SOWK 8292: Special Topics in Clinical Social Work Practice:
Trauma Informed Practice with Children
Addendum I: Course Assignments & Methods of Evaluation
Requirement 1. Attendance & Participation (10%); ongoing throughout course
Goal of the assignment - This course relies heavily on the student taking an active role in learning. As noted in the syllabus, students will be presented with real life client cases from which they will be expected to actively apply and integrate the concepts presented in their assigned readings. This strategy is believed to be one of the best approaches to stimulate the connection of theory to practice for adult learners. Therefore, it is imperative that consistent attendance and full participation is obtained. This requirement is congruent with the objectives related to the development of practice behaviors and competencies targeted toward the attainment of ADP Advanced Competencies #’s 1 and 2.
Task- Students are to attend every scheduled class on time, are expected to have read the materials as assigned in advance of class and are to come prepared to apply the concepts to the cases presented. The instructor will assign students to different small work groups each class period. The purpose of this rotating assignment provides the student with an opportunity to work, at least once, with every member of the class, so as to gain a greater array of perspectives on situations and manners in which theory is connected to practice. Further, this replicates the “real world practice” in systems that work with children and families who have experienced trauma. In these systems, workers from various systems, disciplines, and so forth, are forced to learn to work together rather than having the option of working with self-selected, personal peer preferences. Students will receive information on various clinical cases throughout the course and the instructor will provide them with focus questions to guide their discussions in applying theory to practice in relation to the case. Students are to work together collaboratively and be mindful of allowing for each member in the group to have an opportunity to provide input. No one member should dominate nor remain passive in the small work group activities.
Method of Evaluation for Attendance and Participation
Elements of Assignment/ Exceeds Expectations / Meets
Expectations / Below
A / BA / B / BC / CD / D / F
1. Attends every class on time for entire course. (10 pts.) / Present in classroom, settled, with cellphone off, demonstrates full readiness to engage in course session and remains for entire class session. Contacts instructor in advance by email for any emergency situation that would prevent timely attendance. / Misses no more than one class during semester and/or contacts instructor within twenty-four hours after having missed a session for emergency purposes; otherwise demonstrates full readiness to engage in course session / Misses 2 or more class sessions, does not provide advanced notice to instructor for rationale of absence/tardiness, is frequently tardy and/or leaves before session ends
2. Contributions to class discussions and activities.
(10 pts.) / Demonstrates substantive and consistent participationin all class session discussions and activities, including demonstrating evidence of having read assigned readings before class session indicated by asking questions on reading content, utilizing content for case analysis, etc. / Demonstrates basic participation in class session discussions and activities; frequently demonstrates evidence of having read assigned readings before class session indicated by asking questions on reading content, utilizing content for case analysis, etc. / Demonstrates minimalparticipation in class session discussions and activities; demonstrates minimal to no evidence of having read assigned readings before class session indicated by asking questions on reading content, utilizing content for case analysis, etc.
Requirement 2: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy Web Course (10%):
Go to the website for Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CF-CBT) (you can always find this if you Google “tf-cbt”). Login and complete the course. This web based course complements the readings and class content. At the end of each module there is a post-test. You will have to complete the post test before you can move on to the next module. You can login and logoff as many times as you need to, the course will pick up wherever you leave off, saving completed modules.
Print out and hand in the certificate of completion by June 27, 2013 .
Requirement 3: Group Presentation (20%):
Goal of the Assignment: To familiarize you with the literature that can inform the experience of a traumatized child, adolescent and/or their family and to assist you in the development of trauma-informed intervention and treatment plans for children and families.
Tasks: During the semester, pre-assigned small groups will have the responsibility to identify a question that each group wants to investigate. This topic or question should emerge from the discussion of one of the cases. Individual group members search the literature using on-line resources to answer the question or topic. Findings are summarized in the small group in preparation for the presentation to the class.
Suggestions for this assignment: review notes from cases reviewed in class and address one of the issues identified as in need of further information from the case processing, explore how the new DSM-V would impact one of the cases, explore what is known about one the cultural groups identified in the cases and how trauma has been addressed within that cultural context, explore what is known about quality assessment of clients and families who experience one of the types of traumas identified in one of the cases
Format: This is a 10-15 minute oral presentation by the small group to the class. Each student is expected to participate in the presentation. A written summary of each members’ work roles and the literature review is to be submitted at the time of the presentation.
Method of Evaluation for Group Presentation
Elements of Assignment/ Exceeds Expectations / Meets
Expectations / Below
A / BA / B / BC / CD / D / F
1. Organize selected facts of one case with identification of clear research question and includes linkage to the 12 core concepts of trauma informed practice (10 pts.) / Organizes selected facts of one case coherently through the lens of the core concepts, demonstrates in-depth consideration of the facts, and demonstrates a basic understanding of the research question / Organizes selected facts of one case coherently through the lens of the core concepts and demonstrates a basic understanding of the research question / Core concepts are not used to organize the facts, or the discussion is unclear or unorganized without a clearly defined research question
2. Discuss research findings (10 pts.) / Substantive discussion that relates to case question declared and identifies strengths and limitations to research findings / Basic discussion that relates to case question declared and identifies at least one of the strengths and/or limitations to research findings / Discussion is broad and does not identify the strengths and/or limitations to research findings
3. Discuss implications for practice and future research needs (10 pts.) / Substantive discussion that relates to implications for practice and future research needs in a manner congruent with preceding discussion / Basic discussion that relates to implications for practice and future research needs in a manner that is mostly congruent with preceding discussion / Discussion is broad and does not identify implications for practice or future research needs, and/or points are incongruent with preceding discussion
4. Graduate-level writing, correct grammar, sentence structure, APA style for citations/references; graduate level oral communication skills; clarification of group members work contributions identified (10 pts.) / Excellent, no errors / one error; oral communication is clear and conducted in professional manner- person-first language, clear speaking voice; members’ work roles clearly identified and well-balanced (or efforts to achieve such are clearly conveyed); demonstrates a substantive integration of reading assignments / Good, a few errors;
oral communication is clear and conducted in professional manner- person-first language, clear speaking voice; members’ work roles identified and partially balanced; demonstrates a basic integration of reading assignments / Poor, a number of errors, or approaches plagiarism; oral communication is poor, difficult to hear, chewing gum, value-laden language; members’ work roles lack clarity and/or imbalance of participation (without clarification on efforts utilized to create work balance); demonstrates minimal or no integration of reading assignments
Requirement 4: Reflection Papers (20%, 10% each):
Goal of the Assignment: Each assignment has a specific educational goal. The first paper provides the opportunity to organize and conceptualize case data using one core concept so that students will be able to demonstrate in-depth understanding and application of a core concept. Because self-care is important for providers, the second assignment permits students to reflect on their reactions to case material and to "rehearse" steps that they can take to examine and manage their own responses.
Tasks: In the first reflection paper, the student demonstrates their understanding of the core concepts. In the second, they present self-reflection in regard to a case as well as using the literature on vicarious traumatization to inform their discussion. Each of these is described below.
Format: Each paper should be double-spaced, type-written and fully address all elements in the evaluation matrix as well as demonstrate an integration of the course readings.
Reflection Paper #1: Due June 11th
“ Core Concepts of Trauma Informed Practice” - Using the Amarika or Juan case, organize selected facts of the case through the lens of one core concept. Discuss the facts in a way that promotes understanding of the child’s and the family’s experiences of trauma. Discuss how the core concept you selected for focus relates to an understanding of risk, protective, and promotive factors. (35 pts.)
Method of Evaluation for Reflection paper #1
Elements ofAssignment
/ Exceeds Expectations / Meets
Expectations / Below
A / BA / B / BC / CD / D / F
1. Organize selected facts of one case using one core concept and discuss the facts in a way that promotes understanding of the child’s and family’s experiences of trauma (10 pts.) / Organizes selected facts of one case coherently through the lens of the core concept, demonstrates in-depth consideration of the facts, and demonstrates a basic understanding of the child’s and family’s experiences of trauma / Organizes selected facts of one case coherently through the lens of the core concept and demonstrates a basic understanding of the child’s and family’s experiences of trauma / Core concept is not used to organize the facts, or the discussion is unclear or unorganized
2. Discuss how the selected core concept relates to understanding of risk factors (10 pts.) / Substantive discussion that relates the core concept to specific discussion of risk factors at individual, family, and macro level, with thoughtful support for statements made / Basic discussion that relates the core concept to individual, family, or macro level risk factors, with some support for statements made yet not in-depth across all levels / Discussion is broad and does not identify discrete risk factors and/or does not cover more than one system level
3. Discuss how core concept relates to understanding of protective and promotive factors (10 pts.) / Substantive discussion that relates the core concept to specific discussion of protective & promotive factors at individual, family, and macro levels, with thoughtful support for statements made / Basic discussion that relates the core concept to individual, family and/or macro level protective & promotive factors, with some support for statements made / Discussion is broad and does not identify discrete risk factors and/or does not cover more than one system level
4. Graduate-level writing, correct grammar, sentence structure, APA style for citations/references (10 pts.) / Excellent, no errors / one error; demonstrates a substantive integration of reading assignments reflective synthesis and evaluation levels of learning / Good, a few errors; demonstrates a basic integration of reading assignments / Poor, a number of errors, or plagiarizes; demonstrates minimal or no integration of reading assignments and/or information limited to direct quotes from texts/readings
Reflection Paper #2:Due June 20th
“Self Care” - Identify your personal reactions to the case of Amarika, Juan or Geraldine. If you were the social worker, how might your reactions affect your working relationships with the children, caregivers, and/or other professionals in the case? What self-care strategies would you use to manage your own intense reactions and possible vicarious trauma? Review and cite literature about vicarious trauma and self-care that provided help in thinking about your self-care as a developing social worker.
Method of Evaluation for Reflection paper #2
Elements of Assignment/ Exceeds Expectations / Meets
Expectations / Below
A / BA / B / BC / CD / D / F
1. Discuss your personal reactions to the case of Juan, or Geraldine (10 pts.) / Identifies personal reactions that are linked to the case; clearly articulates the feeling and thought content of reactions; demonstrates exploration of self and identifies bias, stereotyping, and/or empathic identification that may be in evidence / Identifies personal reactions that are linked to the case and articulates basic feeling and thought content of those reactions, with some intermixing of feelings and thoughts rather than consistent differentiation; demonstrates some exploration of self / Identifies personal reactions in a global and/or vague way; articulates feelings or thoughts without clarity; and/or fails to distinguish between thoughts and feelings.
2. If you were the social worker, how might your reactions affect your interactions with the children, caregivers, and/or other professionals in the case? (10 pts.) / Provides substantive discussion about the relationship between personal reactions and their effect on the working relationship with family and/or other professionals; reactions are discussed with empathy toward the people in the case and a recognition of how one's own reactions may be helpful or hurtful to the working relationship / Provides basic discussion about the relationship between personal reactions and their effect on the working relationship with family or other professionals; discusses reactions with some empathy toward the people in the case and recognizes how one's own reactions may broadly affect the working relationship / Provides inadequate discussion about the relationship between personal reactions and their effect on the working relationship; absence of empathy;
3. What self-care strategies would you use to manage your own reactions and possible vicarious trauma? (Review and cite literature about vicarious trauma and self-care that provided help in thinking about care for yourself)
(10 pts.) / Provides substantive discussion of self-
care strategies as they relate to personal reactions from element #1; demonstrates integration of literature by citing 2 or more sources / Provides basic discussion of self-care strategies as they relate to personal reactions from element #1; demonstrates some integration of literature by citing at least one source / Discusses self-care broadly without citing the literature
4. Graduate-level writing, correct grammar, sentence structure, APA style for citations/references (5 pts.) / Excellent, no errors / one error / Good, a few errors / Poor, a number of errors, or plagiarizes
Requirement 5: Final Paper (40%) – Due June 27th
Goal of the Assignment: To demonstrate your ability to apply the course content, including the core concepts and the framework incorporating an understanding of both individual and system factors, to work through the assessment and intervention phases of a case.
Task: Using either the Hector or James case, formulate an assessment (as outlined in Saxe) about the degree of individual dysregulation of the child or adolescent and the stability of the environment(s) relevant to the case. Create an intervention or treatment plan that is directly linked to your assessment.
Method of Evaluation for Final Paper
Elements of Assignment/ Exceeds Expectations / Meets
Expectations / Below
A / BA / B / BC / CD / D / F
1. Using the Hector or James case, formulate an assessment about the degree of individual dysregulation of the child or adolescent.
(10 pts.) / Gives a substantive discussion of degree of emotional and behavioral dysregulation, with specific examples from the case; clearly outlines connections between dysregulation and traumatic triggers, cites professional literature 3 or more times / Gives a basic discussion of emotional and behavioral dysregulation, provides adequate examples from the case, cites professional literature at least 2 times / Cites emotional or behavioral dysregulation, provides a global discussion, provides no examples from case, does not cite literature, or citation is inadequate
2. Using the Hector or James case, formulate an assessment about the degree of stability within the environment(s) relevant to the case. (10 pts.) / Gives a substantive discussion of the degree of the stability within multiple environments of the child (including comparison of environments pre- and post-trauma), substantive discussion of elements that contribute to this level of stability or instability, and provides substantive examples from the case / Gives a basic discussion of the degree of stability, discusses more than 1 environment, assesses level of stability in 1 or more environments, provides a basic discussion of elements that contribute to this level of stability or instability, and provides adequate examples from the case / Gives an inadequate discussion of environment,
inadequate discussion of elements contributing to the environments, and provides no examples from case
3. Create an intervention or treatment plan that is directly linked to your assessment.
(10 pts.) / Clearly details priorities for intervention, makes substantive connections to assessment, treatment planning includes multiple modules and modalities, substantive discussion of intervention / treatment plan that includes substantive collaboration with other people, and a strong strengths-based perspective / Gives a basic discussion, connects treatment planning to assessment, planning includes collaboration with other people, demonstrates a strength-based perspective, and includes individual and environmental components in the plan / Provides a broad intervention plan, little specificity, lacks strengths-base, omits discussion of collaboration