Rescued by Rover

Year 5: Narrative Film Unit 5 National Strategy

Resources: / Story Shorts 2, DVD player; writing equipment; individual whiteboards & pens; Interactive whiteboard; Opening sentence prompt bag of tips; Prompt question cards; hotseating props; Wanted poster writing frame and vocabulary prompts.
Activity: / Create a story of their own with a moral, using a storyboard format.
Word: / Powerful adjectives to describe a key character
Sentence: / Function of adjectives within sentences.
Text: / To write a story using a theme from the film to write a fable.

Learning Outcomes


Pupils will: Compare contrasting characters and setting; understand the structure and elements of a simple narrative.

Learning about film

Pupils will: understand how music contributes to mood; understand and use the term mise en scene.


Whole Class

* Sound and Image activity with a selection of the C’s and S’s of film: Children use prompt question cards (Setting –place; Setting- Time; Story; Character) and listen to the first 2 minutes of the film without visuals (up to the point where Rover – the dog – enters the beggar woman’s house). Discuss the children’s perceptions/ideas based on the soundtrack.

* Inference & Deduction:

1. Before children watch the film, show them pictures of the beggar woman and the master. In talking partners, discuss: Who are these characters? What do you think they are like? What words can be used to describe them? On mini-whiteboards, list adjectives/adjectival phrases to describe what you think they are like. Take feedback onto the IWB.

2. Introduce the term mise en scene. Look at 2 external and 2 internal pictures from the film. (The master’s house and street; the beggar’s house and street). How are these contrasted? What can we tell from the composition of these shots?

* Watch the film – pausing when the nanny returns to the house. What has happened? What is the dilemma? What do they predict will happen in the end? How accurate were the children’s initial thoughts from the sound & image activity?

Shared Writing

Remind children of the structure of a narrative – OBDER – by using the VAK arm movements. Show the children a story map of the main parts of the film narrative. With the dilemma pre-written, work with the children to write the introduction of the story using TfW (talk for writing) strategies. Remind them to use connectives, 2A or 4A sentences (adding 2 adjectives or 2 adverbs) and varying the start of sentences by our opening sentence promptsbag of tips (use an adverb; use and “ing” starter; use an “ed starter; use a prepositional phrase; use a connective)

Independent Development activities

Green group: (Kevin to support green/pink groups) Retell the story from the villain’s point of view. Children to write a narrative ensuring all sentence prompt tips are used at least once in their work.

Pink Group: complete the story by writing the events that lead to a resolution

Purple & Blue group (guided with me): using a story map, write captions for different points in the film.

Yellow group: (with Kala): Create a wanted poster for the beggar woman. Use a writing frame and supported vocabulary prompts.


* Hotseat the characters of the beggar woman and the master. Time permitting, hotseat the nanny.