Personal DetailsName:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
Email Address:
Authority to work in the UK
Are you authorised to work in the UK as either an EU citizen or by holding a valid permit to work in the UK?
How did you hear about this vacancy?
☐ Social Media
☐ Our job alerts email
☐ Our website
☐ C3SC
☐ Indeed
☐ Search engine
☐ Reed
☐Referral by current ChwaraeTeg employee (Please specify):
☐Word of mouth
☐Other (Please specify):
Secondment opportunity
Are you applying for this role as a secondment opportunity, supported by your current employer?
☐ Yes
☐ No
The Role and You
Why are you passionate about helping women achieve and prosper?
What excites you about this role?
Please tell us about the skills, experience and knowledge that would enable you to be successful in this role? (Please refer to the points in the person specification within the job description)
Please give us 3 specific examples of work successes/achievements?
What key attributes would you say you can bring to our company?
Present Employment
Name of organisation:
Position held:
Date appointed:
Main Duties and responsibilities:
Previous Employment
Employer name / Job title / Start date – End date / Reason for leaving
Relevant Qualifications and Personal Development
School/College/University / Qualification / Date
Please can you provide us with details of 2 professional references, including one from your current/ most recent employer:
Company name / Referee name / Referee’s relationship to you / Referee contact telephone number and email address / Is this your current employer? / Dates you were employed at this company –
from – to / May we contact this referee prior to your acceptance of any job offer made?
Before a formal offer of appointment is made, Chwarae Teg will seek verification of the details provided by the successful candidate about their present/most recent employment. The successful candidate will also have to produce evidence of relevant qualifications and proof that they are eligible to work in the UK.
I understand that information supplied on this application form may be used for monitoring purposes. I agree that, subject to a formal offer of employment being made, references may be obtained.
The statements made by me in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Any false statement may be sufficient cause for rejection or, if employed, dismissal.
Signed: Date:
Please complete and return the Equal Opportunities monitoring form alongside your application form. Without both documents your application will not be processed.
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