Course Descriptions / RAISE /


SPC 015Self-Advocacy & Civic Engagement

This course will enable and empower students to make informed decisions and direct their own lives. Students will develop self-awareness by examining their learning styles, strengths & weaknesses, interests, preferences, and abilities.How to effectively ask for accommodations on a job and in postsecondary education will also be explored. In addition, students will learn about disability laws, rights and responsibilities of individuals with disabilities, and explore ways to become an active citizen in their local communities.

DPR 005Basic Computer Skills

This introductory course teaches basic computer skills and navigation. Students will learn the basics of keyboarding, word processing, using Windows, e-mail, and the Internet.Class exercises will involve locating information on the internet, job searching on-line, creating documents for college and employment (including a compelling resume), and using social mediawisely and safely.

SPC 016Independent Living

This course is designed to expose students to various aspects of living independently in this community. They will become familiar with topics such as housing, transportation, life skills, and caring for oneself. Basic math skills, as they apply to post-school and adult living, will also be reinforced. Students will learn about financial literacy and the importance of developing good money management skills. A variety of topics will be explored that relate to making sound financial decisions, protecting income, and spending & saving money.

SPH 030Communication

This introductory course will explore the various ways in which we communicate with others. Students will develop confidence and skill in both oral and written communication by hands-on activities and exercises that emphasize listening, interpersonal and group communication, public speaking, and delivering an effective message.

STU 002Student Development

This course will assist students in the active development of academic and personal goals. Students will improve their life planning by exploring who they are, what they want, and how they can reach their goals. Students will engage in the process of developing strategies for successful transition into college/adult life and building the skills necessary for college and life success.

FWS 018Healthy Relationships

This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to stay healthy in relationships. During this course, students will learn abouthealthy relationships; getting and giving respect; dating and relationships; developing sexual identity and orientation;protecting yourself from pregnancy, disease, and abuse;and community resources available.


BUS 013Career Exploration

In this course, students will learn about themselves and how their needs, wants and values influence the decisions they make and impact their career options. Students will practice setting short and long-term goals; identify careers that align with their skills, interests, and personality types; and learn about appropriate workplace etiquette.

BUS 014Career Skills Development

This course is designed to further develop students’ abilities to identify and pursue appropriate career options. Students will build their job readiness skills by learning about employer expectations, navigating the social demands of work, and understanding workplace health and safety requirements. Students will learn how to write an effective resume and cover letter, participate in a mock interview, and develop a career portfolio.It is expected that students engage in career exploration experiences (ex., volunteer opportunities, job shadowing, career research, etc.) to reinforce concepts learned.

BUS 016Field Placement

Prerequisite: Career Skills Development II

This course is designed to further develop students’ abilities to identify and pursue appropriate career options. This course will involve placement on a job and is aimed at further developing the student’s skills necessary to achieve his/her desired career outcomes.


HLT 027Public Transportation& Community Safety

In this course, students will learn about the various public and private transportation options available in and around the greater Rockford/Northern Illinois region. Students will learn how to schedule transportation, understand bus routes, and read a bus schedule. Students will also learn about staying safe in the community and how to access resources for help.

SPC 029Community Resources

This course is designed to help students develop an awareness of the range of community activities and consumer services available in the local community. Emphasis will be on acquiring knowledge and skills that can be easily transferred to future life changes such as entering the workforce and the importance of accessing the appropriate community services relevant to balancing work and a healthy lifestyle. Students will develop their own personal community resource book for future reference.

HMC 007Cooking & Nutrition

In this course, students will learn food preparation and cooking techniques that will increase their independent living skills. Students will learn functional skills such as demonstrating awareness of nutritional values of food, diet and meal selection, reading a recipe, kitchen sanitation and safety techniques, and clean up procedures. During this course students will be prepare and cook their lunch under the supervision of the instructor.

NRS 019Healthy Environment

In this course, students will learn about good health and hygiene practices necessary to live safely and independently. Topics will include: caring for self, personal safety, exercise & physical fitness, understanding the body and its needs, basic first aid, establishing healthy habits, and developing positive self-esteem.