PUPIL BULLETIN Tuesday 18th April2017

Drama Dept Class Displacements – Wednesday 19 April

Registration / S1 Randolph - Miss Ogg
S5 Moray - Mrs May / Class displaced to G05
Class displaced to G37
Period 1 / 2.45G Drama - Mrs May / Class displaced to B47
Period 2 / 1.67 Randolph Drama - Mrs May / Class displaced to B47
Period 3 / S1 Drama Elective - Miss Ogg
S3 Drama - Mrs May / Class displaced to G33
Class displaced to B20
Period 4 / S3 Drama - Miss Ogg
2.67 Innes - Mrs May / Class displaced to B29
Class displaced to B20
Period 5 / S2 Drama Elective - Miss Ogg / Class displaced to B16
Period 6 / S3 Drama - Mrs May / Class displaced to B45

Brass lessons with Mr Munro are starting again this week on Thursdays and Fridays – please check the timetable! Any problems/confusion please see Mrs Robertson.

Silver DofE – Meeting in G47, Tuesday lunchtime 1:10pm, for all those hoping to go on expedition this year.

Hockey Club is back!!!! Dear all hockey clubbers and new members, please come and join Miss Scholes and Mrs Robertson on Tuesday 18th of April 3.20-4.30pm (first week back after easter holidays) to kick start the club again. Bring along your friends. Any playing ability level welcome! Big shout out to any S1/S2’s who fancy coming along for the first time to try it out. Any questions pop along to B29. Thanks (SS)

Eco group - All members to attend a meeting in Mrs Shaw’s room G16 at 1pm on Tuesday. Agenda – litter rota, eco board, picnic, waste week, MYCA awards.(TS)

Year Assemblies – All students should report to the Assembly Hall where they will be registered.

Tuesday 18th (registration) - S2

Wednesday 19th (registration) – S3

Thursday 20th (registration) – S4

Friday 21st (registration) - S5

April Film Club – The Martian, showing next Monday, 24th April, from 3.30pm in the Library

The Martian is a 2015 American science fiction film, based on the bestselling novel of the same name. Matt Damon stars as an astronaut who is mistakenly presumed dead and left behind on Mars. This smart, thrilling and surprisingly funny film depicts his struggle to survive and others' efforts to rescue him.

All pupils and staff are invited to April’s Film Club. Bring your own snacks and grab a bean bag.

Novelties Book of the Month – April’s choice is We Are All Made of Molecules by Susan Nielsen

13 year old Stewart is academically brilliant, but socially clueless. 14 year old Ashley is the undisputed “It” girl in her grade, but her marks stink. Their worlds are about to collide and Stewart is trying to be 89.9% happy about it, but Ashley is 110% horrified. “Spewart” could further threaten her position at the top of the social ladder. They are complete opposites. And yet, no matter their differences, they share one thing in common: They – like the rest of us – are all made of molecules. Funny, moving and a great read and now available now in the library to borrow and read


S3 into 4 – Wider Achievement Choices The deadline for the return of your wider achievement choices has now passed. As a matter of urgency can you please ensure that your completed choice form is returned to your register teacher. Many thanks for those already in. (KJG)

S1-3 Activity Day Payments Could all S1-3 pupils who have payments to make for Activity Days please bring their payments on Friday. Do not hand payments in at registration. S1 and 2 classes will be taken by their teacher to the staffroom during periods 1 or 2 on Friday to hand in payments.

The small number of S3 pupils who have a payment to make for day trips (instead of residential trips) should report to the staffroom Period 4 on Friday after registering with their teacher.

All pupils who have made activity choices should have received a payment slip before the holidays from their registration teacher, telling you what activities you have been allocated and how much you need to pay. See Mr Hume in G33 urgently if you have not received one. Please bring the payment slip with you on Friday as it will be signed and returned as proof of payment.

Activities Days 2017 – Glasgow X scape trip: Attention all pupils who have not yet paid the full balance of £250 for the Activities Days trips to Xscape in Glasgow!! Can you please see Mr Baker urgently as the trip is less than 6 weeks away and all monies need to be in very very soon! If you are unsure of how much you need to pay or are unsure about any details then please see Mr Baker as soon as possible! Thanks (MB)

S1, S2, S3 Pupil Councils- Could all council reps in these year groups report to the hall on Friday morning at 9:00 after registering with your period 1 teacher. The purpose of the meeting is to seek your views and thoughts on the school behaviour protocols with particular attention to Time-out.

Comic Characters Book Club – meets today at lunchtime in the library.

Novelties Book Club – meets tomorrow at lunchtime in the library. Your plans are coming together for The Big Summer Reading Event, so make sure you are at the meeting for the next stage.


Exam Timetables: Timetables issued today via registration.

Careers Appointments with Jayne Porter on Wednesday 19 April

P1 Cameron Lumsden S6P2 Doug Miller S6P3 Callie McBrideS6

P4 Adalene DonaldS4P5 Katie CarrP5P6 Brooke Thompson S5

Thursday 20th April SDS Careers appointments with Gayna England

P1 – William Greenwood, S6P2 – Ryan Laing, S5P3 – James Sutherland, S6

P4 – Cameron Spark, S6P5 – Kailem Stewart, S4

Friday 21st April SDS Careers appointments with Gayna England

P1 – Cailin Foreman, S4P2 – Sam Fletcher-Harrison, S6P3 – Cemlyn Staples, S5

P4 – Zak Duncan, S5P5 – Craig Fairweather, S6

Two fantastic trainee positions are available as an alternative to University at Robertson. Trainee Quantity surveyor and Trainee Estimator. Full details are available on the Robertson website and on the Employment notice board outside Guidance. Please speak to Mrs Bowley if you wish to note your interest. These are 3-4 year trainee positions where you earn while you learn. Applications are only accepted online via the links on the advert. QS requires higher Maths, and although the Trainee Estimator says ideally HNC in construction related subject for the right candidate Higher Maths & Higher English would suffice, Robertson would then support you through a HNC.

RGU nursing Summer School 17th – 24th July 2017 Any pupil over the age of 16 years who is actively considering a career in nursing has the opportunity to attend a nursing summer school in Aberdeen. This is an excellent opportunity to experience clinical nursing practice prior to an applicati0n to study nursing . This however does not address midwifery. Application forms available from your guidance teacher or Mrs Bowley. Closing date for applications is5th May.

Vehicle Painter– Modern Apprenticeship - GTG are looking to recruit an apprentice who will be based in the paint shop and will learn all aspects of preparing vehicle surfaces for masking, priming and painting before buffing and polishing the paintwork of panels to a suitable finish. Applicants must have or expect to gain National 4 English, Maths, Technical Studies or Craft & Design. It is essential that applicants are literate, numerate, reliable and keen to learn. Hours of work are Monday to Friday and will secure on completion an SVQ Level 3 in Vehicle Paint and Refinishing. Please contact Jen Miller at for further information.

NHS Grampian Modern Apprenticeship Programme 2017 There are 2 x 4 year apprenticeships available in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering available with a closing date for applications of Fri 21st April 2017 available only to 16-19 year olds. Entrance qualifications are Nat 5 A or B in Maths, English, Physics, a Technical subject plus one other subject. Full details on the employability notice board outside the Guidance Base. Three year apprenticeship is also available in Business Administration. Qualifications required are : Five Nat 5 subjects at A or B in Maths ,English & 3 other subjects.

Closing date Friday 21st April 2017 Please see Mrs Bowley for more info.