Management Team Duties

General Manager

  • You can sit at the desk by the café. You will need to monitor BOTH the lab rea and the café.
  • Take attendance before students change at the beginning of lab.
  • Make sure that all students put their personal belongings in their lockers on days we are producing products in the lab. Students are not to leave their personal items on the tables in the classroom area.
  • Fill the dishwasher.
  • Train the assistant manager.
  • Answer phone calls and take messages when appropriate. When taking messages, please write down the following information:
  • Name of person calling
  • Date and time of the call
  • Phone number
  • A brief message
  • Answer customer questions. DO NOT take an order without first checking with the teacher.
  • Provide Tours
  • Make sure all dishes are done and sinks are cleaned out.
  • Make sure that the dish washer is turned off and drained.
  • Clean coffee makers at the end of the day.
  • Count cash register money at the end of the day.

Assistant Manager

  • Insure that everyone is properly dressed with
  • Clean Uniform
  • Proper Shoes
  • Hair properly restrained
  • All students need to wear single use gloves when handling ready to eat food items.
  • Make coffee
  • We normally only make one small batch of decaf per day.
  • Make sure the machines and table are wiped down daily.
  • Sweep the café as needed.
  • Monitor the locker room area to insure that it is neat and that all student items are secured and put away for safe keeping.
  • Only one student may be in the restroom at one time after changing for the day. Please monitor this and ensure that all school rules and policies are being followed.
  • Make a list of any ingredients or supplies that need to be purchased.
  • Calibrate thermometers.
  • Make sure that all food and ingredients are properly stored away at the end of the day.
  • Study our prices to be able to answer customer questions.
  • Do laundry. - Wash and dry rags. Make sure that all dirty rags are in the washer at the end of lab.


1.1 Acquirefoundationalinformationaboutbusinessethics,lawsandregulations.

5.3 Demonstrateethics.

5.7 Investigatedifferentculturalstyles.

5.11 Applyproblem-solvingtechniquestoobtainsolutionstoissues/questions.

5.12 Manage stressful situations.

5.14 Employleadershipskills.

6.2 Employentrepreneurialdiscoverystrategiestogeneratefeasibleideasforbusinessventures.

8.1 Implementorganizationalskillstofacilitateothers'workefforts.

8.2 Coordinateeffortsofcross-functionalteams.

8.6 Resolvestaffissues/problems.

10.1 Describemarketing'sroleandfunctioninhospitalityand tourism.

10.3 Explainthecompany'suniquesellingpropositiontorecognizewhatsetsthecompanyapartfromitscompetitors.

10.11 Employproduct/servicemixstrategies.

10.12 Positionproductsandservicestoacquirethedesiredbusinessimage.

13.8 Utilizeproject-managementskills.

16.1 Recognizemanagement'sroletounderstanditscontributiontobusinesssuccess.

16.2 Utilizeplanningtoolstoguideanorganization'sordepartment's activities.

16.4 Control anorganization's/department'sactivities.

31.1 Planandproducepromotionalliteratureand publications.

31.2 Createpublicrelationsactivities.

31.3 Implementpublicrelationsactivities

45.6 Developamarketingplan.

45.7 Evaluateresultsofa marketingplan.