Jeff Harteveldt - Commodore



Dear NRSC Member,

At last Déjà Vu is in the water. If like me, you have been working to get your boat ready for lift in, it’s a big relief to finally see her lowered into the water and float! Apart from the water intake pipe showing a leaky fitting, I took her on her first motor to the Anchorage this morning with Margaret to drop off a few bits and pieces, including installing the defibrillator in to the box.

To remind you all, the code is the same as the door and gate code. Only members know this. If the public need to use it they must follow the instructions on the side of the box, phoning 999. They will then be given the code to use the defibrillator.

A couple of weeks ago, around 30 members enjoyed an afternoon at John Blackburn’s farm followed by tea and cake. This was a very successful Club ‘do’, and my thanks go to Jennie and John for hosting this.

The following weekend, we held our annual Fitting Out Supper. Unfortunately some members were unable to come, therefore our numbers were down slightly from last year. However 53 members braved the elements and enjoyed a wonderful buffet, organized by Margaret and supported by Maggie Lomax, Mim Parkinson. My thanks also to Tom Parkinson, Clive Wright, Alex McDermid and Annette and Colin Gray for their work during the evening. Several members also helped with setting up and clearing away and my thanks also go to them too.

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” William Arthur Ward


The cruise this year will be from 9th to 15th June and is being organised by Mike and Monica Powell.

The itinerary details will be worked out in the next couple of weeks and then circulated. So, if you are interested in coming on the cruise make a note in your diary, keep fingers crossed and pray for good weather!

Summer ‘Garden Party’.

Neil and Dierdre Sutherland would like to host a garden party at their house in Horning. The date to mark in your diaries is 4th August from 2pm to 6pm. Details about this will be circulated sometime in the future.

Soup and Sail

On Saturday 7th April, we would like to invite as many NRSC members with boats, to come to the Anchorage for Midday for soup and rolls, followed by a Club group sail up river towards Thurne around 1:30pm. It would be helpful if you would indicate if you intend to come, so we can organise the soup. I look forward to seeing you there.

East Coast Cruise

Another established sailing activity is the East Coast Cruise. You will know that the dates for this is scheduled for 14th to 27th July. It would be useful too, to know how many boats are interested in coming. Just an indication with no commitment at this stage. Would you please drop Nigel Wordingham a line as soon as possible.

Each year the Club helps with Collection for the RNLI, in and around Wroxham centre. Mim Parkinson needs a little more help for just an hour. If you can spare the time, please would you contact her.

Spring Trophy – Barton; 21st and 22nd April

I have attached the various forms for the first race of the season on Barton Broad. Please try to support our races. After the last race of the Sunday, we have been invited back to Jane Mitchells for tea/coffee and cake. My thanks in advance for the kind invitation from Jane.


If you want advice, ask about rules etc, just contact a Committee member who will be happy to pass on your details to a member who can help. Otherwise, come along to one of the Soup and Sail days, when you will be given all the information and help you need from the experts!

For any Helm, thinking of racing in any of the races this season, you MUST complete the attached Indemnity Form and return it to

Pio Altarelli before your first race.

Meal at Vera’s, WayfordBridge.

As last year, we have again organised a Club meal at Meals Garden Centre – Vera’s Restaurant on the evening of the first race day- Saturday 21st April. Last year some 45 members came along to the meal!

I will send out the details for this in a week’s time, rather than over-loading you all with too much information with this newsletter.

Rules of the Road

Best wishes for a good sailing season

Jeff Harteveldt
