Special Senses Lab Name: ______
Anatomy of the Eye and Eyesight
Identifying Accessory Eye Structures / Right eye / Left eyeActivity Demonstrating the Blind Spot / Right eye / Left eye
Determining Near Point of Accommodation / Right eye / Left eye
Testing Visual Acuity / Right eye / Left eye
Testing for Astigmatism / Right eye / Left eye
Testing for Colorblindness / Yes or No / If so, what type?
Accommodation Pupillary Reflexes / Explain the value of the reflex:
Convergence Reflex / Explain the importance of the convergence reflex: / in what way?
Ear, Hearing and Balance
Acuity TestIn the threshold of audibility sharp or indefinite? / Right ear / Left ear
Sound Localization / Yes or No / If not, at what position(s) was the sound less easily located?
Weber Test
Rhine Test
Does the subject hear better by bone or by air conduction? / Right ear / Left ear
Balance Test
Was nystagmus present? / Is subject able to walk without noticeable wobbling from side to side? / Does the subject experience any dizziness?
Romberg Test / Did you see any gross swaying movements? / Degree of side to side movement
Degree of front to back swaying
Do you think the equilibrium apparatus of the inner ear was operating equally well in all these tests? ______
The proprioceptors? ______
Why was the observed degree of swaying greater when the eyes are closed?
Objective 9: Role of Vision in Maintaining Equilibrium
Record observation: ______
Record observations with eyes closed: ______
Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste
Identification of the Papillae on the Tongue / ______, If so, whichStimulating Taste Buds / ___ seconds
Why couldn’t you taste the sugar immediately?
Plotting Taste Bud Disturbance. / What area of the tongue dorsum seems to lack receptors?
Objective 11: Activity: Draw a diagram of the tongue.
Objective 12: Activity: Effects of smell and texture
Chart 1: Method of Identification
Food / Texture only / Chew with nostrils pinched / Chew with nostrils open / Identification not madeCheese
Dried prunes
Hard cooked egg white
Was the sense of smell equally important in all cases? ______
Where did it seem to be important and why? ______
Objective 12: Effect of Olfactory Stimulation
Can the subject distinguish the flavor? ______Identify oil: ______
Record change in sensation with open nostrils: ______
Record sensations: ______
Which sense, taste or smell, appears to be more important in the proper identification of a strongly flavored volatile substance? ______
Objective 12: Effect of Temperature: Results: