Sunridge Homeowners Association

Special Meeting Minutes – Open Session

Thursday, June 2, 2016 – 6:00pm

Location: Trestle Management Group

4025 S. McClintock Dr., Suite #208, Tempe, AZ 85282

Board Members Present: Sean Roe, Brooke Foust, Laura Bush, Ken Queen, Terry Gething

Management Present: Sarah Kielblock

Homeowners Present: Mike Varns, Rebecca Anweller, Barbara Beach, Adam Jones, Lorrie Valiente, Joan Robinson, Dawn Smith

Meeting Called to Orderby Sean Roe at 6:03

Open Forum:

Quorum: Established Quorum: 32 required, 36 lots present


Homeowners were concerned with the lowering of the percentage of homeowner votes needed to make changes within our community (sections 4 & 5 were discussed)

Mike Varnssuggested defining “quorum”.

Another informative letter to the community outlining the importance of the CC&R vote was suggested.

With roughly 25% of our 96 units occupied by renters, it has been difficult to get homeowners to attend meetings and vote.

Ballots were cast and tallied

Only 38% of owners (36) responded to the CC&R Reinstatement. This was after a mailer to each homeowner including those offsite as well as taping an informational flyer on each unit.

Our current CC&Rs require a 75% approval (72 yes votes from our 96 units)

The CC&R reinstatement was not approved.

Board will table this. We will schedule another working meeting.

Lorrie Valiente volunteered to go door to door to collect ballots next time.

Meeting Closed at 6:22.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brooke Foust –Recording Secretary

Sunridge Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes – Open Session

Thursday, June 2, 2016 – 6:22pm

Location: Trestle Management Group

4025 S. McClintock Dr., Suite #208, Tempe, AZ 85282

Board Members Present: Sean Roe, Brooke Foust, Laura Bush, Ken Queen, Terry Gething

Management Present: Sarah Kielblock

Homeowners Present: Mike Varns, Rebecca Anweller, Barbara Beach, Adam Jones, Lorrie Valiente, Joan Robinson, Dawn Smith

Meeting Called to Orderby Sean Roe at 6:22

Open Forum:

Joan Robinson mentioned that there is a lot of trash in the community.

Mike Varns is unhappy with the current landscape both shrubs and grass.

Mike Varns inquired about unit 5 backyard cleanup.

Adam Jones concerned about the plant install and railings at the commons.

Homeowners inquired about the painting of the Baseline wall.

Ken Queen concerned about sealed culverts, finishing date, and plant replacements (3 hibiscus trees, 2 hibiscus bushes) at his unit.

Lorrie Valiente inquired about Blue Marble cleaning up her neighbor’s backyard.

Rebecca Anweller of #7, 1850 is concerned with the palm shoots in her front yard.

Frank Geluso #43, 1930front wall has a 25% lean and is off its footer.

Dawn in Unit 42, 1850 has never had a green front yard. Half is dirt. A large ficus was removed and she never got a replacement.

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

Laura motions to approve minutes from 5/5/16, 5/7/16, 5/9/16, Ken Queen seconded, motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report as of 4/30/16

Mutual of Omaha Operating: $59,880.94

Mutual of Omaha Reserve Account: $118,967.84

Brooke motions to approve, Laura Bush seconded, motion carried unanimously.

Managers Report

West Boundary wall along retention basin gate needs to be approved by the City.

Sarah is waiting on approval from the City on tarring the top of the Baseline wall to deter trespassers from jumping the wall.

Unfinished Business

Common Area Lighting: We are getting 120 volts to each fixture. Glen from Sunlighting said we could change the temperature of the bulb to increase the brightness. Adam Jones will follow up on this.

SonrisaBid#1154: Sunridge will receive a credit for the railing that was removed. Sonrisa will install irrigation and 16 shrubs on both sides of the sidewalk along the bridge to create a natural barrier. Board chose to alternate Mexican Bird of Paradise and Desert Sage. The credit will cover the entire cost of irrigation and planting.

Sonrisa Bid#1145: Field dirt, should state “fill dirt installed and compacted”. Board needs clarification on where the 6 tons of fill dirt will be placed as well as footage of curbing and tonnage of granite. Board requests delivery tickets for dirt and granite. Ken motions to approve Bid 1145 for a total of $1,577.50 with the previously stated conditions, Laura seconded, motion carried unanimously.

New Business

Ken Queen motioned to fire Blue Marble, Terry Gething seconded, motion carried unanimously. Ken suggested holding their check until they finish the work they are being paid for. They will be notified on June 15th.

Caretakers and AAA Landscape were recommended. Three bids will be presented to the board to vote via email mid-June.

Repairs to the Baseline wall were completed 6-2-16. Sarah will get bids to paint.

Unit 42, 1930 wall is off its footer. Sarah will get a bid to repair the wall.

Board voted to order a Phoenix Precast rectangular table with benchesin “Buff”CST7232-B 72”x32” at a cost of $806.00. Table will be delivered and placed onsite.

Sarah will send a sign template to the Board for approval asking for leashing and picking up after dogs. Board discussed sign placement at each entrance to the community as well as north of the bridge and at the entrance to the greenbelt on the 1850 side.

Next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 7th.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:15pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Brooke Foust

Recording Secretary