Solutions Pre-Intermediate Unit 6: How techie are you?
SB p. 54, 129
- device– an object that has been designed to do a particular job
- camcorder– a video camera that can be carried around
- digital– a system of receiving and sending information as a series of numbers showing where an electronic signal is
- digital photo frame – a picture frame that displays digital photos without the need of a computer or printer
- satnav– a device used to find the way
- satellite TV – satelliteTV is a particular kind of broadcast delivery based on using space satellites to deliver signals
- tablet PC – a portable computer that is usually smaller and weighs less than a laptop and that uses atouch screeninput device
- ebook reader – a handheld computer devicethat makes it possible for books in digital form to be viewed and read by users
- HD (high-definition) TV – a television system providing an imageresolutionthat is substantially higher than that of standard-definitiontelevision
- hard disk recorder – a type of direct-to-disk recording system that uses a high-capacity hard disk to record digital audio or digital video
- notebook (laptop) – a computer that is small enough to be carried around easily and is flat when closed
- record (v) – to storesoundsormovingpicturesusingelectronicequipmentso that they can beheardorseenlater
- charge – to put electricity into sth
- battery – a devicethatproduceselectricitytoprovidepowerforradios,cars, etc.
- download – tocopyormoveprogramsorinformationfrom a larger computer system (Internet)to a smaller one
- rewind– to make arecordinggo back towards thebeginning or a particular place
- pause– to stop doing sth for a short time; to make a recording stop for a short time by pressing a button
- store – to put orkeepthings (or information) in aspecialplace(hard disk of a computer) to use them in thefuture
- turn on / switch on – to startadevicepoweredbyelectricity
- turn up – to increasethelevelofsoundorheatthat amachineproduces
- take out – to removesomething fromsomewhere
- plug in – to connectapieceofelectricalequipmentto anotherpieceofelectricalequipmentor to themainelectricitysupply
- put on – to putclothesorshoesontoyourbody
- put away – to put something in theplacewhere you usuallykeepit
- turn off/ switch off – to stopadevicepoweredbyelectricity
- take off – to removesomething
- turn down – to reducethelevelofsoundorheatthat amachineproduces
- pull out – to take something out of or away from aplace,especiallyusingphysicaleffort
- pick up – toliftsomeone or something usingyourhands; (of apieceofelectricalequipment) toreceiveasignal; tocollect, or to go and get, someone or something
SB p. 55, 114
- recharge– to fill a battery with electrical power so that the battery can work again
- definitely – without any doubt
- probably – used tomeanthat something is verylikely
- prediction– a statement that says what you think will happen
- offer – the actofaskingif someone would like to have something or if they would like you to do something
- promise – totellsomeone that you willcertainlydo something
- decision – achoicethat you make about something afterthinkingabout severalpossibilities
- intention – something that youwantandplanto do
- wireless – using a system of radio signals rather than wires to connect computers, mobile phones, etc. to each other
- expand – to increaseinsize,number, orimportance, or to make somethingincreasein this way
- boil – to reach thetemperatureat which aliquidstartstoturninto agas
- heat up– to make or become hot or warm
SB p. 56
- social networking site – an online platform that allows users to create a public profile and interact with other users on the website
- obsession– the state in which a person’s mind is filled with thoughts of one particular thing
- advantage – a conditiongiving agreaterchanceofsuccess
- improve – to make sth better
- deactivate– to make a device or chemical process stop working
- log on – to startusing acomputersystemorprogramby giving apassword
- post – to send a letter by post ; to publishsomething such as amessageorpictureon awebsiteor usingsocialmedia
- update– to make sth more modern
- upload– to copyormoveprogramsorinformationto alargercomputersystemor to the internet
- harmless– unable to cause damage or harm
- addict – a person who is unable to stop doing or using sth as a habit
- addiction– the condition of being addicted to sth
- recently – not longago, or at atimethatstartednotlongago
- give up– to stop doing sth
- demand – to ask for sth very firmly
- account – an arrangement in which a person uses the Internet or e-mail services of a particular company
- reactivate– to make sth start working again after a period of time
SB p. 57
- lie detector – a device used to measure the heart rate, breathing, etc., in order to find out if someone (such as a person suspected of a crime) is being honest
- measure– to find the size, quality, etc. of sth in standard units
- detect – to notice sth that is partly hidden or not clear
- heart rate – the number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually per minute
- sweat - theclear,saltyliquidthat youpassthroughyourskin
- subtract – to removeanumberfrom anothernumber
- app (application) – a computerprogramthat isdesignedfor aparticularpurpose
SB p. 58-59
- invent – to designorcreatesomething that has never been made before
- invention– sth that has never been designed or created before
- inventor – someone who hasinventedsomething or whosejobis toinventthings
- necessity– the fact that sth must happen or be done
- brainwave – a sudden clever idea
- buggy–a lightcarriagepulledby onehorse
- vehicle – a machine, usually with wheels and an engine, used for transporting people or goods on land
- petrol – a liquidusedas afuelfor carsand othervehicles
- warehouse – a largebuildingforstoringthings before they aresold, used, orsentout toshops
- motor scooter – a verylightmotorcyclewithsmallwheels
- wheel – a circular object, used for makingvehiclesorpartsofmachinesmove
- except – not including; but not
- balanced – containinganequalamountornumberofsimilarthings orpeople
- lean – to movethetoppartof the bodyin aparticulardirection
- holder – a devicefor puttingobjectsin or forkeepingthem inplace
- attach– to fasten or join one thing to another
- exactly – used when you are giving oraskingforinformationthat iscompletelycorrect
- dramatically – suddenly and obviously
- unroll – to openandmake flatfrom arolledposition
- rake – agardentoolwith alonghandleanda row ofpointedmetalteethat thebottom, used for making theearthsmoothor forcollectingleaves
- chopsticks– a pair of sticks used for eating with
- blow (blew, blown) – to moveand makecurrentsofair, or to bemovedor make somethingmoveon acurrentofair
- fan – anelectricdevicewithpartsthatturnquickly, used tomovetheairaround
- velсro – a device that consists of twopiecesofcloththatsticktogether with asystemof very smallhooks, used tofastenclothes,bags, etc.
- ballpoint pen – a penwith asmallmetalballat the end that putsinkon thepaper
SB p. 60
- decline – to refuse (formal)
SB p. 61
- run out – to finish, use, orsellall of something, so that there is noneleft
- household appliances –piecesofelectricalequipmentused in thehome
- kettle– a container with a lid, handle and spout, used for boiling water
- microwave (oven)–a piece of electrical equipment that uses waves of energy to cook or heat food quickly
- dishwasher – a machine for washing plates, cups, etc.
- vacuum cleaner – amachinethatcleansfloorsand othersurfacesbysuckingupdustanddirt
- cooker – alargebox-shapeddevicethat is used tocookandheatfood
- freezer– a piece of electrical equipment where you can store frozen food for a long time
- iron– a chemical element; a tool that can be heated and used to make clothes smooth
- toaster – anelectricdevicefor makingtoast
- washing machine– an electric device for washing clothes
- coffee machine – an electric device for making coffee
- fridge– a piece of electrical equipment in which food is kept cold to stay fresh
- get back– to returnto aplaceafter you have beensomewhereelse
- clear up – to tidyaplaceby gettingridof things that you do notwant; to become bright (about the weather)
- load – to put a lot of things into avehicleormachine
- electrician - apersonwho puts in,checks, andrepairselectricalwiresandelectricalequipment
- drop off – to take someone or something, esp. bycar, to aparticularplace
- wash up–tocleantheplates,pans, and other things that you have used forcookingandeating
- request – theactofpolitelyorofficiallyaskingfor something
- permission – the act of allowing sb to do sth
- unload – toremovethethings from a vehicle or a machine
- give a lift – to take someone somewhere in your car