Course Description: The aim of Spanish I is to enable students to understand and use simple spoken and written language presented through a variety of media based on specified topics. Through the study of varied texts and through social interaction, the course also encourages an awareness and appreciation of the different perspectives of people from other cultures. The course focuses on the development of communicative competence in Spanish and understanding of the culture of the Hispanic people. Students begin to develop communicative competence when using basic language structures. The major means of communication will be in Spanish.

Performance Standards/Objectives: Spanish I is based on the Georgia Performance Standards. The Georgia Performance Standards are online at

Anticipated Classroom Format: The SpanishI course strives to help students develop their communicative competence in Spanish. This course is primarily student focused. Small group and pair activities, guided and independent practice that reinforces grammatical structures, student led oral presentations and listening activities will all be used in class.

Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products: Students will be evaluated throughout this course using announced and unannounced quizzes and tests, written and oral presentations as well as daily class participation.

Grading Plan: The course grade will be determined as follows:

Major Assignments (Tests, CDAs, & projects)25%

Daily Assignments (classwork)20%

Class Participation25%




Strategies for Student Learning: In order to help students maximize their achievement in Spanish I this course will include the use of paired and small group activities, songs, and mnemonic devices, kinesthetic and oral activities.

Academic Honesty: Students are expected to demonstrate academic integrity at all times. Therefore any student caught or suspected of cheating on assignments or assessments will earn an automatic zero on that assignment or assessment. For the purposes of this course cheating is defined as but not limited to copying another student’s assignment or test, using outside resources during a test or using an electronic translator either hand held or internet based.

Required Readings: SpanishI will use the textbookEn Español, authentic texts and other readings as assigned.

Lost Book Policy: Board Policy Descriptive Code: IFAD

The student will be charged full replacement cost for any textbook lost regardless of condition.

The amount to be charged for a textbook damaged by a student will be the responsibility of the principal.

Resources: This course will use resources found on the Georgia Learning Connections website as well as authentic texts and materials.