23-24 March 2006
Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health:
1. Exchange of views and possible final opinion on draft Commission directive amending the Annexes to Council Directives 76/895/EEC, 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC as regards maximum residue levels for: captan, folpet, carbaryl, deltamethrin dichlorvos, endosulfan, ethion, fenithrothion, methidathion and oxamyl. (SANCO/10105/2005).
2. Exchange of views and possible final opinion on draft Commission directive amending the Annexes to Council Directives 76/895/EEC, 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC as regards maximum residue levels for: aldicarb, atrazinen, azinphos-ethyl, cyfluthrin, ethephon, fenthion, methamidophos, methomyl/thiodicarb, paraquatand triazophos. (SANCO/10432/2005).
3. Exchange of views and possible final opinion on draft Commission directive amending the Annexes to Council Directives 76/895/EEC, 86/362/EEC, 86/363/EEC and 90/642/EEC as regards maximum residue levels for desmedipham, phenmedipham and chlorfenvinphos (SANCO/10484/2005 rev 2)
4. Exchange of views and final opinion on draft Commission directive amending the Annexes to Council Directive 90/642/EEC as regards the maximum residue levels of trifloxystrobin, thiabendazole, abamectin, benomyl, carbendazim thiophanate-methyl myclobutanyl glyphosate, trimethylsulfonium, fenpropimorph and chlormequat (SANCO/10106/2006).
5. Exchange of views and agreement on SPS notification on MRLs for the recent inclusions of the Existing Active Substances: MPCA, MPCB, and the New Active Substances: tepraloxydim, bifenazate, ethoxazole, (SANCO/10230/2006).
6. Exchange of views and agreement on SPS notification on MRLs for dithiocarbamates. (SANCO/ 10234/2006)
7. Exchange of views and possible agreement on a default variability factor for the IESTI equation for short term intake assessment.
8. Exchange of views and possible agreement on Annex IV to Regulation 396/2005. (SANCO /10094/2006)
9. Annex III to Regulation 396/2005. State of play regarding the temporary MRLs.
10. Annex II to Regulation 396/2005. data Gathering.
11. The Committee is invited to take note of the document of "Quality Control Procedures for Pesticide Residues Analysis, 4rd Edition " (SANCO/10232/2006)
12. Information on pesticide residues CRL selected. NRL to be nominated Information on fruit and vegetables proficiency test 8(PT8)
13. CODEX: EU coordinated position. Additional comments.
14. 2007 monitoring recommendation( SANCO/10235/2006). Country profile (FVO)
15. EFSA plans
- AOB: information on the application on 29 March 2006 of the new Japanese pesticide residues legislation.