South Texas College
Division of Business and Technology
Business Administration Department
Small Business Management – BUSG 2309 Section Outline

Instructor’s Name

Office/Building/Campus Location

Office Telephone
Dept. Telephone
FAX Number
E-mail Address
Office Hours / Yolanda Martinez
Room 310/CTE Building/McAllen High School
(956) 632-3189
(956) 632-3100
(956) 632-3114

1:32pm to 2:23pm

Course Title

/ Small Business Management

Course Number

/ BUSG 2309
Course Meets in Class
Catalogue Course Description / This is course on how to start and operate a small business. Topics include facts about a small business, essential management sills, how to prepare a business plan, financial needs, marketing strategies, and legal issues.
Prerequisites / None
Program Learning Objective / Explain the basics of management theory
Course Learning Objectives /

Identify management skills for a small business

Outline issues related to choosing a business, succeeding in a business, and obtaining a return on investment
Create a business plan
Required Textbook & Resources: / Entrepreneurship, Blenda Clark & Judy Commers
ISBN: 978-1-6025-782-2
Evaluation Methods and Grading Criteria according to the Mater Syllabus
Daily Grades 10%
Test Grades 60%
Quiz Grades 30%
Project - Business Plan Test
Grade +
Progress Grades
Final Exam 25%
100 - 90 A
89 - 80 B
79 - 70 C
69 - 60 D
59 - 0 F / Class Participation
Students will present sections of each chapter in teams of 3 or 4 students. Credit will be given each time a student participates.
Students will create a Business Plan for a new business. Components of the Business Plan will be worked on throughout the semester. The Business Plan is due APRIL 24th.
Three mid-terms tests will be given during the semester.Chapters 1-6, 7-12, 13-18 will be covered on each of the three mid-termsNo makeup tests. The trial test is not one of these exams.
Final Exam
A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the semester.
Comprehensive means chapters 1-18 will be represented on the final exam.
Extra Credit
Students may obtain extra credit by bringing a guest speaker (business person) from the community to speak to the class. Prior approval and scheduling must be obtained from the instructor. Due to time availability, one speaker per student will be allowed.
Students may also bring current event topics pertaining to small businesses from newspapers, periodicals, internet, etc., to share with the class for extra credit. These must use the MASHUP tool for the online course in the WIKI.
Departmental Course Requirements / Student Success
In an effort to ensure your success at STC, please try to visit with me at least once this semester. The first visit will be to assess your educational goals and career plans and the second meeting will be to discuss your class selections for the upcoming semester. The best meeting time is during my published office hours; however, if you are unable to meet during those times, then you need to schedule an appointment with me.
Oral Communication:
Students will engage in oral communication while answering questions posed by instructor, engaging in-group discussions, and presenting chapter material.
Use of Technology:
Business Administration courses use Web CT to integrate technology with curriculum.

Attendance Policy


Refer to STC Catalog for complete attendance policy. Below are few excerpts from the policy:

-It is the responsibility of the student to inform instructor concerning any absence.

-Instructors may drop students at the point when, in the opinion of the instructor, the student would have difficulty in successfully completing the course.
-Three consecutive absences by a student may result in a drop by instructor.
Cell Phones and other Electronic devices: / Cellular phones are allowed in class ONLY IF they are kept in the vibrating or silent mode at all times throughout the class. Otherwise, cellular phonesare to be turned off completely at all times. Absolutely, no texting. Ear plugs inserted in ears and connected to electronic devices are not allowed. (unless they are ADA compliant and required devices for your learning).
Developmental Studies Policy Statement: The College’s Developmental Education Plan requires TSI Liable students who have not met the college readiness or exemption standards in reading, writing, and/or mathematics to enroll in Developmental Studies courses including College Success. Failure to attend these required classes may result in the student's withdrawal from ALL college courses.
Statement of Equal Opportunity: No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or conducted by South Texas College on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status or disability.
Alternative Format Statement: This document is available in an alternative format upon request by calling (contact me:
Brad Altemeyer, 956-872-2196 insert phone number of the department contact person who maintains the syllabus and can provide a copy upon a student request).
ADA Statement:Individuals with disabilities requiring assistance or access to receive services should contact disABILITY Support Services at ( 956 ) 872-2173.
1. Basic Skills:
Listening / The student is required to read assignments from course textbook and outside sources. The student is also required to submit several reports and projects. The student is required to participate in class discussions and present an oral report to the class. Basic mathematical and analytical skills are developed through defining business problems; analyzing alternatives, and using accepted managerial formulas to solve problems.
2. Thinking Skills:
Seeing things in the mind’s eye
Knowing how to learn
Reasoning / In-class discussions and out-side projects require students to analyze management and business trends, recognize current and potential problems, and develop possible solutions and scenarios useful in making managerial decisions.
3. Personal Qualities:
Integrity and honesty / Individual and group projects will require students to set goals, practice self-management, and monitor progress. All students are required to act in a courteous and ethical manner.
4. Resources:
Time, money, materials and facilities and human resources. / These workplace competencies are accomplished through student participation in group project and the library assignments . These assignments will provide the opportunity to student to allocate time and other resources to accomplish their tasks.
5. Interpersonal:
Participate as a member of a team
Teaches other new skills
Exercises Leadership
Works with diversity / These workplace competencies are accomplished through student participation in groups and other cooperative learning activities and completing assignments on a timely manner.
6. Information:
Acquires and evaluates information
Organizes and maintains information
Interprets and communicates information
Uses computers to process information / These workplace competencies are accomplished through student participation in group presentation. The student is required to research a management related issue. Analyze, interpret the information and communicate their findings to the class in an oral presentation.
7. Systems:
Understanding systems / The student will understand systems by investigating managerial issues and recognizing that there is a close association with various systems including social, political, organizational and technological.
8. Technology:
Works with a variety of technologies / Use of Technology: Students may use e-mail to correspond with instructor, use internet to search for information to complete projects and reports. Students may use word processing, power point and/or spreadsheet software to produce reports and presentations. Students may access course syllabus, course outline and lecture notes via the web.