Dimes from now until April 21st. Students will be allowed to purchase tickets to be displayed outside of their classrooms for $1.00. If students purchase 5 tickets, they will be allowed to participate in a “no uniform” day on Thursday, April 21st. The top 4th and 5th grade classes will also receive a popcorn party on this day.
**March 25th & 28th: Easter Holidays—no school.
**April 29th: Birmingham Field Trip
**Please review the policy for the behavior chart for the Birmingham Field Trip. See your child’s signed papers for the # of X’s accumulated thus far.