Greco-Roman Technology Project
Amaze theclass with your Greco-Roman technology!
You are on a search for what you think is the coolest, most advanced, most revolutionaryidea, theory, or piece of technology to come out of the Greco-Roman world! You will create a short PowerPoint slideshow (2-3 slides)describing what you think is the greatest idea. Be prepared to also give the class a short argument as to why you think your idea, theory, or technology is the BEST of the WEST!
In your PowerPoint you should include:
- a short summary of your argument
- a visual of anything that will help us get a better understanding of your technology
- a link to a site where we can learn more about your invention.
Compete for Extra Credit & Prizes!
After everyone has presented, the class will vote on the following awards: Best PowerPoint, Most Interesting Technology, and Best Overall Presenter. The inventors with the highest number of votes will receive extra credit and a special prize! Since the class is voting, you CANNOT be late if you want to qualify for an award.
How you will be graded:
Not Present (0) / Barely evident (1) / Below expectations (2) / Good (3) / Excellent (4)The argument in the PowerPoint fully but concisely argues for your idea, invention, or theory / You have no idea, invention, or theory. / You provide very little research or information about your idea, invention, or theory. / You provide some information about your idea, invention, or theory.. / You provide ample information about your idea, invention, or theory. / You provide a great deal of information about your idea, invention, or theory. You did your research!
Eye-catching and appropriate visuals / There’s no visual. / The visual doesn’t seem relevant to your idea, invention, or theory. / The visual seems somewhat relevant to your idea, invention, or theory. / Your visual is relevant to your idea, invention, or theory. / Your visual is relevant to your idea, invention, or theory, and it gets our attention.
Quality of your link / There is no link to further information. / Your link only provides scanty information. / Your link provides a little, but not extensive, information. / Your link provides good information. / Your link provides good information and is well-cited with sources.
Your predicted total points (self-assess): ______
Total points: ______
Grade (Total points x 8 + 4 points) : ______
Your Name: ______