South Dakota Municipal League
October 6, 2017 « Sioux Falls Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center
President Wendland called the meeting to order at 10:34 a.m.
Karl Alberts, Aberdeen, presented the report of the audit committee, made up of Alberts, Rebecca Brunsing of Wagner, Michelle De Neui, Spearfish, and Pauline Sumption of Rapid City. Alberts reported finding no irregularities, and that a clean audit had been issued. Alberts further explained that the committee meets each year to review all of the affiliate financial information, and reports annually to both the SDML Board and to each affiliate board. Alberts thanked those who had helped with the financial review process. It was moved by Leland Treichel, Roscoe, seconded Carol Kiecker, Java, to accept the report of the Auditing Committee. Upon unanimous vote, the motion was approved.
Yvonne Taylor presented the Executive Director’s Annual Report, stating her appreciation of the work of the audit committee, and thanking all the people who worked to develop the policy statement. Taylor discussed the policy process, legislative activities, training programs, and the value of District Meetings. Finally, Taylor introduced the SDML staff, noting how excellent the staff is year round.
Mike Wendland, Chair of the Resolutions Committee, led the review of the policies as presented by the Resolutions Committee. Each committee chair was available to answer questions on changes made to their section of the policy statement. Policy committee chairs for 2017 were Mike Wendland, Baltic – General Government; Tom Paisley, Spearfish – Public Health, Safety, and Welfare; Mark Cotter, Sioux Falls – Public Works; and Pauline Sumption – Tax and Revenue.
After discussion of the policy statement, Wendland presented a resolution amending the By-laws to provide for a process when there is a vacancy in the office of Immediate Past President.
After full review by the assembled members of the policies and the proposed by-law change resolution, it was moved by Meri Jo Anderson, New Underwood, seconded by Pauline Sumption, Rapid City, to approve the 2018 Statement of Policy and By-Law Resolution as presented. Upon unanimous vote, the motion was approved.
President Wendland presented a resolution of appreciation to the Host Community of Sioux Falls. Mayor Mike Heuther accepted the resolution on behalf of the city.
President Wendland presented certificates of appreciate to the Executive Board members.
Dennis Olson, Brandon, presented the report of the nominating committee as follows:
President: Mike Wendland, Mayor, Baltic
1st Vice President: Pauline Sumption, Finance Officer, Rapid City
2nd Vice President: Debbra Houseman, Finance Officer, Lake Andes
Trustee: Karl Alberts, Finance Officer, Aberdeen
Trustee: Steve Allender, Mayor, Rapid City
Trustee: Christine Erickson, Councilmember, Sioux Falls
Trustee: Amy Nelson, City Manager, Yankton
Trustee: Fay Bueno, Finance Officer, Sturgis
Meri Jo Anderson, Past President, assumed the gavel in order to conduct the election of officers.
It was moved by Carolynn Anderson, Wall, seconded by Becky Brunsing, Wagner, to approve the Report of the Nominating Committee for the 2017-2018 Slate of Officers. Upon unanimous vote, the slate of officers was elected.
Meri Jo Anderson presented the gavel to Newly Elected President Mike Wendland.
Newly Elected President Wendland gave brief remarks emphasizing district meetings and cooperative action between cities, and encouraged involvement of new officials in the SDML.
Following drawings for door prizes and there being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:06 a.m.