Meeting Minutes

Grant County Commissioner

Regular meeting


Alton Zenker Myles Stoller John Reinhardt


Regular Commissioners Meeting was called to order on the 7th day of February 2017 at 9:00AM by Alton Zenker, Commissioners present Alton Zenker, Myles Stoller, John Reinhardt.

Public Present: Katie Wirt-Extension, Joann Ozbun-DES, John Foss-Sheriff, Grant Walker-States Attorney, Dave Reineke-Road Supt.

Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to approve the agenda as presented all present aye motion carried.

Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to approve minutes of January 18th regular meeting all present aye motion carried.

Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to approve to pay bills as presented, accept do not pay yet RDO invoices totaling $14,996.01 and add Glass Welding for $650.00 and Grant Walker Travel for $272.16 all present aye, motion carried.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Update on happenings with extension office from Katie Wirt.

Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to approve NRG quote for updating the WIFI in the courthouse for #1372.76 roll call vote Stoller-aye, Reinhardt-aye, Zenker-aye motion carried.

Moved by Stoller and second by Reinhardt to amend motion from previous meeting dated January 18, 2017 for lease of JD tractor all present aye motion carried.

Moved by Reinhardt and second by Stoller to change the rate for the JD tractor from $20.10 to $17.35 all present aye motion carried.

FYI: Next regular meeting is scheduled February 22, 2017 and March 8, 2017 starting at 9:00AM

Zenker adjourned meeting at 2:40PM

Chairman ______County Auditor ______

Alton Zenker Lynn Mutschelknaus

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