SP 2. COMIC STRIP/INTERNET ACTIVITY 2013 (30) points – vocab, gram, content

Standard: Communication 1.3 Presentational. Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

1. Create (3) different comic strips with 3 to 4 frames (boxes) each in Spanish. No English!

2. Go to

3. Click on the talk bubble below the bird to watch the demo.

4. Read steps 1-5 of the demo. Click the right arrow “Next” after each demo.

5. After step 5, scroll down and click “Enter here” to start working on your comic strip.

6. Write the title of your comic strip and your name in the boxes at the top.

7. Scroll through the line of characters. It will appear in the selection window. Click on the arrows below it to change your character’s emotion. Click on the panel where you want it to appear. Use the tool bar at the left to edit or enhance your comic strip. Add talking balloons, objects, panel prompts and color. Read “Getting Started”, “Menu Help”, and the areas in RED for extra help.

8. Make it interesting and use Spanish ONLY! Ask a Spanish Speaker to check your work.

9. When you finish click the next button. Print it first, then email it to yourself or print it. DO NOT click the back arrow. You will lose your work. Use the GO BACK AND EDIT button to make corrections.

10. When you finish all three comic strips, glue your 3 comic strips onto construction paper. Make sure you have complete, detailed sentences.

11. Go tospanishdict.com for help with your Spanish and ch.2 pg.77 for more vocabulary.

12. Write the standard above neatly on the finished product.

A) Your first comic strip will use expression from Exprésate p. 59. You will write a dialogue about your house or your room. You must ask and answer 4 questions. You choose which questions you want to answer.

¿Vives en una casa o en un apartamento? ¿Tienes tu propia (own) habitación)?

¿Cuántos habitaciones y baños hay? ¿Cómo es tu habitación)?

¿Cómo es la sala? (What is the livingroom like?) ¿Cómo es tu baño?

¿Dónde está el baño? ¿Dónde está el televisor?

¿Hay plantas en la casa? ¿Dónde?

B) The second comic strip will use expressions from Exprésate on pg. 61. Write a dialogue where you tell a brother/sister/cousin to do 2 chores. Use their name in the dialogue. He or she must complain 2 ways. Use different expressions and don’t copy the example! That’s just cheating and it’s wrong!!!

To ask someone to do something / chores (infinitive) / to complain
Oye Juan, haz el favor de…. / limpiar el/la ….. / ¡Ya lo hice mil veces!
Juan, tienes que …. / sacar la basura / !No es justo!
Juan, hay que ….. / darle de comer al perro / Estoy harto de estar aquí adentro.
Juan, debes …… / decorar el patio / A (Gloria) nunca le toca hacerlo.
sacudir los muebles / Add your own????
Add your own???

C) The third comic strip is your choice. You can do another one like A or B above or create a new one with the Spanish you’ve learned. Just make sure your vocabulary and grammar are correct.

4. Don’t forget to click on“go back and edit”to correct your comic strip. DO NOTclick the back button or you will lose your comic strip. Print, and then email your comic strip to your personal email.

**** If you finish everything by Friday, go to . Click on “Go to the online textbook” for your blue book and review chapter 2. Type “Capítulo 2” in the box at the left and “vocabulario 2” in the box in the upper right. Review all vocab. Click on “Video” listen or read through it. Click on “more practice” and do it. Click on “Self Test” on the tool bar and take the online quizzes for chapter 2. In the middle of the page, where it says “PAGE #” type 77. Scroll down to Vocabulario 2. Click on the blue words and listen to the pronunciation. Say each word out loud. Then take the Chapter test by clicking on CHAPTER SELF TEST at the top of the page. 

Feliz Navidad

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Un abrazo,

Sra. Johnson