Dr Gupta & Partner

Local Patient Participation Report

Date Published: 21st March 2014

A description of the profile of the members of the PPG:

The practice has 4091 patients registered with the practice on Friday 21st March 2014.
There are 26 patients in the Patient Representative Group.
The Practice Profile: The PRG Profile:
53% of Male registered patients 25% of Male in PPG
46% of Female register patients 75% of Female in PPG
The Ethnicity of Practice Profile: The Ethnicity of PPG
43% in white ethnicity 30% in white ethnicity
45% in Asian or British Asian ethnicity 50% in Asian or British Asian
29% in Black or British Black ethnicity 7% in Black or British Black Ethnicity
50% in Chinese/other ethnic group 12% in Chinese/other ethnic group

A description of what steps the Practice has taken to ensure that the PRG is representative of its registered patients and where a category of patients is not represented then what steps have been taken by the Practice in an attempt to engage with those patients:

Higham Hill Medical Centre patient participation group consists of 26 members. This year the practice actively tried to recruit patient from the Black or British Black Ethnicity group as we had no representative from this group last year. The practice reception staff identified the patient from this group that they had face to face contact with they were approached and requested to join the group. This was successful and we recruited 4 patients from this group.

How we agreed with the PRG the issues which are priority and should be included in the local practice survey.

The Higham Hill Patient Participation Group has 2 or 3 active members who helped the practice manager by contributing to set the priorities for the agenda for the first meeting. The meeting was a two way flow of information with the members making constructive contributions and the practice able to inform the members about the working and services offered in the practice. The areas where the action was taken following last year’s report were on the recommendation of the group, we reviewed the comments left on the NHS Choice and the comments left in the comment section from the previous survey.
Three main areas were agreed for inclusion in the 2014 survey at the December meeting. These were as a result of discussions and concerns raised at the meeting and from the comments left of the NHS Choice website.
·  Clinical Care - Patients wanted partnership in their relationship with the clinical staff. They needed good clear information and respect for their interest and prefencences.
·  Reception - Approachable reception staff, appointment availability, and telephone system.
·  Opening Hours – Appointment times, late surgery.

Local survey, collation of the results and sharing with the PRG.

We started the survey in the week commencing 20th January 2014. Forms were handed to patients either at the end of the consultations or by the receptionists when attending the surgery. We had notices in the waiting room advising patients that we were carrying out a survey and we would be grateful for their participation. We also gave the option to patients who wanted to do the survey online. We had a member of staff in the waiting room with pens and willing to help if any patients had difficulty completing the forms. We also allowed the forms to be taken away and returned when completed.
We gave out 110 forms and received back 108 replies. We decided to collate and analyse the result in-house, with the help of a reception staff and a member from the PRG. The numeric results were all positive and are available in the document below. The form had free text giving patients the opportunity to make comments that why wished to.
Please click the document to see the result of the survey and the comments left in the free text ;

Local practice survey result emailed to the PRG for discussion and feedback to reach an agreement for any changes in provision and manner of delivery of services.

The result of the survey and comments left in the free text was distributed electronically to the PRG on 3rd February 2014 and they were given till 10th February to response with comments and further discussion.
The result of the survey and the comments from the free text was reviewed by the GP partners at their weekly practice meeting.
From the 26 PRG members that was emailed the practice received 24 response back saying;
“well done, carry on with the good work”
“ Good work, nice to see majority are happy with the practice”
“agree with the comment the practice premises need uplift”
“agree the staff and doctors very friendly”
We were happy with the positive response from the PRG.

Action Plan agreed with the PRG

We found it a challenge to decide what the practice could implement as a change from the outcome of the local survey. We looked at the survey result, the free text comments and the PRG comments. The one issue that was repeated in the survey, PRG feedback and which the practice agreed was the premises of the practice.
On 17th February 2014 with the approval of the PRG we proposed the plan to give the practice uplift internally and externally. New entrance to the practice, replace all the flooring in regulation with the CQC and give the premises a fresh look by re-painting.
The work for the renovation started on weekend of 22nd February 2014, with painting of one consulting room at a time and the major building work over the weekend. One consulting room has been completed and has been in use from 24th February 2014 and we have got positive response from the patients and the PRG.

The Local Patient Participation Report for 2014

The Local Patient Participation report for 2014 has been published on the practice website;
In 2013 local patient participation report we said we would improve “ the speed of the telephone answered”
We looked into this and drafted a new policy of Telephone Procedure – answering phone. We also provided all our reception staff with in-house training with the help of the above policy.
For this year we have listened to your response in the local survey when you said “practice needs uplift”.
We listened and hopefully you would of noticed we are in the process of renovating the whole practice, internally with new painted walls and floor covering and externally a new entrance giving it the Health Centre look that you have told us that is lacking.
The Practice Opening Hours;
Monday 8am to 6.30pm (consulting hours 9am to 11.50pm and 4.20pm to 6.30pm)
Tuesday 8am to 7.15pm ( Consulting hours 9am to 11.50pm and 4.20pm to 7.15pm)
Wednesday 8am to 7.15pm ( consulting hours 9am to 11.50pm and 4.20pm to 7.15pm)
Thursday 8am to 1pm (consulting hours 9am to 11.50pm)
Friday 8am to 6.30pm (consulting hours 9am to 11.50pm and 4.20pmto 6.30pm)
The Practice Extended Hours;
We provide late evening appointments over 2 days in the week, Tuesday and Wednesday from 6.30pm to 7.15pm. Normally these appointments are booked for working people. In this year survey 25% of patient was happy with this arrangement.