Department for Corporate Services
Joanna Ruffle, Head of People & Policy
Our ref: / Telephone: / 01702 215000
Your ref: sg / Fax:
Date: 25th March / 2014 / E-mail: /
Contact Name: / Sue Goodwin / DX 2812 Southend
Dear Mr/Ms Dawson
Re: Freedom of Information Request No. 02200
I am writing regarding your request for information, which was received on 20th February 2014.
In that request you asked us for information about:
1. Who is the main contact/contacts for Children’s Social Care?
2. Please provide confirmation of any contracts you may have with ‘Managed Service Providers’ e.g. Comensura or Matrix. This is in relation to the provision of social workers, senior practitioners, assistant team managers, team managers and service managers within Children’s Services (referred to from now on as "qualified social work professionals"?
NB Comensura or Matrix provide neutral vendor frameworks to manage all recruitment agencies on behalf of Public Authorities like yourselves.
3. In the event that you have a ‘Managed Service Provider’ and they have been unable to supply a qualified social worker do you deal directly with other recruitment agencies who can fill your vacancies on an off framework basis?
4. If you do not have a Managed Service Provider in place, please provide details of contracts you may have with individual recruitment agencies or other providers for the provision of qualified social work professionals?
5. Please provide the TOTAL number of qualified social workers currently working on a recruitment agency basis within Children’s Services.
6. Please provide the NUMBER and GRADE of qualified social work professionals working on an agency basis by SUPPLIER.
7. Please provide the NUMBER and GRADE of qualified social work professionals working on an agency basis by DEPARTMENT.
8. Please provide the pay and agency charge rate of each qualified social work professional currently working on an agency basis.
9. What is the total fiscal SPEND on agency qualified social work professionals within Children’s Services in the last 12 months 2013 – 2014
10. What is the total fiscal BUDGET for agency qualified social work professionals within Children’s Services in the last 12 months 2013 - 2014
11. What is the fiscal budget for qualified social work professionals specifically for Children’s Services recruitment through agencies for 2014 -2015.
I can confirm that the search for the information you requested has been completed and I can advise you of the following:
1. Who is the main contact/contacts for Children’s Social Care?
Group Manager, Fieldwork Services, Department for People
2. Please provide confirmation of any contracts you may have with ‘Managed Service Providers’ e.g. Comensura or Matrix. This is in relation to the provision of social workers, senior practitioners, assistant team managers, team managers and service managers within Children’s Services (referred to from now on as "qualified social work professionals"?
NB Comensura or Matrix provide neutral vendor frameworks to manage all recruitment agencies on behalf of Public Authorities like yourselves.
Capita Resourcing
3. In the event that you have a ‘Managed Service Provider’ and they have been unable to supply a qualified social worker do you deal directly with other recruitment agencies who can fill your vacancies on an off framework basis?
4. If you do not have a Managed Service Provider in place, please provide details of contracts you may have with individual recruitment agencies or other providers for the provision of qualified social work professionals?
5. Please provide the TOTAL number of qualified social workers currently working on a recruitment agency basis within Children’s Services.
6. Please provide the NUMBER and GRADE of qualified social work professionals working on an agency basis by SUPPLIER.
18 – Capita Resourcing
7. Please provide the NUMBER and GRADE of qualified social work professionals working on an agency basis by DEPARTMENT.
18 – Children’s Services
8. Please provide the pay and agency charge rate of each qualified social work
professional currently working on an agency basis.
30 / 35.2232 / 37.57
28 / 39.86
28 / 32.87
28 / 38.87
30 / 34.5
32 / 37.57
28 / 32.87
28 / 32.87
35 / 41.09
28 / 32.87
22.95 / 31.78
28 / 32.87
30 / 35.22
28 / 32.87
28 / 32.87
43 / 50.48
30 / 35.22
9. What is the total fiscal SPEND on agency qualified social work professionals within Children’s Services in the last 12 months 2013 – 2014
Qualified Social Care SpendPerm / Temp
Feb-13 / £4,041.88 / £69,556.23
Mar-13 / £4,146.66 / £62,000.22
Apr-13 / £750.00 / £61,398.96
May-13 / £5,846.04 / £56,269.96
Jun-13 / £0.00 / £72,251.61
Jul-13 / £1,200.00 / £48,417.39
Aug-13 / £450.00 / £75,057.83
Sep-13 / £700.00 / £44,384.98
Oct-13 / £4,986.00 / £59,887.54
Nov-13 / £450.00 / £68,647.77
Dec-13 / £2,837.00 / £13,911.55
Jan-14 / £2,624.32 / £96,119.79
Last 12 Months / £28,031.90 / £727,903.83
10. What is the total fiscal BUDGET for agency qualified social work professionals within Children’s Services in the last 12 months 2013 – 2014
The Council does not have an actual budget for Agency Social Work professionals.
When engaged their costs are met from the regular employee budgets. There is no
budget and therefore no distinction between those engaged directly and those
engaged via agencies.
11. What is the fiscal budget for qualified social work professionals specifically for Children’s Services recruitment through agencies for 2014 -2015
Please see response to question 10.
If you wish to discuss any of the above, please contact me. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to request a review of our response, you should write to the Group Manager – Policy, Engagement and Communication, Corporate Services Department, PO Box 6, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER.
If you are not content with the outcome of your review, you can make a complaint under the Council’s complaints process by writing to Corporate Complaints Officer, Corporate Services Department, PO Box 6, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6ER.
You can also apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision although generally the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the Council’s complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Sue Goodwin
HR Team Leader