
Newscast project

Speech and Greek Mythology

Those crazy Greeks!! There is always something going on. In groups of 3-4 I want you to come up with a newscast that gives the news to the people of Ancient Greece as it is happening. You are the anchors, sportscasters and weather people. This is your opportunity to be creative and have fun with it! I want you to tell at least 5 stories as they are happening.

  • How would the people of ancient Greece have responded to them?
  • What would they have found important?
  • What would they have talked about for sports? Weather? Life?

Think about all of these things as you create your presentation. Watch the news to get some ideas. This project will be worth 100 points and will be double weighted. You will need to come up with a script so that everyone in your group knows his or her part. The newscast needs to be at least 7 minutes long. You will be graded not only on the content, which will be a large portion of the grade, but also on your presentation skills. Eye contact, vocal quality, and memorization will be a huge part of the grade as well.

Use your creativity for this project!!

Rubric for Greek Newscast

Group Members______

______Time at least 7 minutes (20 points)

______Content. At least 5 stories included in the newscast. Told the stories as if talking to the citizens of Ancient Greece. Well rehearsed and everyone knew what they were talking about. Everyone in the group had a part and the speaking parts were equal. (40 points)

______QualityPresentation. Group members do not rely on the script too much. We are able to hear every member and understand what they are saying. The group makes good eye contact and looks comfortable. Uses good speaking skills. (40 points)

Due: Monday, March 12th, 2007. You will have Monday, March 05, 2007, Thursday, March 8th and Friday, March 9th, 2007 to work on them in class. This could be done as a film, but it doesn’t have to be. You can present the newscast live to the class if this works better for your group. This will depend on your organizational skills because you need to organize your time with your group members in order to pull off the project. DO NOT wait until the last minute. I expect high quality and your grade will reflect the time you put into the project. Remember it will be a group grade.