Date : 2010 04 19 & 2010 04 20 / Meeting place : Conference RoomDuration : 09.00 to 18.30 / Chairman : Mr.K.Venugopal
Reason for the meeting : Principal meeting – 2010
Attended by:
Mr.N.Reguraj Managing Director
Mr.K.Venugopal Director(Trg)
Mr.Arul Selvan Associate Director(Trg)
Mr.Stephen Louis Associate Director(F&A)
Mr.N.P Anil Kumar Principal TTC
Mr.R.Venkatesh Principal DTC
Mr.M.Viswanathan Principal VTC
Mr.H.V.Venkatesh Principal BTC
Mr.K.Varaprasad Rao Principal GTC
Mrs.V.Dharmambal Principal Officiating NEC
Mr.Mohandas Principal GNTC
Mr.P.Pari Principal ITC
Capt .William Thangaraj P.N Principal SNTC
Mr.R.Ayyappan Principal ONTC
Mr.Ghori A.A Principal TNTC
Mr.S.Hariharan Principal KNTC
Lt.Col.K.V.Nair Principal RNTC
Mr.R.K.Suryavanshi Principal SSNTC
Mr.S.Ramachandran Principal JNTC
Mr.V.Satish CIO
Mr.Bevin K Thomas Head Public Relation & Students Empowerment
Mr.Balasubramaniam Head Business Development
Mr.K.R.Rajasekhar Head QA & Faculty Training
Distribution to : All concerned
Date and Time of next meeting : / To be decided / Minutes prepared by: JNTC
Out come of the meeting : See minutes
1. / The meeting started with introductory remarks of Director(Trg). The new Principals who have taken charge at BTC,GTC and GNTC were introduced.
2. / ROR programme and subsequent follow up were discussed. The Unit Heads were asked to continue their efforts in improving the awareness about NTTF in their area. The units presented the post ROR activities taken by them. The efforts done by TTC was appreciated. / All units / On going
3.1 / Associate Director(Trg) explained the changes made in the admission norms and asked all the Unit Heads to make sure that all staff members of their units are aware of the changes. In minimum marks and age. (Details available in admission brochure.) The minimum marks stipulated by the respective State Governments for similar Diploma are to be followed during admission.
3.2 / Associated Director(Trg) explained about the staggered intake planned.(Details available in the admission brochure). For staggered in take the batch, course and centre will be decided after six months.
3.3 / It was decided that who have completed NTTF Certificate Programme can join NTTF Diploma courses without appearing for NAT provided they fulfill other criteria. / All units
3.4 / Associated Director(F&A) informed that all candidates including IT stream will attempt the same module of entrance examination. Test will be on Maths, Science and Apptitude.
3.5 / Only two copies of hall tickets will be printed
- One copy will be issued to the candidate.
- The other copy will be retained by the centre / All units
3.6 / All relevant information regarding admission procedure will be made into a booklet and will be given to the candidates on entrance exam day. / AD(F&A) / 5th June 2010
3.7 / It was decided the following can be utilised for the propagation of information on NTTF courses.
· Paper advertisement
· TV Media
· School visits
· Bridge course
· Career Exhibition
· Letters to parents
· Letters to Alumini
· Poster to institutions / All Units / Immediate
3.8 / It was decided to provide NAT card free to all candidates registering for entrance examination. / All units / Immediate
3.9 / Sending bulk SMS to prospective candidates was discussed. Mr.Satish to send details to all units. / Mr.Satish / Immediate
3.10 / New seat matrix for admission 2010 was discussed
3.11 / All trainees will be admitted under full fee category.( At the time of the counseling the candidate has to pay Rs.20000/- only through DD).( The criteria for eligibility of merit and concessional category is given in admission brochure.) The fee collected will be adjusted towards payment of fee for next semester for merit and concessional fee category.
3.12 / Merit and concessional fee categories will be decided by considering 50% marks from qualifying examination and 50% marks from NTTF entrance examination.
3.13 / The fee categories for first year will based on the above criteria. From 2nd year onwards the eligibility will be based on the marks scored for both semesters of the previous year. / All units
4.1 / MD joined the postlunch session of the meeting .The following are the highlights.
4.2 / He expressed concern over mails not being responded immediately.
4.3 / He explained about stated and unstated complaints. He opined that unstated complaints from trainees are to be addressed. He asked the empowerment team to look into it.
4.4 / He directed the student empowerment team to attend parents meetings and other celebrations at training centres. All principals to invite them to such occasions.
MD announced the re organisation effected in EDUTECH NTTF
· Mr.Venugopal is designated as Director and Chief Operating Officer of NTTF and will be controlling all Post Graduate, Vocational, Industry and Corporate training, Training of Trainers programme and Exam cell.
· Mr.N.Arulselvan will be designated as Chief Operations Officer and will be heading all Diploma and Post Diploma courses. Mechanical and ECIM cell will report to him.
· Mr.Rajasekhar, Mr.Balasubramaniam, Mr.Satish and Mr.Bevin Thomas will be reporting to Mr.Venugopal
· Financial matters will be controlled by Mr.Stephen Louis.
(Organisation structure attached)
5.1 / All the Unit Heads presented their centres progress and resource requirements
5.2 / Mr.Anil Kumar was asked to compile the requirements for infrastructure including machinery and equipments. Mr.H.V.Venkatesh was asked to compile the manpower requirements. Unit Heads to forward their requirements to Mr.Anil Kumar and Mr.H.V.Venkatesh. / Mr.Anil Kumar, Mr.H.V.
Venkatesh and
All units / Immediate
6 / Director (Trg) emphasised the following points
1. Effectiveness in the class room by faculty & principal
2. Principal to be effective
3. All training centres have close circuit TV.
4. Duties and responsibilities of principals to be enhanced.
5. Morning assembly to be addressed by principals and the morning exercise to be done by staff.
6. Electronic attendance system to be installed in all units, those centres not installed need to install immediately.
7 / Mr.Arul Selvan emphasised on the following .
1. Attendance should be taken in the Forenoon and Afternoon.
2. All should follow the rules and regulations of NTTF. Any relaxations to be recorded properly, basic discipline, culture and quality to be improved. Linguistic and regional groups should be avoided. All need to communicate with trainees, peer groups and others in English.
3. All subjects should have master file and reference file
8 / Mr.Arul Selvan pointed out that the participants in enrichment progrmmes need to give feedback at the end of the course and document the same.
9 / The results of previous semester were reviewed . The course coordinators are to monitor those subjects closely where the failure rate is high.
10 / Mr.Arul Selvan emphasised that weak students be given extra coaching. The staff dealing with these subjects should know his subjects thoroughly and demonstrate to the trainees. Principals to interact with staff by moving around the centre. They should follow the code of ethics and become role model for trainees. The work load of the staff should be uniform. The norms prescribed should be followed.
11 / The minutes of wardens meet was reviewed. The decision taken are:
· Use of mobile not allowed by trainees either in hostel or in training centre. If caught the mobile is to be confiscated and it may be returned at the end of the course.
· Trainees can be permitted to use laptop by (CP-09 course only) after paying a nominal usage fee of Rs.100/- per month.
12 / Minutes of previous meeting of principals held on 09 06 29 was also discussed.
13 / Director(Trg) mentioned about completion of evaluation for
ISO 9000:2008.Edutech NTTF India Pvt Ltd will be awarded ISO 9000:2008 shortly.
14 / Virtual class room was discussed and as the cost was very high, Director(Trg) has asked for alternate less expensive solutions
15 / Mr.Arul Selvan has mentioned about FAQ, by parents/candidates taking admission tests. All principals to go through these FAQ’s revise if required and make a pool of questions that can be printed. The admission test results will be announced by 20th May 2010.
16 / Mr.Ganesan explained about manpower status and distribution of GETs with particular reference to newly formed centres.
Annual appraisal reports need to be sent immediately by those centres that have not yet sent.
17 / Mr.Aurl Selvan asked all the centres not to issue any certificates to staff. Only corporate office can issue service certificate.
18 / All points put up by principals were discussed.
19 / Mrs.Dharmambal gave vote of thanks.