Inclusion/Special Education Webinar
Considerations for Successful Co-teaching
- Topics for Co-teacher Discussions
- Instructional Content
- Student expectations
- Planning
- Instructional format
- Parity in the classroom
- Space
- Noise
- Instructional routines
- Organizational routines
- Discipline procedures
- Student evaluation
- Confidentiality
Planning Time Options
- Build in common planning time
- Classes team to release teachers
- Guest teachers: principals, assistant principals, etc.
- Substitute teachers
- Volunteer substitutes; retired teachers, teacher trainees
- Instructional relevant videotapes and programs
- School-based staff development sessions
- Late arrival or early dismissal days
- Monthly before and/or after school sessions
- Two or more educators or other certified staff
- Best Practices for Improving Student Achievement
- Parental involvement
- Homework
- Focus on educational goals
- Direct teaching
- Graphic organizers
- Relate present learning to past learning
- Multiple learning strategies
- Metacognition
- Modeling
- Guided practice
- Application
- Mastery learning techniques
- Cooperative learning
- Modifying Test sand Quizzes
- Read test orally
- Retake tests
- Give credit for improvement
- Provide sample/practice tests
- Provide study guides in advance
- Create modified grading scale
- Administer tests in several sessions
- Consider alternative assessment (portfolios, etc.)
- Administer tests in separate locations
- Provide open-book exams
- Provide word bank of answers
- Include some take-home tests
- Grading Options for Inclusive Settings
- Modified report card
- Anecdotal report
- Skills checklist
- IEP update
- Authentic assessment
- Straight credit
- Student goal-setting
- Mastery level/criterion systems
- Student self-comparison
- Contracting
- Multiple grades
- Variation
- Point system
- Classroom Management
- Establishing and enforcing rules and procedures
- Carrying out disciplinary actions
- Maintaining effective teacher-student relationships
- Maintaining an appropriate mental set
- Managing Classroom Behavior
- Classroom rules/expectations
- Motivation/apathy
- Functional Behavior Assessments
- Behavior plans
- Rewards and consequences
- Collaborative Problem Solving Approach
(Dr. Ross Greene, The Explosive Child,
Universal Design for Learning
UDL is a framework for providing instructional content in a variety of formats that respond to student learning differences and, therefore, make curricula more accessible for students.
Universal Design for Learning Toolkit, OSEP Ideas that Work, US Office of Special Education Programs, US Dept of Ed.,
Universal Design for Learning-website-toolkit
UDL focuses on the following:
- multiple and flexible methods of presentation
- multiple and flexible means of expression
- multiple and flexible means of engagement
- Provide multiple examples
- Highlight critical features
- Provide multiple media and formats
- Support background context
- Provide flexible models of skilled performance
- Provide opportunities to practice with supports
- Provide ongoing, relevant feedback
- Offer flexible opportunities for demonstrating skill
Activities that capture working memory
- Puzzles and problems and games
- Possibility of being “put on the spot”
- Opportunities to talk about ourselves
- Inconsequential competition
- Friendly controversy
- Physical movement
Inclusion Classroom Strategies
- Arrangements
- Cooperative Learning Groups
- Paired Reading/Writing
- Reduced seat time
- Specific seating arrangement
- Specific Behavior Plan/Cues
- Stick to a routine throughout the year
- Distribute inclusion students evenly in classes
- Refrain from confronting students in front of the class
Materials & Equipment
- Books on tape
- Videos, Software
- Tape recorders
- Communication aids
- Computers / laptops
- Calculators
- OT Boxes
Curriculum Aids
- Study Guides (Preferably Interactive)
- Vocabulary Lists
- Main Idea Summaries
- Writing Process Aids
- Pre-Written Notes
- Graphic Organizers
- Learning Logs
- Organizational Aids
- Skeletal/Course Outlines
- Highlight Reading Materials
- Multi-sensory Presentations
- Assign critical vocabulary words and concepts at the beginning of a unit
- Write notes on board from left to right
- Survey the class before erasing notes
- Use an outline format
- Write homework assignments consistently in the same place or utilize a weekly assignment sheet
- Require students to use a three-ring binder; make sure all handouts are hole-punched
Individualized Support
- Facilitation (communication, movement, thinking)
- Shortened/Modified Assignments
- Oral Tests
- Open Notebook Tests
- Re-word, Re-phrase Instructions/Questions
- Picture Cues
- Schedule Boards
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
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