Participation at the seminars cycle

promoted by the Paolo Prodi Study Center on Constitutional History



Western constitutionalism may be considered not as just a juridical science that applies to the study of formalized constitutional systems. It may be seen alsoas a cultural movement aimed at building a public space where those who live together feel themselves bound by mutual obligations.

According to this broad version, constitutionalism corresponds to a map of alternative routes of the Western political experience, in its being also contradictory because of the meeting of multiple cultural experiences: the achievement of written constitutions is only a moment of a much more long history, fueled by different factors that converged in the anxiety of revolution, that is the innovations dictated by human rationality in constant relation with the conscience and religious heritage of Christianity.

Following to the decay of that idem sentire de re publicawhich was considered to have constituted the koinéof Western constitutionalism, historians have been forced to examine the cultural construction that has substantiated it.

Polis,politeia,política, policy,police,polizey, política, policy; gubernaculum,gouvernement,government, governo: are thesethe same terms that always recur with the same meanings or are iridescent modules of an ever new discourse that has shaped the western constitutional universe? Is art merely ornamentation or aesthetic enjoyment or can it be an instrument of cultural and political transmission, as in the days of the counter-reformation or of the transnational avant-gardes? Are international relations only those of war and peace treaties, or even those based on the great migrations of peoples and on exchanges and cultural circulation?

These are few of all questions that Paolo Prodi may have asked himself and to which he has tried to answer with his indefatigable historical intelligence and organizational energy. The way he used could be only polyphonic: from the perfect archival investigation to the love for the library and the bibliography; from the joint interest in doctrines and institutions to acute sensitivity to the most hidden traces of Western civilization; from the analytical accuracy for the specialized aspects of the research to the disarming courage made of mixingthe longduration period with the study of individual and circumstantial cases.

The Paolo Prodi Study Center on Constitutional History intends to place itself in the tradition of the scientific work conducted by Paolo Prodi, by investigating the basis of Western constitutionalism. This latter must be understood not as pure legal technique, but as a culture that aims at "holding together" communities by giving them the ability to build the rational instruments that allow their members to relate with time and space, making sense of events. The Center will deal with the problem of the existence and the basis of Western constitutionalism resorting to the methodologies and approaches of constitutional history, in an attempt to identify and link together the fluid foundational factors of every historical situation, by giving it an historiographical sense.

The Paolo Prodi Study Center intends to enhance this historiographical experience by offering the opportunity to 10 young scholars, in humanities or social sciences, to attend a two-year stable seminar. The seminar will be hold under the supervision of the Paolo Prody Study Center Scientific Committee: Francesca Sofia (Director), Marco Bellabarba, Christoph Cornelissen, Andrea Giardina, Giuseppe Olmi, Paolo Pombeni, Pierangelo Schiera.

Article 1–Contents of the Call

A total number of 10 places are available for participating at the cycle of five seminars promoted by the Paolo Prodi Study Center for Constitutional History. They will deal with the following themes: East and West, Peace and conflict in the "city",Ancient and modern constitutionalism, Globalization and Constitutionalism, Crisis and resilience of the state.

Seminarswill take placeeverytwo/threemonths, from october 2018 to january 2020.

By means of this cycle of seminars, the Center intends to provide an opportunity for doctoral and post-doctoral level students to discuss and revise some of the themes that were at the core of Paolo Prodi’s reflection. Each seminar will last two days and will be hold by Italian and foreign academic experts. They wouldrequire the active participation of scholarship holders. Seminars will take place at the Department of History, Culture and Civilization of the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. Scholarship holders will be provided withfree teaching materials, meals and accommodation as well asa reimbursement of travel expenses of 150 euro.

Article 2 –Eligibility requirements

The competition is open to doctoral and post-doctoral level students in the fields of history and political science. Having dealt with one of the topics of the seminars in their own researches is considered as a preferential title. Candidates have to attain these requirements at the moment of the call deadline.

Article 3 – Application procedure

The application must be written according to theform is here attached, in which candidates must declare:

  • personal information (name and surname, date and place of birth, address), a telephone number and an e-mail address;
  • details of the identity document (to be provided as attached copy).

The candidate must enclose his / her curriculum vitae, containing the indication of the School and / or the Doctorate, the title of the dissertation that is being hold or that has been discussed and the name of the supervisor.

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 445/2000, the Center can carry out appropriate checks on the veracity of the substitutive declarations. False declarations are punishable by criminal sanction and other penalties provided by the relevant laws, producing as well the withdraw of any benefits obtained by the provision issued on the basis of the untruthful declaration and the obligation to return the sum paid by the Center for living room

Disabled candidates in accordance with Article 3 co.1 of Law 104/92, if in possession of the required requirements, will have recognized, provided that indicate in the application the details of the specific disability and the medical commission responsible for the area, pursuant to art. 4 of the Law 104/92, to the issue of the certification of the state of handicap. On the basis of these indications, the Center will check.

Article 4 –Terms and conditions for the submission of applications

Applications have to be sent in electronic format by Wednesday 27th of June 2018, by e-mail, with the subject "Paolo PRODI Seminars" and addressed to the following e-mail addresses:

(Director of the Center)

(Administrative Secretary of the Centre)

The Center declines all responsibility for any e-mail not received.

Article 5– Results

The scholarship willbe supplied according to the criteria set forth in the art. 2 of this call.

In the event of a tie in the ranking, priority will be given to the eldest applicant. The results will be published on the Center's web page: on the website of the Department of History, Culture and Civilization: :

The scholarship will start from 20th July 2018.

The winners of the scholarship will be kept informed by email.

Article 6–Protection of personal data

The personal data transmitted by the candidates with the application for the competition, pursuant to Article 10 of Law 675/96 will be processed using automated and non-automated tools, exclusively for the purposes of managing the competition procedure.

At any time interested parties can exercise the rights set forth in art. 13 of Law 675/96 against the data controller (Director of the Paolo Prodi Center for the Constitutional History).