Meeting of September 23, 2016
North Campus, 1st Floor Public Meeting Room #125E
1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, Texas
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian called the meeting to order at 1:01p.m.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item B., Roll Call, Certification of Quorum, and Introductions. Board members present Patricia Brannon, Cheval Bryant, Michelle Tejada, Cristen Plummer, Sherry Sancibrian, and. Dr. Tammy Camp.Board members Karl Hummel and Manny Bodner were absent. A quorum was present.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item C., Approval of the Minutes – February 24, 2016. Board memberPatricia Brannon, seconded by Cheval Bryant, made a motion to accept the minutes with the edits requested by Board member Tejada. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item D., Public Comment. There was no public comment at this time.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item E.1., Staff Reports - Executive Office. George Ferrie, Division Director and Mary Winston, Attorney, provide an update on the personnel changes; transition of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Program from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) and the Strategic Planning Process and External Strategic Planning Sessions.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item E.2., Staff Reports. Staff Reports - General Counsel. Wendy Pellow, Assistant General Counsel reported that the rules were adopted by the Commission and takes effect October 1, 2016.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item E.3., Staff Reports. Staff Reports - Compliance Division. Steven Mills, Program Manager, reported personnel updates and the transition process. Mr. Mills answered questions from the Board on points of contact and standard questions.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item E.4., Staff Reports. Staff Reports - Education and Examination Division. Ray Pizarro, Division Directorreported on the exam review and development process and answered questions from the board on the JP exam.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item E.5., Staff Reports. Staff Reports - Enforcement Division. Karen Cox, Staff Attorney presented an overview of the Enforcement Divisioncomplaint process and key statistic that will be collected i.e. penalty amounts, sources of complaints, case outcomes among others items.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item E.6., Staff Reports. Staff Reports - Licensing Division. Leonard Rivas, Section Manager reported that licensing is ready to get started..
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item E.7., Staff Reports. Department of State Health Services. No report was provided.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian passed item F., Update from work groups and possible recommendations:
- Enforcement workgroup to review and make recommendations regarding criminal conviction guidelines, the penalty matrix, and other enforcement related matters and rules. Christina Kaiser reported that the workgroup meet via telephone and will continue to meet to discuss subject matter experts and development of the penalty matrix.
2.Licensing workgroup to review and make recommendations regarding licensing requirements and rules, inspections and compliance, and other administrative matters. The board has not meet and no action was taken.
- Education and Examination workgroup to review and make recommendations regarding education and examination, continuing education requirements, and rules. The board has not meet and no action was taken.
4.Standard of Care workgroup to review and make recommendations regarding standard of care matters and rules. The board has not meet and no action was taken.
The board asked questions on the status of workgroups and staff reported that workgroup meetings will start after the October 3, 2016 transition.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian to agenda item G.,Recommendations for agenda items for next Board meeting. The Board decided to place the following items on the agenda: staff reports and update on the transition.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item H.,Discussion of date, time, and location of next Board meeting. The next meeting will be held Friday,February 24, 2017 at 10:30a.m.
Presiding Officer, Sherry Sancibrian moved to agenda item J.Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 2:24 p.m.
Sherry Sancibrian, Presiding Officer
Speech-Language Pathologists and
Audiologists Advisory Board