DATE:Jan. 10, 2018
FROM:Carol Healey
WANTED- The nurse is in need of boys and girls sweatpants and underwear in sizes 5-8. She needs to have some in her office as spares. If you have some that your family no longer needs, she would appreciate the donation. Thanks!
FROM THE NURSE-ELEMENTARY PARENTS-- Yes we have much illness going thru. So PLEASE if your child does not feel well keep them home. If they have been up in the night with vomiting, diarrhea, fever, cough, etc.---- KEEP THEM HOME.
Also every elementary child (k-3) NEEDS A CHANGE OF CLOTHES AT SCHOOL.
If you have questions please feel free to call. Let's hope for a healthier week. Mrs. Robinson
FOOD SERVICE INFO- A reminder that if your child is on free or reduced lunch, that also qualifies them for the same at breakfast. Forms to see if you qualify can be filled out ANYTIME during the year, not just at registration time. Contact Cathy Verdeck for more information or for forms.
POP TABS- The Student Council will be around again to pick up the pop tabs in the last part of January. You can send them in anytime and help your class win!
LUNCH-Kindergarten/1st grade- 11:00 2nd/3rd- 11:40 4th/5th- 12:10
Thursday-11-French bread pizza, marinara, lettuce w/tomato, green beans, pears or fresh fruit (pancakes/syrup)
Friday-12-Beef burger/bun, tri tater, corn, applesauce or fresh fruit (mini cinni)
Monday-NO SCHOOL (possible snow makeup)
Tuesday-16-Ham & cheese melt, baked beans, fresh veggies/dip, pears or fresh fruit (French toast)
Wednesday-17-Spaghetti, lettuce w/tomato, peas, peaches or fresh fruit, bread stick (eggs & toast)
HLV RECESS PROTOCOL- Students will have recess outside on the playground or ball field, or in case of inclement weather, in the main gym. Parents are responsible to ensure that students dress appropriately for weather conditions.
In making a decision to have recess outside, we will look at the actual temperature and wind chill factor. Our general guideline is if the actual temperature is 10 degrees or above or if the wind chill is 10 degrees or above, we will play outside.
Please send your child(ren) dressed appropriately for the weather. If a student doesn’t have snow pants or boots, they are not allowed to play in the snow. However, they will be sent outside and will be restricted to a hard, dry surface area. Guidelines for recess are shown below:
Temperature/Wind Chill/Weather ConditionsClothing Guidelines/Suggestions
Below 55Jacket
Soggy wet conditions (spring thaw, wet snow)Boots
Below 40, no snowCoat, Hat, Gloves/Mittens
Below 10Stay inside
Monday, January 15-NO SCHOOL (possible snow makeup)
Here are the events at the Victor Public Library for January
Saturday, January 13 from 1:00-3:00Game DayCome down to the library and try out our board games (that are also available to check out) and play the Wii!
Wednesday, January 17 from 2:30-4:00Crafternoon!Elementary aged youth can spend their early out afternoon at the library doing crafts and activities. The Hall girls will once again have the Walking School Bus from the Lobby to the Library that afternoon. If you’d like your child to walk with the group, please send a note to your child’s teacher and remind your child that walkers must stay together with Josie and/or Ashlyn for their safety.
Friday, January 26 at 6:30Movie Night. Bring a pillow, blanket, and clear drinks. Popcorn is provided. To see which movie we will watch, visit our Facebook page. All ages are welcome.
Please also note that the HACAP Mobile Food Pantry visits the Library on the 1stTuesdayof the month from1:00-2:00and the MICA Mobile Food Pantry visits on the 3rdWednesdayfrom12:30-2:45. These are great ways to help stretch your food budget for families that qualify. The Victor Public Library has great programs for adults too! We have adult coloring everyWednesdayand don’t forget about Adult Game Night on the 4thMondayof the month.