East Dorset and Christchurch

Core Strategy 2013 - 2028

East Dorset District Council has issued the latest and last changes to its Strategy before it goes to a Public Inquiry, due in mid 2013.

Details are given overleaf. The numbers of new houses planned for West Parley are the same yet completely new features appear without any background details. In the past we have been given full details ofwhat is planned here. Not in this case.

This is your last chance to let your views on the future of West Parley be known. In the Parish Plan survey you told us that you supported a modest increase in house numbers here and 80% of you said ‘No”to large housing developments.

You have been asked for your comments on the Strategy in the last 18 months but the number of responses has been low. The questions asked of you have been almost impossible for you to answer including if the Strategy is ‘Consistent with National Policy’, is ‘Legally Compliant’ and ‘Sound’. This has put you off replying.

There were only 250 responses to the last consultation from 1500 houses.The low response is now being taken by the planners that you accept these plans.

The Parish Council will,and District Councillors are expecting to,represent you at the Public Inquiry with legal support but we need to know you still feel strongly about this issue. The best way is to have a high level of responses to this latest consultation.

If you are still opposed to this overdevelopment in West Parley please complete the bottom of the section on the other side, cut it off, put it in an envelope, write on the Freepost address and send it off immediately. No stamp is needed.

Please send in the views of each family member. Either photocopy the form, print it off the WPPC web site or write out as a letter.

Please do itas soon as you read this



The main points for West Parley village:-

No changefrom the last consultation

  • 520 houses still planned to be built here; over 30% more houses in the village that will be built on the last of our available Green Belt land


  • Policy FWP6- The planned new Village store is now to be8- 900sq m not 3000 sq m
  • Policy FWP7- Minor change of words about new housing estates close to our Hill Fort at Dudsbury

An Infrastructure Delivery Plan has been issued alongside the recent changes to the Core Strategy. It mentions:-

  • A one form entry first school at theFirstSchool or on anew site
  • A possible new Fire and Rescue Station in West Parley
  • A new waste depot between Ferndown and Christchurch (most likely at the Airport or close by)

Full details of the Core Strategy changes are at Ferndown Library.

The changes to the existing Strategy document for West Parley are minor but thesignificant new proposalsmentioned above have not been included in the Strategy document and explained properly. This denies Residentsa chance to comment on a complete Strategy.

The Strategy therefore has to be unsound


Address your envelope to:- Planning Policy, FREEPOST (BH575), Christchurch Borough Council, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Christchurch, BH23 1BR

We consider the Pre-Submission Document for the Core Strategy 2013-2028 to be unsound as it does not include details of further major changes to West Parley. (All details below in capital letters please)

Full name…………………………………………………………….



Email address…………………………Signature……………………