To be completed by the journal 1



Name and Surname of Author

University of Author

Name and Surname of Author

University of Author

Name and Surname of Author

University of Author


Abstract of the article in the original language. The suggested length is 15 lines. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract. This is an original abstract.

Keywords: prosody, pitch, perception, emotion, Spanish.


Translation in English of the abstract. Translation in Spanish if the article is written in English. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract. This the translation of the abstract.

Palabras clave: prosodia, melodía, percepción, emoción, español.


This paragraph contains a table. Please use the tables of this paragraph (either table 1, table 2, table 3 or table 4) as a model to build your own tables. Remember that tables must have titles below (use this title as s a model, it has the required format). Tables must be centred.

first / second / third
lorem / ipsum / dolor
sit / amet / consectetur

Table 1. This is a narrow (9,7) table with headings only on top (the margins of the caption are narrower than the margins of the page).

second / third
lorem / ipsum / dolor
sit / amet / consectetur

Table 2. This is a narrow (9,7 cm) table with headings on top and on the left (the margins of the caption are narrower than the margins of the page).

first / second / third
lorem / ipsum / dolor
sit / amet / consectetur

Table 3. This is a wide (11,7 cm) table with headings only on top (the margins of the caption are narrower than the margins of the page).

second / third
lorem / ipsum / dolor
sit / amet / consectetur

Table 4. This is a wide (11,7 cm) table with headings on top and on the left (the margins of the caption are narrower than the margins of the page).

This is a paragraph after a table. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Pellentesque vulputate hendrerit varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


First paragraph. Please centre figures, as shown in examples (figure 1, figure 2). Please use the title of figure 1 as a model to create your own titles. Leave a blank line before the figure. If possible, figures should be 9,7 cm or 11,7 cm wide. Figures must be centred.

Figure 1. This is the caption of a small (9,7 cm wide) figure (the margins are narrower than the margins of the page).

This is a paragraph after a figure. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rhoncus eget lacus et dignissim. Nunc id blandit orci, nec semper erat. Praesent et dignissim risus. Donec vitae enim nunc. Sed tortor neque, viverra nec arcu non, feugiat porta mi. Integer et felis molestie, sollicitudin nibh id, faucibus sapien. Pellentesque vulputate hendrerit varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rhoncus eget lacus et dignissim.

Nunc id blandit orci, nec semper erat. Praesent et dignissim risus. Donec vitae enim nunc. Sed tortor neque, viverra nec arcu non, feugiat porta mi. Integer et felis molestie, sollicitudin nibh id, faucibus sapien. Pellentesque vulputate hendrerit varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rhoncus eget lacus et dignissim. Nunc id blandit orci, nec semper erat. Praesent et dignissim risus. Donec vitae enim nunc. Sed tortor neque, viverra nec arcu non, feugiat porta mi. Integer et felis molestie.

Figure 2. This is the caption of a big (11,7 cm wide) figure (the margins are narrower than the margins of the page).

2.1. Quotations

First paragraph. Citations should be, in James Bond’s words “as precise as possible” (Bond, 1947:13). If you wish to use a longer quotation, you have to write it like in this paragraph:

The aspiration is preserved as a rule when initial (and also in other positions) and in all cases when the h was from Latin f. Initial Latin f > Old Spanish aspirate f with but few exceptions (probably in all regions except Asturias, where F has persisted to the present day) became, in the XVIth century, an aspirate h as in the American English h of house, and the same as the New Mexican Spanish j [x] (Espinosa, 1909:105).

This is a paragraph after a long quotation. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rhoncus eget lacus et dignissim. Nunc id blandit orci, nec semper erat. Praesent et dignissim risus. Donec vitae enim nunc. Sed tortor neque, viverra nec arcu non, feugiat porta mi. Integer et felis molestie, sollicitudin nibh id, faucibus sapien. Pellentesque vulputate hendrerit varius.

You may use the following ways to refer to a single work: (Martínez Celdrán, 1984:34) or Martínez Celdrán (1984:34). If you refer to several works by the same author, separate them with comas (Martínez Celdrán, 1984, 1989, 1991). If you refer to more authors, separate them with semicolon (Llisterri, 1991; Fernández Planas, 2011). If you refer to a work by two authors, cite both surnames and use “and” between them, not “&” (Chomsky and Halle, 1968; Briz Gómez and Hidalgo Navarro, 1998). If there are three authors or more, always use et al. (in italics and full stop (Dorta et al., 2017).

2.2. Lists and examples

2.2.1. Lists

If you want to use a normal list, you will need to follow the criteria that we explain very briefly in the following points:

a)Leave a blank line before the first item.

b)Do not leave blank lines between items.

c)Use letters, not numbers, for the items.

d)Numbers are used for examples (see 2.2.2), not for lists.

e)If the items in your list are not words but sentences, put a full stop at the end of each line.

f)Leave a blank line after the last item.

g)Try not to use multi-level lists, if you really do not need to.

2.2.2. Examples

If toy are using numbered examples, like (1) and (2) in this paragraph, you can copy the examples we provide here and use them to create your own.

(1)This is the first example of an example. We are aware that talking about “an example of an example” is probably a meta-example.

(2)This is the second example of an example.

In case you want to gloss the examples, we suggest you use the Leipzig Glossing Rules. The Leipzig Glossing Rules have been developed jointly by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and the University of Leipzig. They consist of ten rules for the syntax and semantics of interlinear glosses, and an appendix with a proposed lexicon of abbreviated category labels.


Then you use footnotes, remember that the call must be a superindex. It must be placed before signs of punctuation, like this[1], or like this[2]. Remember to put a blank line between a footnote and the following footnote (if it is on the same page).

Cras metus nisi, placerat in lectus dignissim, mollis feugiat lacus. Aenean quis fermentum odio. Ut consectetur tortor non quam tincidunt scelerisque. Duis felis purus, lacinia at velit eu, pulvinar rutrum lorem. Mauris elementum sollicitudin elit a auctor. Pellentesque ut augue eget erat vestibulum ullamcorper eget in ipsum. Sed vestibulum.


Never use bold in the text of the article. If you want to highlight a letter/syllable within a word, underling it, like this: copyrightable.


Pellentesque ut augue eget erat vestibulum ullamcorper eget in ipsum. Sed vestibulum, ligula in venenatis elementum, elit leo auctor ligula, eu aliquam odio nulla eu ex.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Acknowledgements are placed after the conclusions and before the references. The authors would like to express their gratitude to EFE for preparing this useful template. This study has been funded by the Ministry of Education [REFERENCE to the project, usually a funny code].


Arvaniti, A. (1994): «Acoustic features of Greek rhythmic structure», Journal ofPhonetics, 22, pp. 239-268.

Boersma, P. and D.Weenink (2016): Praatv.6.0.19, [14/06/2016].

Dorta, J. (ed.) (2013): Estudio comparativo preliminar de la entonación de Canarias, Cuba y Venezuela, Madrid / Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Página Ediciones.

Elvira García, Wendy (2018): Create Pictures with Tiers v.4.5. (Praat Script), [24/08/2018].

Ladefoged, P. and I. Maddieson (1996): The Sounds of the World’s Languages, Oxford, Blackwell.

Martínez Celdrán, E. (1984): Fonética, Barcelona, Teide.

Navarro Tomás, T. (1964): «Nuevos datos sobre el yeísmo en España», Thesaurus: Boletín del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, XIX(1), pp. 1-17.

Pierrehumbert, J. B. (1980): The Phonetics and Phonology of English Intonation, PhD dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Prieto, P.; J. Borràs-Comes and P. Roseano (eds.) (2010-2014): Interactive Atlas of Romance Intonation, [30/07/2018].

Prieto, P.; M. D’Imperio, G. Elordieta, S. Frota and M. Vigário (2006): «Evidence for soft preplanning in tonal production: Initial scaling in Romance», in R. Hoffmann and H. Mixdorff (eds.): Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden, TUD Press Verlag der Wissenschaften, pp. 803-806.

Quilis, A. y M. Esgueva (1983): «Realización de los fonemas vocálicos españoles en posición fonética normal», in M. Esgueva and M. Cantarero (eds.): Estudios de Fonética I, Madrid, CSIC, pp. 159-252.

EFE, ISSN 1575-5533, To be completed by the journal

[1] This is a footnote. It must be in Times New Roman 9 (not 10!). Remember to put a blank line between a footnote and the following footnote (if it is on the same page).

[2] This is another tiny nice footnote.