Tuesday 3rd February

The Winter Gardens, Weston-super-Mare


9.30 / Tea/Coffee & registration / Prince Consort Bar
10.00 /

Welcome from the Chair

Rona Campbell, Director, DECIPHer


Prince Consort Hall

10.10 /

Best Early Life Investments for Health Equity: Scotland & (the rest of) the UK Compared

John Frank, Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy

10.40 / Risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events associated with varenicline: systematic review and meta-analysis (Highly Commended Abstract)
Kyla Thomas, University of Bristol
11.00 /

Tea/Coffee plus an opportunity to view the poster presentations



11.35 /

Parallel Sessions

4 parallel sessions of 4 presentations / Prince Consort, Grove
Ashcombe & Clarence
12.50 / Lunch plus an opportunity to view the poster presentations / Ballroom
2.00 /

Parallel Sessions

4 parallel sessions of 2 presentations / Prince Consort, Grove
Ashcombe & Clarence
2.35 / Tea/Coffee / Ballroom
3.00 /


Ayoola Oyinloye, Training Programme Director, South West Public Health Specialty Training Programme /

Prince Consort Hall

3.10 / A longitudinal analysis on changes in objectively measured BMI in children and its relationship
with the fast food environment (Highly Commended Abstract)
Matthew Pearce, Gloucestershire CCG
3.30 / Investigational Ebola treatments in West Africa

Peter Horby, Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, University of Oxford

4.00 /

Closing remarks and awards for best poster and highly commended papers

4.15 / Close /


11.35 – 12.50

Prince Consort Hall / Ashcombe Suite / Grove Suite / Clarence Suite
Health Protection / Young People & Health / Alcohol / Mental Health & Wellbeing
Chair: Petra Manley / Chair: Katie Hopgood / Chair: Sarah Weld / Chair: Penny Marno
11.35 – 11.55 / A1
Suzanne Audrey
University of Bristol
Barriers & facilitators to HPV vaccination of young women in high-income countries: a qualitative systematic review / A2
Sarah Bell
University of Bristol
Investigating the relationship between physical activity and emotional wellbeing in young people / A3
Deborah Caldwell
University of Bristol
The impact of peer-led interventions in relation to tobacco, alcohol and/or drug use among young people: a systematic review / A4
Jonathan Roberts
North Somerset Council
A health & wellbeing survey in North Somerset to investigate health behaviours mental wellbeing
11.55– 12.15 / B1
Alexandra Nicholson
University of Bristol
Hand hygiene and absenteeism in primary schools; a cluster RCT / B2
Tamsin Newlove-Delgado Specialty Registrar in Public Health
What services do children with mental health disorders use? Analysis of mental health related service contact / B3
Britt Hallingberg
DECIPher, Cardiff University
Alcohol use and participation in sports among British young people / B4
Angela Beattie
University of Bristol
Mentoring vulnerable & excluded adolescents to achieve better health & well-being: follow-up interviews in the Breakthrough Mentoring Scheme
12.15 – 12.35 / C1
Elizabeth Cross
Wiltshire Council
Antimicrobial stewardship through joint microbiology and acute medical ward rounds / C2
Ruth Kipping
University of Bristol
Findings from the Active For Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school-based cluster RCT to increase physical activity, reduce sedentary behaviour & increase fruit & vegetable consumption / C3
Clair Brunner
University of Bristol
Associations of alcohol-metabolising genetic variants with prostate cancer incidence and survival / C4
Judi Kidger
University of Bristol
A pilot RCT to improve the mental health support and training of secondary school teachers (the WISE project)
12.35 – 12.50 / D1
Isabel Oliver
Public Health England
High risk of HBV infection and unmet casefinding need among migrants in Bristol, UK – a cross sectional study / D2
Pandora Pound
University of Bristol
Synthesis of qualitative studies of young people’s views of their sex and relationship education / D3
Georgie MacArthur
University of Bristol
Among friends: A qualitative exploration of the role of friends and peers in adolescent alcohol use / D4
James Redmore
DECIPher, University of Bristol
Suicide Accidental Deaths in Children and Adolescents aged 10-19 years in England Wales, 1972-2011


2.00 – 2.35

Prince Consort Hall / Ashcombe Suite / Grove Suite / Clarence Suite
Violence against women / Community interventions / Secondary care / Special interest
Chair: Emma Kain / Chair: Kate Blackburn / Chair: Julia Chisnell / Chair: Matt Edmunds
2.00 – 2.20 / E1
Nicola Bowtell
Public Health England
Developing a sustainable Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) reporting system: the Bristol Model / E2
Matt Hickman
University of Bristol
Script in a Day (SCID) intervention for individuals who are injecting opioids: results from a mixed methods feasibility RCT / E3
Amanda Owen-Smith
University of Bristol
How doctors & patients negotiate shared decision-making within the context of healthcare rationing: a case study of morbid obesity surgery / E4
Rachel Wigglesworth
ECEHH University of Exeter
Community Interventions To Reduce Food Poverty: A Scoping Review
2.20 – 2.35 / F1
Maggie Evans
University of Bristol
Help-seeking amongst women survivors of domestic violence: a qualitative study of pathways towards formal informal support / F2
Emma Solomon UWE
Zoe Clifford Specialty Registrar in Public Health
Evaluation of the ‘Living Well, Taking Control’ community-based diabetes prevention & management programme: preliminary findings / F3
Nina Robery
Public Health England
Geographical variation in the time spent in hospital for people dying of various causes of death during the last 6 months of life / F4
Brendan Mason
National Public Health Service for Wales
Predictive validity of recruitment into public health specialist training in the UK

#SWPH15 @DECIPHerCentre