Remote Sensing Answer Key

Fairfax HS Invitational 2017

Station 1

1) Water-saturated snow and ice

2) Melt Ponds

3) The snow will not have melted in February

4) Glacier OR Greenland’s ice sheet

Station 2

5) It is summertime in Antarctica in December and there is considerable melting

6) Universal time

7) It is continually sunny during a short time in the summer (December) in Antartica

8) South

Station 3

9) Northerly

10) Hurricanes begin over water, the northern end of the track would have begun over the mainland

11) The prevailing winds are in an easterly direction in that area

12) Storms like Norbert can mix up deeper, nutrient-rich water and thereby stimulate enhanced phytoplankton growth in their wakes (shown as very bright blue in the image).

Station 4

13) Reflecting Power of a surface

14) EITHER (1) the increased runoff generated by the hurricane’s rain OR

(2) increased wave action associated with the passing storm

15) To the right (or to the southwest)

16) The small icebergs breaking off could reach the open sea

17) Calves

18)By examining only certain band or bandwidths in a given image

Station 5

19) Outflow from a freshwater river

20) Lake Michigan

21) Lake Erie

22) A color assignment for any band of a multispectral images that is done in an entirely arbitrary manner

23) A

24) Cyclones (or hurricanes) are low pressure systems & low pressure systems rotate COUNTER-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere

Station 6

25) Bering Strait

26) The international date line runs between them

27) North

28) Summer

29) There is no sea ice or snow cover that would exist here during the winter

Station 7

30) The fraction of an area that was cloudy (on average) each month

31) NO

32) The patterns are basically the same.

33) Over the OCEANS

34) Deserts

35) Gray Or Purple

Station 8

36) somewhere between four and six times greater

37)The area of 1975 coverage is at least twice that of 1977. The snow pack was probably between two and three times as thick. So the volume should be

Station 9


A P Gamma Ray F K Infrared

I O Microwave or Radar J R Radio

G N Reflected Infrared C M Ultraviolet

D K Photographic Ultraviolet E K Visible

H L Thermal Infrared B P X-ray

39) Yes, large enough ones can be detected with Landsat

40) Active = Detecting energy that is reflected after being emitted and sent out to a target by a source

Passive = Detecting natural radiation that is emitted or reflected

41) Passive

42) Active

43) (A) Radiometric Correction (B) Atmospheric Correction

Station 10

44) It is caused by multi-year ice. The darker blocks of ice enclosed by lighter are older. Many of those blocks in turn contain even smaller pieces. The older ice broke up into individual floes, then new freezing took place, embedding the earlier ice now that ice sheet itself is in process of breaking apart.

45) D

46) A

47) Eddies Or Eddy Currents

48) Clockwise

Station 11

49) Northeast

50) The area was not snow-covered before the storm passed and the storm tracked south of this area so the snow did not cover this area

51) No

52) As the storm passed the temperatures to the south were above freezing so that the only precipitation would have been rain

53) 2003

54) 2004

55) the thickness variations and packing densities from onsite ground measurements are needed in order to estimate the volume of runoff

Station 12

56) An object or system which absorbs all radiation that hits it and then re-radiates the energy which is characteristic of this radiating system only NOT on the type of radiation which is radiant upon it.

57) What is the Earth’s Radiation Budget?

How much energy the Earth gets from the Sun and how much energy the Earth-System radiates back to outer space.


A: Solar Incident Energy…………..Absorbed Solar Incident Energy raises the Earth’s temperature

B: Earth’s Emitted Energy…….Heat energy leaves the Earth’s system and lowers the temperature.

C: Solar Reflected Energy……..Surface Albedo lowers percentage of Solar incident energy that reaches the surface lowering the Earth’s temperature

59) Te = Effective temperature

Ts = Surface temperature

dT = the greenhouse increment.

60) 33 degrees Kelvin, and is a function of the efficiency of the infrared absorption.

61) Global models do not account for the discontinuity of energy flow in the system.

Zonal models include a part of an equation that accounts for the flow of energy from one latitudinal zone to the next.

The Zonal models provide a more clear and accurate picture.