Southwestern Michigan College
Dowagiac, Michigan
Course Syllabus: Fall 2012
Course Title: Introduction to Digital Art and Design Course No.: Art 100
Section No.: 1006; MW, 6:00–8:00pm
Credits: Credit hours: 3 Lecture hours/weekly 2 Laboratory hours/weekly: 2
Weekly contact hours: 4
Final Exam Schedule: December 12, 6:00-8:00pm
Instructor: Mr. Bill Rothwell Office: Room 130, Lyons Building
Office hours: MTWR: 11:30am-12:30pm, F: 12:00 noon–1:00pm by appointment
E-mail: Phone/Voice mail: (269) 783-2109
Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the computer graphics environment. The focus of this course is on digital illustration and design using Adobe Illustrator, a vector-based illustration application. Basic digital imaging techniques using Adobe Photoshop will also be introduced.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
• use the Macintosh operating system (Mac OS X).
• create, save and manage files.
• print to various printers.
• operate a scanner.
• define and solve basic design problems.
• work with Adobe Illustrator’s (CS6) tools, palettes and features to create vector
based illustrations and designs.
• work with basic Adobe Photoshop’s (CS6) tools and features for raster based
image editing.
• explain the difference between vector and raster art.
• recognize the color systems used for print and the Web: CMYK, spot color and RGB.
• communicate using basic computer and graphic design terminology.
Textbooks: Optional: Adobe Illustrator CS6 Revealed
by Chris Botello; Delmar Cengage Learning ISBN-10: 1133693199
Required Materials: 1. You must back-up your files to your own disk. A USB flash drive is required
(4GB or larger recommended). These mini-drives can be purchased at the SMC bookstore, electronics stores and office supply stores.
2. A small drawing pad for design ideas, including thumbnail sketches.
3. A black mat board (apx. 11"x14") for the student art exhibit.
Method of Instruction: The method of instruction for Introduction to Digital Art and Design will be in-class demonstrations, exercises, projects and assisted work time.
Evaluation: Upon completion of this course, the student will demonstrate achievement of the course objectives by obtaining a final minimum grade of 72% measured by exercises, projects, performance tests and written quizzes/tests.
Evaluation Method: 1. A number of class exercises will be averaged together for 10% of the final grade.
2. Four projects graded on a 10 point scale and averaged for 50% of the final grade.
3. Two written quizzes worth 10% of the final grade.
4. Two performance tests using Illustrator worth 20% of the final grade.
5. A comprehensive final worth 10% of the final grade.
All late projects will be graded down 1 grade for not being completed by the critique deadline and for each class meeting late.
Grading Scale: 92-100% (9.2-10 points) A 72-77% (7.2-7.7 points) C
90-91% (9-9.1 points) A- 70-71% (7-7.1 points) C-
88-89 % (8.8-8.9 points) B+ 68-69% (6.8-6.9 points) D+
82-87% (8.2-8.7 points) B 62-67% (6.2-6.7 points) D
80-81% (8-8.1 points) B- 60-61% (6-6.1 points) D-
78-79 % (7.8-7.9 points) C+ 59% (5.9 points) and below F
Attendance Policy: Excessive unexcused absences will not be conducive to success in the class. Arriving to class more than 10 minutes late or leaving early two times will be considered an absence. The student is responsible for materials missed.
Testing Policy: Two written quizzes, two performance tests and a comprehensive final will be given. If the student is ill, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor before the test and arrange a make-up time for the test.
Considerations: Extra lab hours may be necessary. Open lab hours will be posted next to the lab door during the second week of classes. A lab assistant will be present during open lab times to maintain order in the lab.
NO eating, drinking, playing music or computer games in the lab except with
permission of instructor or lab assistant.
Classroom Behavior: Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. In order to assure that all students have the opportunity to gain from time spent in class; students are prohibited from engaging in any form of distraction. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result, minimally, in a request to leave class.
Acceptable Use of Personal Communication Technology:
All phones, iPods, laptops and other technological devices including devices capable of taking photographs must be turned off or placed on vibrate mode and may not be brought out during class. If you are expecting or receiving an urgent call, you are required to leave the classroom before answering. Violation of this policy will result in your removal from the classroom for the class period. Multiple violations of this policy will be referred to the appropriate dean for disciplinary action. Further details or ramifications of violations maybe found elsewhere in this syllabus. The instructor has the right to modify this policy to meet the needs of your course.
Honesty Policy: Cheating or plagiarizing will absolutely not be tolerated at Southwestern Michigan College. Any student found cheating or plagiarizing material in any manner may be assigned a failing semester/session grade in this course. A second such incident while at SMC could result in suspension or expulsion from the institution. A student found in violation of this section of the syllabus will not be allowed to drop this course. Additional detail regarding cheating and/or plagiarism may be found elsewhere in this syllabus. For more detailed information consult the SMC Student Code of Conduct.
Notice: Representative student work will be used as a part of SMC’s on-going curriculum
assessment program.
NOTICE: Information in this syllabus was, to the best knowledge of the instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the semester. The instructor, however, reserves the right, acting within the policies and procedures of Southwestern Michigan College, to make changes in course content or instructional techniques.
Art 100: Semester Outline
Sep 5 Wed Overview of syllabus and the computer lab; rules and regulations.
Introduction to the Macintosh OS X environment and Adobe Illustrator
Sep 10-12 Mon Demonstration: Working with the Macintosh and Adobe Illustrator:
Menu items, file management, opening and saving files
Demonstration: Adobe Illustrator workspace, basic tools and palettes
Demonstration: Illustration
Wed Lecture/Demonstration: Vector curves and objects/Adobe Illustrator’s basic tools and palettes (Chapter 1, pgs 2-61); Pen tool
Demonstration: Paths to trace/Shapes to trace
Sep 17-19 Mon Demonstration: Shapes to trace, continued
Demonstration: Logotype production
Exercise/homework: Exercise #1: Bat logos (Pen tool practice:)
Project #1 assigned
Wed Demonstration: Character illustration (Exercise #2)
Demonstration: Color systems/gradients
Review of thumbnail sketches of Project #1
Sep 24-26 Mon Lecture/Demonstration: Editing vector objects/curves
Demonstration: Strokes
Work on Project #1 and character tracing exercise (Exercise #2)
Wed Work on Project #1
Demonstration: Brushes
Review of character illustration exercise
Oct 1-3 Mon Review for Macintosh basics quiz
Demonstration: Transform tools
Demonstration: Distort filters
Complete Project #1
Wed Written quiz #1
Critique of Project #1, part 1
Demonstration: Placing type on paths, part 1
Project #2 (ad design) assigned
Oct 8-10 Mon Critique of Project #1, part 2
Demonstration: Placing type on paths, part 2
Review of thumbnails for Project #2
Exercise #3: Type on paths (hand-out)
Wed Work on Project #2
Demonstration: Stroked type/create outlines/drop shadows
Demonstration: Envelope distort: make with warp
Oct 15-17 Mon Review for Performance test #1 (B&W logo production)
Work on Project #2
Wed Critique of Project #2, part 1
Performance test #1
Demonstration: Retouching in Adobe Photoshop
Oct 22-24 Mon Critique of Project #2, part 2
Demonstration: Masking
Exercise #4: Masking: Type masking image (hand-out)
Wed Demonstration: Transparency
Demonstration: Color Guide
Complete Masking exercise
Oct 29-31 Mon Demonstration: Blend and Mesh tools
Lecture: Poster design
Project #3 (Poster Design)
Wed Demonstration: Compound Paths, Pathfinders, Shape Builder tool
Demonstration: Symbols and Symbol tools
Nov 5-7 Mon Review of thumbnails for Project #3
Demonstration: Live Trace/Image Trace and Live Paint
Work on Project #3
Wed Demonstration: Layers
Work on Project #3
Nov 12-14 Mon Review for Performance test #2
Work on Project #3
Wed Performance test # 2
Work on Project #3
Nov 19-21 Mon Critique of Project #3, part 1
Demonstration: Patterns
Wed Critique of Project #3, part 2
Project #4 (Team project: 3 color logo/t-shirt design)
Lecture: Logo designs
Nov 26-28 Mon Review for Written quiz #2
Project #4: Research, ideas... brainstorm
Review of thumbnails for Project #4
Wed Written quiz #2
Critique of B&W logos, part 1
Work on Project #4
Dec 3-5 Mon Critique of B&W logos, part 2
Demonstration: Custom/Spot (Pantone) colors
Demonstration: T-shirt layout / Exporting Illustrator files (incl. JPG and PDF)
Work on Project #4
Wed Demonstration: Crop marks, bleeds, color separation
Presentation of Project #4, part 1
Dec 10-12 Mon Presentation of Project #4, part 2
Review for final
Wed Final exam