The Creating Positive Relationships (CPR) program focuses on helping our students understand the physical, social, and emotional changes brought about by puberty. The program also centers on good communication skills, common fears about becoming an adolescent, and how to prepare our students to respect themselves and others. CPR is a major part of our Health curriculum as it addresses many of the 5th and 6th grade Indiana Academic Standards for Health.

The (CPR) Program will be conducted at WIS during the following weeks:

5th Grade + 6th Grade triad of (Mr. Crist, Mrs. Esterline, Mr. Waitt):

·  September 29 – October 3

·  5th grade students will have one 45 minute lesson taught by CPR instructors. Boys and girls will be separated during the lesson.

·  The 6th grade triad will have 5 lessons taught in the classroom by CPR instructors. Boys and girls will be separated on the first day, and then will be co-ed for the remainder of the program.

6th Grade:

·  October 13 – October 17

·  5 lessons taught in the classroom by CPR instructors. Boys and girls separated on the first day, co-ed for the remainder of the program.

There will be an informational meeting for parents on Wednesday, September 24 at WIS. All 5th grade parents will meet in the Multipurpose Room at 6:00 pm. All 6th grade parents will meet in the Multipurpose Room at 7:00 pm. CPR representatives will be explaining the program and answering any questions you may have.

If you have questions before then, please feel free to contact Mr. Miller (5th Grade counselor) at 867-6507 or Mrs. Sargent (6th Grade Counselor) at 867-6506 for more details. You may also visit the Creating Positive Relationship’s website at for more information.

If you would like for your child to not participate, then please contact Mr. Miller or Mrs. Sargent. However, we encourage you to attend the meeting before making that decision. Thank you!