Rebecca F. Rosen
Ph.D. 2009, Emory University, Neuroscience
B.S. 1999, Yale University, Psychobiology
Honors and Awards
Science & Technology Policy Fellowship, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2010-2012
Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, 2010
Present Position
Principal Researcher, American Institutes for Research (AIR) (2012-present)
Professional Experience
Principal Researcher, Center for the Science of Science & Innovation Policy at the American Institutes for Research
· Co-founded the new Center for the Science of Science and Innovation Policy at AIR; coordinating business development efforts and overall operations; leading the marketing and branding strategy
· Project manager for multiple studies assessing the capacity of science funding organizations to draw on existing data systems in order to develop a platform for science management and communication (French National Cancer Institute, Spanish Foundation for Science & Technology, Army Research Laboratory)
· Research lead and project manager for the development of a strategic implementation plan for a national institute for research on innovation and science, funded by the Kauffman Foundation
· Project lead for the multi-phase development of a programmatic US patents data feed and a patents data visualization tool at the US Patents & Trademark Office (2012 – present); initiated interagency collaboration with the US Department of Agriculture
· Principal investigator in the multi-university UMETRICS initiative (Universities: Measuring the Impacts of Research on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Science)
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, National Science Foundation (Directorate for Engineering) (2011–2012)
· Project Manager for a module of the Portfolio Explorer web-based tool that utilizes topic modeling and a query-driven API for longitudinal and interagency scientific portfolio analysis; wrote Statement of Work and budget document for the task order
· Interagency working group member of OSTP-sponsored STAR METRICS project to document the outcomes of federal science investments; organize outreach and technical workshops; develop strategic planning and budget documents; communicate with high-level representatives from research institutions, scientific societies, and federal agencies
· Leading the Communications Task Group for the National Science & Technology Council Interagency Working Group for a Federal-Wide Researcher Profiles System
· Member of the Engineering Assessment & Evaluation Implementation Working Group; developing frameworks to enhance scientific management across the directorate
· Member of the NSF-wide Data Working Group; participating in Foundation’s assessment of data needs and evaluation tools in use in all directorates
· Developed an acquisition plan for Division Information Management System for the Innovative Industrial Partnerships Division at NSF
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, National Institutes of Health (Directors’ Office of Science Policy Analysis) (2010-2011)
· Contract Officer’s Technical Representative (as of May, 2011)
· Project Manager for the development and maintenance of the new NIH Recovery Act Web Portal, launched in April, 2011
· Task leader for “Assessing the Regional Economic Impact of NIH ARRA Funding,” an econometric and social network analysis project
· Wrote and reviewed correspondences for the Executive Secretary; wrote and reviewed budget justification documents for agency and congressional stakeholders; attended monthly NIH Planning & Evaluation meetings
· Designed and administered a survey to evaluate NIH contract with National Academies of Science; analyzed and reported data to inform contract renegotiation
· Directed Phase II of the NIH Trace Case Study of Enbrel & Remicade (a proof of concept for tools to trace, understand, and visualize NIH contributions to drug development)
· Collaborated with 27 NIH Institutes & Centers to produce 100 NIH Fact Sheets; managed development of a streamlined online content management system and a new website
· Member of NIH planning team for STAR METRICS Level 2 Federal Researcher Profiles System
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yerkes National Primate Research Center (2009-2010)
· Investigated the bioactivity of and cellular localization of Aβ, the pathogenic protein that aggregates to initiate neuronal loss in the brain of Alzheimer’s disease subjects
· Assessed the ability of Aβ from human brain to induce disease-like aggregation of α-synuclein, a pathogenic protein in the brains of Parkinson’s disease patients
· Established and directed “Proteopathic Basis of Disease” Data group with participants from the departments of Chemistry, Neurology, Proteomics and Pathology at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology; secured funding support from Emory’s Neurosciences Initiative
· Lead coordinator of grant allocation and laboratory acquisitions
· Trained and managed 1 graduate student, 1 postdoctoral fellow
Graduate Researcher, Yerkes National Primate Research Center (2005-2009)
· Designed & implemented an exhaustive characterization of Aβ protein populations in Alzheimer’s disease and aged nonhuman primate brain; identified a protein structure that may underlie the pathogenic nature of Aβ unique to Alzheimer’s brain
· Initiated long-term academic collaborations with Dr. Harry LeVine III (University Kentucky), Dr. Jorge Ghiso (New York University), Dr. Patrick Hof (Mount Sinai School of Medicine) and Dr. Chet Sherwood (George Washington University)
· Trained and supervised 5 graduate students (4 months each), 3 undergraduate students (4 months each) and 1 research technician (2 years)
· Innovations: Developed “MS-Sherpa” computer program for analysis of Aβ MALDI-TOF MS data; Created “radiodotblot” technique for cortical homogenate autoradiography
· Oversaw equipment purchasing and maintenance
President, Art of Doing Publishing, Inc. (2005-2011)
· Authored and partially implemented an original business and marketing plan for an online data-driven market research, music publishing, and music licensing business
· Managed worldwide business activities and affairs, including annual financial audit
· Appointed, discharged, and prescribed duties of employees (until 2005)
· Oversaw development of ResearchMusic website, including music submission and management functionality, multi-level user database structure
· Set up a company branch in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (ResearchMusic do Brazil)
· Submitted a patent application for the Interactive Online One Sheet
· Affiliations: Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM)
Employment History
2012–Present / Principal Researcher, American Institutes for Research2011-2012 / AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, National Science Foundation
2010-2011 / AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, National Institutes of Health
2009-2010 / Postdoctoral Fellow, Yerkes National Primate Research Center
2005-2011 / President, Art Of Doing Publishing, Inc.
1999-2000 / Research/Clinical Specialist, University of Miami School of Medicine
Professional Affiliations
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Association for Women in Science
Journal articles and Book chapters
B.A. Weinberg, J Smith, R.F. Rosen, L. Schwarz, B.M. Allen, R.E. Weiss, J. Lane (2014) Science Funding and Short-Term Economic Activity. Science. 344(6179): 41-3.
J. Lane and R.F. Rosen, “STAR METRICS” in the Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics, in press.
J. Lane, M. Largent, and R.F. Rosen. Science Metrics for Science Policy in Beyond Bibliometrics: Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Performance. MIT Press, 2014.
A.K. Mehta, R.F. Rosen, W.S. Childers, J.D. Gehman, L.C. Walker, D.G. Lynn, (2013) Context Dependence of Protein Misfolding and Structural Strains in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Peptide Science. 100(6):722-30.
E. Heuer, R.F. Rosen, A. Cintron, L.C. Walker. (2012) Nonhuman Primate Models of Alzheimer-Like Cerebral Proteopathy. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 18(8) 1159-69.
J.I. Lane, R.F. Rosen, M. Largent. (2012) STAR METRICS Update. National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)Magazine, XLIV (2).
R.F. Rosen, J.J. Fritz, J. Dooyema, A.F. Cintron, T. Hamaguchi, J.J. Lah, H. Levine 3rd, M. Jucker, L.C. Walker. (2012) Exogenous seeding of cerebral β-amyloid deposition in βAPP-transgenic rats. Journal of Neurochemistry. 120 (5): 660-6.
L.C. Walker, R.F. Rosen, and H LeVine III. Pathogenic Protein Strains as Diagnostic and Therapeutic Targets in Alzheimer’s Disease, in Alzheimer's Disease: Targets for New Clinical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies (Frontiers in Neuroscience), May 2012.
R.F. Rosen, L.C. Walker, H LeVine III. (2011) PIB Binding in Aged Primate Brain: Enhancement of high-affinity binding sites in humans with Alzheimer’s disease. (2): 223-34.
R.F. Rosen, Y. Tomidokoro, J.A. Ghiso, L.C. Walker. (2010) SDS-PAGE/Immunoblot analysis of Ab multimers in human cortical homogenates. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 38.
R.F. Rosen, B.J. Ciliax, T.S. Wingo, M. Gearing, J. Dooyema, J.J. Lah, J.A. Ghiso, H. LeVine III, L.C. Walker. (2010) Deficient high-affinity binding of Pittsburgh Compound B in a case of Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neuropathologica, 119 (2): 221-33.
R.F. Rosen, A.S. Farberg, M. Gearing, J. Dooyema, P.M. Long, D.C. Anderson, J. Davis-Turak, G. Coppola, D.H. Geschwind, J. Pare, T.Q. Duong, W.D. Hopkins, T.M. Preuss, L.C. Walker. (2008) Tauopathy with paired helical filaments in an aged chimpanzee. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 509(3): 259-270.
L.C. Walker, R.F. Rosen, H Levine III. (2008) Diversity of Abeta deposits in the aged brain: a window on molecular heterogeneity? Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology. 49(1):5-11.
H.A. Elfenbein, R.F. Rosen, S.L. Stephens, R.C. Switzer, Y. Smith, J. Pare, R. Warzok, L.C. Walker. (2007) Cerebral b-amyloid angiopathy in aged squirrel monkeys. Histology and Histopathology. 22(2):155-67.
L.C. Walker and R.F. Rosen. (2006) Alzheimer therapeutics – what after the cholinesterase inhibitors? Age and Ageing. 35(4):332-5.
Professional Presentations
“Building an Open Data Infrastructure to Describe the Results of Science Investments”, Society for Economic Measurement Inaugural Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. August, 2014
“STAR METRICS: Measuring the Effect of Research on Innovation, Competitiveness and Science”, Week in Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE), Athens, Greece. June, 2014.
“Additional perspectives on research management in the US and abroad”, Workshop on Information, Interaction, and Influence, Chicago, IL, May, 2014
“Using STAR METRICS Data to Describe the Consequences of Scientific Collaborations”, Southern Economics Association Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. November, 2013
“Building an Empirical Basis for Science Policy”. Society for Government Economists Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. November, 2013
“Science Metrics and Science Policy”, Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Atlanta, GA. September, 2013
Co-host of the International Workshop on Empirical Foundations of Science and Innovation Policy, Paris, France. September, 2013.
“Describing and Visualizing the Results of Public R&D Investments with the Science of Science Policy Framework.” Invited talk at the International Forum on R&D Evaluation, Seoul, South Korea. June, 2013.
“Building a Scientific Basis for Research Evaluation.” Invited talk at the Research Evaluation in Practice Seminar, Washington, DC. November, 2012
“Describing the Results of Investments in Science.” Invited talk in the Approaches to the Economic Impacts of Research session at the CASRAI Occupy Impact Conference, Montreal, Quebec, CA. October, 2012
Rosen, R.F. (May, 2012) “Update on STAR METRICS and SciENCV.” Keynote Address at InfoEd Global Annual Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Rosen, R.F. (Jan, 2012) “SciENCV (Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae) and ORCID (Open Researcher Contributor ID).” Invited talk at the Federal Demonstration Partnership Winter Meeting, Washington, DC.
Rosen, R.F. (Nov, 2009) “Deficient high-affinity binding of Pittsburgh Compound B in a case of Alzheimer’s disease.” Presented at a nanosymposium at the Society for Neuroscience Conference, Chicago, IL.
Rosen, R.F. (July, 2009) “Deficient high-affinity binding of Pittsburgh Compound B in a case of Alzheimer’s disease.” Presented at the Center for Neurodegenerative Disease, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Rosen, R.F. (March 2009) “Seeding of amyloid formation: in vitro and in vivo studies.” Presented to the Center for Neurodegenerative Disease, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Rosen, R.F. (March, 2008) “Why don’t monkeys get Alzheimer’s disease?” Presented at Frontiers in Neuroscience Speaker Series, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.