Evidence template number 1: RSPA

Part 1: BeginningtheASYE

1.Supportandassessment agreement

The NQSW should submit part one of the CRL for scrutiny before the support and assessment agreement meeting. Itmay be helpful toagree a date forthis submission when setting the date forthis meeting.

This part should be completed by the assessor

Name of the NQSW
HCPC registrationnumber
Name oflinemanager/supervisor
Name ofASYE assessor(ifdifferent from linemanager)
Name ofASYE programme co-ordinator(ifappropriate)
Name androleofothers present at the supportandassessment agreement meeting
Date ofsupportandassessment agreement meeting
DateASYE commenced
Date set for three monthreview
Date set for six monthreview
Date set ifoptionalninemonth review ifrequired
Date for final review
Date ofthe internalmoderationpanel when the final assessment outcome will be confirmed


The supervision section may be pre-populated in line with the employer’sASYEscheme.

Supervisionsessions willbeas follows:Refer tothe Standards for Employers ofSocialWorkersinEnglandfor guidance.
Duration of supervision sessions
Firstsix weeks ofemployment
Weekseven – six monthreview
Followingsix monthreview
TheASYEassessors and supervisors toolkit (available at provides support and guidance regarding supervision.


Expectations ofworkload management may be pre-populated in line with the employer’sASYEscheme although some assessors/supervisors may wish toinput this.

Howwillworkloadbeagreed and allocated?

4.Protected developmenttime

Expectations ofprotected development time may be pre-populated in line with the employer’sASYEscheme.

10% ofthe NQSW’stime shouldbe set aside for undertakinglearning anddevelopmentactivities(thisequates to0.5 day per week or 2 days per month).

5.Requirements andresponsibilities

Requirements and responsibilities may be pre-populated in line withASYEscheme:

Theassessor isrequiredto
TheASYEassessors and supervisors toolkit (available at provides additional support and guidance forassessors/supervisors. Assessors should ideally meet the Practice Educator Professional Standards (PEPS2).
Ifdifferent,the linemanager/
supervisor isrequiredto
TheASYE programme coordinator(if applicable)isrequiredto

6.Assessment, review andqualityassurance

This section may be pre-populated toaddress questions in line with the employer’sASYEscheme.

HowwillASYE reviews and assessment belinkedtoemployer’s probationandappraisal processes?
Whatare the contractual implications offailuretocomplete,or failureof,theASYE?
Whatare the employer’s internalandexternalqualityassurance and review arrangements?
Howwillthe employer andNQSW dealwithany disagreements over decisions?
Howissuccessful completionof
ASYE recognisedbythe employer?


Have any reasonable adjustments beenagreed tothe arrangements duetothe NQSWhavinga medical condition, disability, or specific learningneed?
Have any other factors been identified that may affect the progress ofthe NQSW?

8.Record ofdiscussionsre expectations ofNQSW

Takingintoaccountthe NQSW’spreviousexperience and part 1 of their CRLwhatareas shouldtheyaddress intheirinitialASYE PDP?
Have youdiscussed the expectations of the CRL?
Deadlines agreed for youtoreceive the NQSW’slog,inadvance ofthe review meetings
Three monthreview
Ninemonthreview (optional)

This document has been produced by Skills for Care and the London Borough of Merton and should not be altered.

Declarations andsignatures

I have read and understood my role and responsibilities and commit to fulfilling them. I confirmthe arrangements setout in this agreement.
ASYE assessor name
I understand my role and responsibilities as an assessor and commit to fulfilling these. I confirmthe arrangements setout in this agreement.
NQSWslinemanager (If applicable)
Ihave read the support and assessment agreement and will support the assessor with their role and provide any supporting documents forthe review meetings toinform the progressive assessment.
ASYE coordinator name (If applicable)
Ihave read the support and assessment agreement and will support the assessor with their role. Iwill provide supporting documents forthe review meetings toinform the progressive assessment.

This document has been produced by Skills for Care and the London Borough of Merton and should not be altered.

This document has been produced by Skills for Care and should not be altered.