Speaker Information and Event Form
Maren Amdal Phone: 612-317-2888
Executive Director Fax: 612-317-2889
527 Marquette Ave, Suite 1300
Minneapolis, MN 55402 www.CFAMN.org
Speaker Information
So, you’re presenting to the CFA Society of Minnesota – Thank you! CFA Minnesota works diligently to provide valuable, relevant, educational programming to our members. We would not be able to serve our members without presentations like the one you are preparing to give. This document is designed to provide you with all of the information you’ll need to make your presentation to our members the best that it can be, as well as provide us with the information necessary to promote your event.
What, exactly, have I gotten myself into?
Presenting at a CFA Minnesota function is a great way for a speaker to introduce his or her company, services, or book to a broad spectrum of investment industry professionals throughout the state of Minnesota. Although presentation dates and times vary, the majority are luncheons. Luncheon presentations are generally offered on the 2nd or 4th Thursday afternoon of the month from 12:00pm to 1:15pm. Event registration and networking begin at 11:30am. An introduction and welcome by one of our board members will be made at 12:00pm, and you will be invited forward to begin your presentation, usually by 12:10pm. You will have until 1:00pm to speak, at which point we encourage our presenters to open the floor to questions for 10-15 minutes. By accepting this invitation to present to our members, you are committing to attend and present a 45-50 minute interesting and relevant educational talk on a chosen topic on a chosen date.
Whom to contact:
You may have been asked by a colleague or volunteered by one of our active committee members to give this presentation. Once you have established preliminary details with your CFA Minnesota contact, your next step is to work with your contact to completely fill out the form below and submit it to Maren Amdal. If you have immediate concerns and cannot reach Maren, please contact:
Todd Mangis, Program Chair
CFA Society of Minnesota
(612) 718-4007 (mobile)
Dan Aronson, Program co-Chair
CFA Society of Minnesota
(612) 767-6756 (office)
(612) 991-8315 (mobile)
What information to provide CFA Minnesota:
CFA Minnesota will be promoting you, your company and your topic to our 1,250+ members and our 2,500+ contacts e-mail list. The sooner all of these details can be gathered, the more promotion your event, and therefore yourself/company/book, will receive. The following is a summary of the information required to promote your event. Please be sure to completely fill out the attached form, including ALL of this information:
· Tentative date/time of event
· Name of presenter as you wish it to appear, including any degrees or titles.
· Presenters’ bio
· Title and subtitle of presentation
· 1-2 paragraph description of presentation
· A/V needs
· Copy of any handouts
· Copy of PowerPoint presentation (see below)
Presentation Review:
Because we care about the quality of programming we offer to our members, all presentations will be reviewed by our Program Committee not less than two weeks prior to the event. This is to help you provide the best presentation possible – it’s our goal to help you look good. You will receive constructive feedback from CFA Minnesota regarding your presentation, and will be asked to make requested changes in time for your event. We have had several experiences with speakers who found their presentation review to be quite helpful, having integrated CFA Minnesota suggested changes for use in other presentation opportunities. The information below is gathered from a wide variety of sources and compiled by a professional speaker coach. Whether this is your first time presenting or you are a seasoned veteran, this information is designed to help you make the most of your event. Please review the guidelines below to help you gain a better understanding of your audience and improve your presentation.
Planning your Presentation
Keeping your audience interested is almost entirely about your performance, not the slides. Slides should support your presentation, not distract from you. Whether you’re creating a new presentation from scratch or are amending a current company PowerPoint, the following information will help make your presentation to a CFA Minnesota audience more effective:
You, the presenter:
· Choose a topic you have in-depth/specialty knowledge and passion about.
· Plan no more than 30-40 minutes of speaking. You will go longer than you rehearse, and attendees will have questions.
· Please rehearse.
· Time yourself – be sure you can cover everything you want to cover comfortably in your allotted time
· Speak slowly and purposefully, slightly more loudly and at a higher pitch than usual. Higher pitch frequencies are more audible; raising your pitch will also alleviate the “gravely” sound in many voices as well as reduce strain on your vocal chords so that you can more comfortably speak for a longer time.
· Introduce yourself first, even if you have been introduced by a CFA MN board member. The board member introducing you will be reading from your bio. You will be creating connection with the audience, sharing with them the subject about which you know the most: Yourself. Rehearse this.
· What happens if the projector breaks or the laptop crashes? Ask yourself if you can you connect with the audience without the assistance of technology.
· Some of our speakers are vendors to asset management companies: marketing analytical tools, databases, economic forecasting services, etc. Please recognize that as a speaker to our Society, we ask that you be willing to share your knowledge and experience and to answer our members’ questions even if it means revealing some of your proprietary product information. Vendors who exhibit a reluctance to “speak their mind” in this fashion will not be invited back.
· Be prepared to field questions, even before the Q&A. Ask friends or colleagues to help you predict what questions this audience will ask you.
Handouts should not be your presentation slides. Consider having three sets of notes/slides:
· Audience Slides – projected on the screen at the front of the room.
· Your Notes – what you look at to help you remember what to say to the audience.
· Audience Handouts – if used, should be much more detailed than projected slides. Handouts are to re-enforce and expand on your presentation. Remember that if you choose to have audience handouts there is nothing that requires them to look at the slides on the screen or YOU. You may choose to make your handouts available at its conclusion, or to have CFA Minnesota distribute them electronically.
PowerPoint/Projected Slides
· PowerPoint slides are NOT cue cards.
· Use the 10/20/30 PowerPoint rule: No more than 10 slides for a 20 minute presentation with no smaller than 30 point text.
· Use no more than 3-5 bullet points per slide.
· Use no more than 50 words per slide.
· Be sure graphs and charts are legible when projected.
· Be sure graphics and charts support your point.
· Use a clear sans-serif font throughout. Use no more than 2 different fonts.
· Slides should be simple and uncluttered, with some color. No more than 2-3 “objects” per slide.
· Sound effects, animation and excess clip art can detract from your presentation.
· Your company logo does not need to be prominent on every slide – First and last are adequate unless used tastefully as part of a template or master page.
· Consider using an “icebreaker” at the beginning and/or end of your presentation. A funny picture of yourself, a joke or a (legible and relevant) cartoon will help you relax and will help the audience connect with you.
Know your audience:
This is not always an “easy” audience. They have only an hour and a half to eat, learn and network. You’ll hear dishes and silverware rustle, but usually very quietly. By 1:00pm, you’ll see people politely begin to leave. These are busy professionals who probably know something about your topic. This audience is:
· An average of 30-75 CFA Minnesota members and their colleagues, clients and guests.
· Investment professionals, including security analysts, portfolio managers, brokers, private wealth managers, etcetera.
· People who know something about your topic and are attending your presentation to learn more. They are looking for new, specific and actionable information.
· An average of 75-80% men, 20-25% women across a broad age range.
Follow-up Survey
Following your presentation, a survey will be sent to the event attendees via email. The anonymous survey responses can be shared with you upon request, however it is the policy of CFA Minnesota not to share attendee contact information. You are welcome to ask audience members for their contact information at the time of your presentation. Try using a drawing for your services, or simply a mailing list on the registration table to gather attendee contact data. The survey questions are as follows:
1. How did you learn about today’s luncheon event with ______? (multiple choice)
2. Was the presentation content valuable? (rate on a scale of 1 to 5)
3. Was ______an effective speaker? (rate on a scale of 1 to 5)
4. Did you like the venue? How was the quality of today’s food and beverage? (rate on a scale of 1 to 5)
5. Do you have suggestions for improving events offered by CFA Minnesota? Do you have suggestions of other presenters? Other comments? (open text)
We have found that we receive a higher response rate to electronic surveys than to paper surveys at the event. If you would like other survey questions asked, please forward them to Maren Amdal for inclusion in the above survey.
Other information:
· You are welcome to attend, as our guest, a luncheon presentation prior to your own to get a sense of what your presentation will look and feel like.
· You are welcome to bring a guest, free of charge, to your presentation.
· You are welcome to make available company materials, such as brochures and pens, at the event registration table. Please arrive early enough to make these materials available.
· Staff will arrive at the event approximately 30 minutes prior to registration. You are invited to arrive, with your guest, anywhere thereafter.
· If you have any questions or concerns, please ask anyone of our staff or board members.
We sincerely appreciate your time and talent and want to make this experience valuable for everyone. Thank you for your willingness to present to our society.
Speaker Event Form
Maren Amdal Phone: 612-317-2888
Executive Director Fax: 612-317-2889
527 Marquette Ave, Suite 1300
Minneapolis, MN 55402 www.CFAMN.org
Please print legibly. This form can be completed electronically. Be sure to completely fill out and follow up with any attachments.
Name of CFA Minnesota Contact
CFA Minnesota Contact’s Phone Number CFA Minnesota Contact’s Email Address
Title and Subtitle of Presentation (as you wish it to appear on promotional material)
Proposed Date, Time, and Location of Event
Speaker’s Name
Speaker’s Phone Number
Speaker’s Email Address
Speaker’s Bio (1-2 paragraphs)
Description of Presentation (1-2 paragraphs)
Description of all A/V needs (To help us best utilize member dollars, please be clear about your A/V needs.)
Number of Speakers (individual presentation or panel)* One Multiple Presenters_____
Who will be duplicating handouts? Speaker CFA Minnesota
Photo of Speaker Attached Will Email Separately
PowerPoint Presentation Attached Will Email Separately
* Each speaker needs to provide his/her photo and bio, and additional presentation materials, if applicable.
Speaker’s Agreement
I have read, understand, and agree to the CFA Minnesota Speaker Guidelines and Vendor Agreement as described above. I agree to give the presentation detailed above at the date and time described.
Signature Date
Speaker Name 1-2 Paragraph Description of Presentation
Title & Subtitle of Presentation Presentation Slides
Speaker Photo Handouts
Speaker Bio A/V Needs