Specialized Family Care s1


Specialized Family Care

Foster Parent Checklist

____ 1. Bedroom to be occupied by the foster child has enough living and storage space.

____ 2. Bedroom door and window opens to allow fire exit. If on an upper floor, a fire ladder may be necessary for escape. There are no locks or hasps that would prevent entrance or exit to bedrooms or closets.

____ 3. Foster child's room is within call of a responsible adult.

____ 4. Foster child's room is not used for another purpose at the same time.

____ 5. Foster child's room is not a closet, hall, stairway, unfinished basement, unfinished attic, garage, detached building, or shed.

____ 6. There is adequate drawer space and closet space for the foster child's possessions.

____ 7. Foster child will not share a room with a child of opposite sex six (6) years of age or older.

____ 8. Foster child will not share a bedroom with an adult.

____ 9. A foster parent's own child is not to be required to sleep in a room also used for another purpose in order to accommodate a foster child.

____ 10. Foster child has his own bed, at least thirty (30) inches wide, equipped with a clean and comfortable mattress, clean sheets, blankets, pillow, and pillowcase. A waterproof mattress cover must be available

____ 11. Foster child will not occupy a third tier bunk.

____ 12. Smoke detectors are equipped with a device warning of a low battery and are mounted so as to comply with fire regulations on each bedroom level.

____ 13. Showers/bathtubs have non-skid pads or grab bars

____ 14. Solid fuel burning appliances have been inspected and approved by local building code inspector or appropriate fire inspector. Fireplaces are screened.

____ 15. Kerosene space heaters are not used.

____ 16. I have a Class 2A10BC fire extinguisher (all purpose).

____ 17. I have an emergency plan of action in case of fire. Emergency telephone numbers are posted by the telephone or family area(s).

____ 18. House or mailbox numbers are clearly visible and easy to read for easy identification by emergency vehicles.

____ 19. Guns are kept in locked storage. Ammunition is stored and locked separately. Explosives and projectiles are stored out of reach of young children.

____ 20. Alcoholic beverages are stored out of sight and inaccessible to children.

____ 21. Medications and vitamins are locked and inaccessible to young children. Medication and vitamins requiring refrigeration will also be locked.

____ 22. Toxic and dangerous items, including cleaning supplies, are stored inaccessible to young children (up high and/or out of sight).

____ 23. If unpasteurized (raw) milk is used, I have obtained verification in writing that the T.B. and Brucellosis tests administered during the last year were negative or that the milk is from a licensed raw milk dairy.

____ 24. If drinking water is from a private source, it has been approved by the County Health Department.

____ 25. Pets have had required rabies shots and proof is available.

____ 26. Stairways have handrails.

____ 27. Adequate safeguards are taken to protect young children from electrical outlets, extension cords, and heat producing devices.

____ 28. I have a telephone with answering machine, cell phone or emergency contact.

____ 29. I have standard first aid supplies, including a 1 way barrier CPR mask in my home.

____ 30. Everyone over eighteen (18) years of age in my home has had a negative T.B. test, and I have written proof of this.

____ 31. All adults in my home has taken, or arranged to take, an approved CPR/First Aid course.

____ 32. I have seat belts in my car and current liability car insurance.

P:\C&F\C&F ICS\ICSFiles\MyFiles\ICS Policies\CHECKLST.doc