Spanish I

August 15, 2011

Spanish I Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians:

My name is Monica Williams, and I would like to welcome you and your child to the Spanish I Class. I am excited about the beginning of the new school year and the opportunity to work with your child.

In the Spanish I course we will study vocabulary and grammar, to include basic sentence construction. The students will also translate different words and be able to answer simple questions in Spanish. Students will be able to engage in beginning conversations. The students will also be able to demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons with their own culture. We plan to have a lot of fun activities.

The assignments and projects will include:

Homework assignments

Class work: work sheets

Group project: Discovering a Latin American country

Short quizzes

The syllabus, attached to this letter, includes more detailed information about discipline. Please take note of the class proceduresand the NO CELL PHONE USE policy. Also attached to this letter are thecheating policy. Please sign the Academic Contract.. Parental participation is important.. I encourage parents to be supportive to reinforce the rules. I am looking forward to an exciting year.

If you have any questions about the course or would like to meet with me to discuss your child’s class activities, please contact me by e-mail at , or leave a message at the school desk at 251-602-8970.



Monica Williams

Grade level: 9th.

Student Academic Contract

I ______(Student name) acknowledge that I have received the syllabus with the class procedures and discipline procedures. And, I agree to complete all requirements of the “Spanish I Class”.

By signing belowI fully understand that I must meet the requirements of this contract.

Student signature: ______date______

Parent signature: ______date______

Teacher Signature: ______date______

Spanish II

August15, 2011

Spanish II Parents

Dear Parents/Guardians:

My name is Monica Williams, and I would like to welcome you and your child to the Spanish I Class. I am excited about the beginning of the new school year and the opportunity to work with your child.

In the Spanish I course we will study vocabulary and grammar, to include more advance sentence construction. Students will write correctly spelled, familiar words and phrases, from dictation. The students will also demonstrate reading comprehension through the use of basic morphological and syntactical items. The students will also be able to demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons with their own culture. Students will be able to engage in more advances conversations.We plan to have a lot of fun activities.

The assignments and projects will include:

Homework assignments

Class work: work sheets

Group project: Discovering a Latin American country

Short quizzes

The syllabus, attached to this letter, includes more detailed information about discipline. Please take note of the class procedures. Parental participation is important. I encourage parents to volunteer to assist with our various activities. I am looking forward to an exciting year.

If you have any questions about the course or would like to meet with me to discuss your child’s class activities, please contact me by e-mail at , or leave a message at the school desk at 251-6028970



Monica Williams

Grade level: 10th-12th.

Student Academic Contract

I ______(Student name) acknowledge that I have received the syllabus with the class and discipline procedures. And, I agree to complete all requirements of the “Spanish II Class”.

By signing belowI fully understand that I must meet the requirements of this contract.

Student signature: ______date______

Parent signature: ______date______

Teacher Signature: ______date______