Hartley Corner Surgery strives to provide the traditional values of General Practice and Family Medicine using modern ideas and methods in a warm, friendly and efficient environment.

The practice today has 7 partners, three male full time, one male part-time and two female part-time GPs and 1 female Salaried GP (who will become a part-time partner in April 2013).

Our list size is 11,600. We are a training practice and have a continual rotation of ST1/ST2 & ST3s with us plus Medical Students from St George’s Hospital. We have four part-time Practice Nurses, 1 Triage Nurse, 1 Phlebotomist, a Community Nursing Team, 3 Midwives; our Health Visitors are now based at another local surgery.

The practice is in the north east part of the county, on the Hampshire/Surrey/Berkshire borders and is part of NHS SHIP (Southampton, Hampshire, IOW & Portsmouth) PCT cluster. We are also part of the 24 local practices forming the North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group.

We are situated in a fairly affluent “Commuter Belt” part of the country, (Hart) with easy links into London (30 miles away) via the train or M3. Our practice patients are generally employed and own their own homes but our surgery is closest to a fairly large estate of more deprived housing.

October 2010 – Patient Participation Group formed

The practice decided to form a new PPG (face-to-face group) in October 2010. Doctors and staff were all committed to the project and we joined also NAPP (The National Association for Patient Participation).

After a series of meetings, the patients in the PPG who felt they wanted to make the commitment to join and meet regularly formed a constitution, signed confidentiality agreements and using the practice survey & NAPP Objective Setting Tool then prioritised their goals/aims.

The group met regularly, formed a positive working relationship with the practice and started working towards its goals.

April 2011 – Patient Participation DES 2012-13

The practice signed up to the two-year DES in order to enhance and improve on the good foundations of patient participation already established.

The DES requires practices to develop a structure that reflects & gains the views of patients from a cross-section of the practice population which is as representative as possible & should develop a PRG (Patient Representative Group) to try to do this effectively. This could be a virtual or face-to-face group, or a combination of the two.

Having already established a face-to-face PPG, the practice decided to now develop a “virtual group” of a wider cross-section of patients, who do not have to meet regularly at the practice, but are happy to help prioritise issues & complete surveys regarding service improvement – these two groups meld together to form our PRG. This was an excellent idea as people have such busy lives, but still want to contribute their views and it was hoped we would reach many more patients with this additional format.

Practice Population March 2013

March 2013 - List Size: 11,600

List size aged 16+ 9,517

Male/Female: Female 50% Male 50%

Age Range: 16-24 12%

25-34 15%

35-44 17%

45-54 19%

55-64 15%

65-74 13%

75+ 9%

Majority of patients fall into the 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 range

Ethnicity: The ethnic breakdown is known for only 10% of our patient population as most patients have been registered for a number of years and many patients choose not to note this when newly registering.

Information from the Office for National Statistics on the Hampshire County Council website “Demographic Facts & Figures for Hart” Source of information reveals:

90% of Harts resident population are estimated to be of the ethnic group – White British, 5% White Other and 5% Non-White.

The size and profile of the PRG (March 2013)

The current PRG/PPG membership is 163

The breakdown of patients who have so far applied to join the PRG is as follows:

·  43% Male

·  57% Female

Age Range March 2013

PRG Age Group Breakdown

16 – 24 21 patients

24 - 34 16 patients

35-44 31 patients

45-54 26 patients

55-64 27 patients

65-74 30 patients

75+ 12 patients = 163 patients

March 2013 PRG Employment Status (where known)

·  6 Carers

·  60 Employed full time

·  12 employed part time

·  9 in Education

·  33 retired

·  5 are volunteers

·  Others did not comment.


The ethnicity breakdown matched the breakdown as far as it is known for our practice.

136 patients noted down their ethnic background - 91% British Group section, with the others evenly spread amongst Irish, Asian, Indian, Mixed, Black, Other mixed.

2012-13: Recruiting new PRG members - the make up of the PRG is already fairly representative of the practice population but last year we identified that we needed to target interest from the younger age group and more men in general.

How did we attempt this?

§  Sign up forms are available from the waiting room PPG notice board and from reception *

§  Electronic sign-up forms available from the PPG section on the website (

§  Information Slides on Waiting Room TV Display *

§  We handed out sign up forms during our large Flu Clinics (6th & 20th October 2012 - targeting men in particular)

§  Chris Macklin (the Triage Nurse) also handed out forms (she is the Family Planning & Triage Nurse and often sees younger patients)

§  The PPG decided to do an article in their December Newsletter 2012 * asking for members

* see appendices

Methods to be used to regularly invite membership of PRG:

·  On-going mentions in newsletters from both PPG and Practice

·  Online Appointments Service (LIVE October 2012) encourages patients to visit our website - where they may read about the PPG & decide to join up online

·  Practice website – PPG section with electronic sign up form for PRG

·  LINK:

·  Paper forms are available from PPG Notice board in waiting room.

Agree areas of priority with PRG

At a Practice/PPG Meeting on 3rd December 2012 6-7pm - this years new survey was discussed.

Discussion included whether we needed to follow on from any themes/actions from last year’s survey and invite patients to tell us of their issues of importance this year.

Also discussed was whether there were any “themes” emerging that the practice was aware of, or from complaints. The Practice Manager reported that the only “theme” from complaints this year was around issues of parking. The Group discussed parking and Continuity of Care.

·  Action: It was agreed that the Practice would prepare a pre-survey asking patients to select from a variety of issues the ones of importance to them and from these results the major survey questions would then be designed in conjunction with the PPG members.

It was agreed to select from:

Appointment Issues


Online Services


Clinical Care


Other (with comment box for patients to add in any other issues)

§  Action - It was also agreed that once the pre-survey results were collated - the practice would meet with PPG in New Year to formulate questions for main survey.

Any new PRG member contact details were then added to our Mailing List on the smart-survey website. The Mailing list was also checked for patients who were no longer registered at the surgery and some were removed. Some patients had not advised us of a change in their email address and we had a very small percentage of undeliverable surveys

The Pre-Survey was launched 24th - 31st January 2013 inclusive and mailed electronically to all members of the PRG. A printed copy of the survey was available in the Waiting room over the same time period, for other patients to complete.

The results were then collated (see below)

Hartley Corner Pre-Survey Results Summary 2013

1. We are planning this years (2012-13) Patient Survey and would like to know the issues of most importance to our patients. Please select any or all of the following topics which you think we should focus on: /
/ Response Percent /
/ 64.29%
/ 23.21%
/ 41.07%
4 / STAFF /
/ 7.14%
/ 25.00%
/ 53.57%
7 / OTHER /
/ 1.79%
8 / Other, please specify: /
/ 7.14%

Representatives of the PPG and Practice met on Friday 8th February 2013 in order to design the main Survey questions, based on the topics of most importance from the results above and to agree the number of questions.

·  Survey questions were formulated around these areas of priority.

·  Wording & clarity discussed

·  Number of questions were discussed and agreed.

·  Agreed to provide a Comments Section in survey for further feedback regarding Parking Issues as patients might have some good ideas the practice could consider.

·  Re “Other” there were 4 comments which when reviewed were not topics for questions. One was a compliment about the surgery, one was a query about how to find out about GP availability, one was asking about local chiropractic services & one was how new commissioning services would affect the surgery. It was decided the PPG will address some of these queries in future Newsletters.

The Practice & PPG had researched how to set up a survey & formulate questions by accessing the NAPP website “Resources” section, looking at last years survey and at previous GPAQ surveys in order to ensure the methodology chosen to support the survey was credible.

Last year the practice decided to use a company called Smart as this had been used by Hampshire PCT Communications & Engagement Department.

It was felt that using a PCT recommended supplier for this kind of service would provide more security around any information governance issues. The practice pays an annual membership fee to Smart Survey to be able to use its services for patient questionnaires.

Survey Launch Date:

The main survey was then launched from 18th February - 25th February 2013

A “reminder” email was sent half way through this time period to remind patients to take part if they could spare the time.

A hard copy of the survey was posted with a covering letter and an SAE to those who wished to be part of the PRG but have no internet access - these include some housebound patients. They were asked to return it to the practice by Tuesday 26th February 2013 otherwise their results may not be included in the final summary.

The practice then entered these responses into the online survey manually.

HCS SURVEY 2013 Results Summary

163 patients signed up. 6 patient email addresses were found to be erroneous. Of the 163 surveyed, 74 patients responded (45%) – a lower response rate than last year, despite the reminder email. Postal response was better (64%).

Possibly there is some “fatigue” amongst the population generally as many organisations are continually asking for feedback and with busy lives, it is easier to decline to take part.


1. ROUTINE APPOINTMENTS WITH THE DOCTOR: Are you aware that you can book a routine appointment with any doctor up to two weeks in advance? /
/ Response Percent / Response Total /
1 / Yes /
/ 91.89% / 68
2 / No /
/ 8.11% / 6
answered / 74
skipped / 0
2. APPOINTMENT CHOICE: If you booked a routine appointment in the last 6 months, were you able to see the GP of your choice? /
/ Response Percent / Response Total /
1 / Yes /
/ 78.38% / 58
2 / No /
/ 10.81% / 8
3 / Cannot Remember /
/ 5.41% / 4
4 / Not important to me /
/ 5.41% / 4
answered / 74
skipped / 0
3. URGENT/EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS: Are you aware that urgent appointments are available to book on the day? /
/ Response Percent / Response Total /
1 / Yes /
/ 98.65% / 73
2 / No /
/ 1.35% / 1
answered / 74
skipped / 0
4. URGENT/EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS? To help manage demand, are you aware that we offer a Triage Nurse appointment or telephone consultation for urgent matters ?(4 days per week) /
/ Response Percent / Response Total /
1 / Yes /
/ 77.03% / 57
2 / No /
/ 22.97% / 17
answered / 74
skipped / 0
5. APPOINTMENTS WITH THE PRACTICE NURSES: Are you aware that you can book appointments with the Nurses up to six weeks in advance? /
/ Response Percent / Response Total /
1 / Yes /
/ 54.05% / 40
2 / No /
/ 45.95% / 34
answered / 74
skipped / 0
6. MAKING APPOINTMENTS: How do you usually make your appointments? /
/ Response Percent / Response Total /
1 / In Person /
/ 17.57% / 13
2 / By Telephone /
/ 77.03% / 57
3 / Online /
/ 5.41% / 4
answered / 74
skipped / 0
7. APPOINTMENTS: Over and above the core opening hours of 08:00am - 6:30pm Monday to Friday, Hartley Corner currently offers a wide range of appointment times: e.g. late pre-bookable GP routine appointments Monday evenings until 7:30pm, Wednesday early morning appointments between 07:30-08:00am, alternate Saturday morning opening (08:30-11:30am) for pre-bookable routine GP and Practice Nurse appointments (see website or ask reception for details) Are you satisfied with this range of appointment times? /
/ Response Percent / Response Total /
1 / Yes /
/ 95.95% / 71
2 / No /
/ 4.05% / 3
answered / 74
skipped / 0