[Administration, IWS Unit, IFS Cadre Management, Public Grievance Cell, Vishisht Vaigyanik Purskar, NGO Cell, Use of Hindi, Civil Construction Unit, Plan and Co-ordination]
The Ministry at its headquarter is presently having a total strength of 1083 personnel in various groups including those in National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board (NAEB) and the National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD). A statement showing the strength of various groups as well as the reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC is given in Table-14.
Table -14
Reservation of Posts for SCs, STs, and OBC in this Ministry (including NRCD and NAEB)
SlGroupSanctioned No. inScheduled% of SC Scheduled% of ST OBC % of
No.StrengthpositionCastesemployeesTribesemployees OBC employees
Group ‘A’197180137.2%73.9%10.6%
Group ‘B’3002452711%93.7%20.8%
Group ‘C’3643065718.6%165.2%165.2%
Group ‘D’
Personnel Policies
Under the modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS), involving a two tier system of evaluation for review/assessment of scientists for their promotion, a total of 33 scientists of the Ministry including its subordinate offices were screened till 31.12.2002 and five of them have been finally found fit for promotion after interview. Results of interview are awaited in respect of 16 of these scientists which are expected to be finalized shortly.
Environment and Parliament
During the year, 911 Parliament Questions pertaining to various aspects were dealt with by the Ministry. 485 question in the Lok Sabha and 426 questions in the Rajya Sabha were answered. The questions covered a wide range of issues with which the Ministry is concerned, prominent among them being conservation of wild life, pollution related issues, preservation and extension of forest cover, environmental clearance of development and industrial projects, bio-diversity, genetically modified crops, animal welfare etc.
During the year four meetings of the Consultative Committee of Members of Parliament attached to this Ministry were held. A variety of subjects which fall under the purview of this Ministry were discussed. Further four visits of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology and Environment & Forests to various parts of India were arranged. The Committee studied a number of Organisations under the Ministry.
Internal Work Study Unit (Including O&M)
O&M Activities
The Internal Work Study Unit (IWSU) of the Ministry continued its normal activities aimed at ensuring timely action by various sections on records management, maintenance of memory and retrieval aids and strict compliance of various provisions of the Manual of Office Procedure, O&M Inspection Programmes for the Ministry as well as its attached/subordinate and autonomous organizations was drawn up and follow up action for rectifying the defects pointed out in the inspection reports was taken.
Record Management Activities
With a view to have proper environment in the workplace, and to ensure efficient space utilization which is critical to a healthy work culture in any organization. A Special drive on Records Management was launched for a month in September, 2002 during which 1,195 files were reportedly recorded, 2431 files were reviewed out of which 703 files were retained and 1728 files were weeded out by various sections/division of the Ministry.
Review of the Existing Channel of Submission and final level of disposal of cases
In pursuance of the instructions issued by Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances and provisions contained in the Manual of Office Procedure, a review of existing instructions contained in the compendium issued in 1996 was undertaken. On the basis of the feed back received from the various sections/divisions the existing compendium has been revised. This is to be issued shortly.
Brochure on the Items of work handled by various sections/divisions
The brochure on distribution of work amongst various sections/divisions of the Ministry which was last brought out in the year 1999, was reviewed and revised in order to incorporate the changes which have taken place in the work allocation within the Ministry. The revised ‘Brochure’ is to be issued shortly.
Modernisation of the Department Record Room of the Ministry
Under the scheme launched by Government of India to modernize the Government offices, the Department Record Room of the Ministry has been modernized by installing the compactors fixing of ACs and floor glazed tiles. After installation of compactors, the storage capacity of the Department Record Room has increased significantly.
IndianForest Service (IFS) Cadre Management
Ministry is the “Cadre Controlling Authority” for the Indian Forest Service (IFS), an all India Service. This Service consists of 24 State Cadres including three Joint Cadres namely the Assam-Meghalaya, Manipur-Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram, Union Territories (AGMUT). Present authorized strength of the Service is 2756.
The work relating to the recruitment to the Indian Forest Service, induction through promotion from the State Forest Service Cadres, Cadre Reviews for revising the composition and strength of IFS of various Cadres, allocation of I.F.S. probationers to various State cadres, determination of year of allotment of Promotee officers and inter-seniority, selection/appointment of I.F.S. personnel against Central Deputation Reserve forestry posts, Central Deputation Secretariat positions under Central Bodies including Indian council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun. Indian Institute of forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, finalization of service matters like post-retirement benefits, intercadre transfers and deputations, management of AGMUT Cadre including promotions/transfers and postings and other related service matters are dealt in the Indian Forest division in the Ministry.
During the year, Cadre Review meetings were conducted and completed revising the strength and composition of six States. Cadre Review proposals of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Uttaranchal were received and are under examination. Thrity-two direct recruit officers on the basis of IFS Examination, 2001 were inducted into the Service and their probationary training has commenced at the Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA), Dehradun. Twenty four State Forest Service officers under IFS (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations were inducted into the Service during the year. The Selection Committee meetings were held during 2002 in respect of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu & West Bengal to consider appointment of State Forest Service Officers to the Indian Forest Service.
Twenty four IFS officer who were promoted from the State Forest Service under the IFS (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1966 were imparted Professional Upgradation Skill training in two batches at the IndiraGandhiNationalForestAcademy, Dehradun.
Public Grievance Cell
A Grievance Cell has been functioning in the Ministry to attend to the complaints of public regarding environmental matter. JS (Admn.) has been nominated as Public Grievance Officer of this Ministry.
The particulars of the Public Grievance Officer of this Ministry are as under :
Joint Secretary (Admn.)
Room No. 418 (4th Floor)
Paryavaran Bhavan,
CGO Complex, Lodi Road,
New Delhi- 110 003
E-mail :
The general public can meet the Public Grievance Officer every Wednesday from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM. Apart from this, all the officers of the level of Deputy Secretary and above have also been advised to observe every Wednesday as Meetingless Day and meet the general public from 10.00AM to 1.00PM.
The main function of the Cell is to ensure timely redressal of public grievances by taking up the matter with the concerned authorities such as District Magistrates, Municipal Corporations, Pollution Control Boards, State Governments etc. Most of the complaints relate to:
-Unauthorised industries located in residential areas discharging harmful gases and hazardous effluents in the immediate neighbourhood.
-Environmental degradation due to mismanagement of civic amenities like location of waste dump, water logging etc.
-Poor maintenance of open areas and parks; and
-Commercial establishments operating illegally in the residential buildings causing nuisance to people living in the immediate vicinity.
-During the year 390 grievances (as on 30.09.2002) were received from the general public and staff.
Vishisht Vaigyanik Purskar
This award was instituted in 1991-92 as an incentive to Group ‘A’ Scientists of the Ministry and its associated formations. The award consists of a cash prize of Rs. 20,000/- and is awarded to two Scientists every year
NGO Cell
The Ministry with a view to handle various matters relating to Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) working in various fields of Environment has established an NGO Cell. Following are the major activities of NGO Cell :
-Reply to queries of NGOs and to send booklet entitled, “Funding Scheme of the Ministry of Environment and Forests” to those seeking financial assistance from the Ministry.
-Collection and dissemination of information on NGOs working in the field of Environment.
-Co-ordinating with Planning Commission relating to the creation of database on NGOs, those received grants from the Ministry.
Recreation Club
A recreation club in the Ministry has been set up to encourage the employees of the Ministry for social functions, sports, dramatic, library and such other activities. The functioning of the Recreation Club is monitored by the Management Committee, elected by the members of the club for a period of 2 years. The new Management Committee has been constituted on 16th December, 2002. The main objectives of the club is to encourage social functions, sports, dramatic, literary and such other activities. During this year, the Cricket team of this Ministry took part in the Nayudamma tournament held in Lucknow from 18th to 20th October, 2002. The team won the trophy in the tournament 4th time in succession. The following teams from this Ministry have also participated in the inter ministry tournaments organized by the Central Civil Services Cultured & Sports Board :
-Cricket Team
-Shooting Ball
-Chess meets
In athletics, following officials of this Ministry have also participated and were adjudged winners :
-Shri Vakil Ahmed, Peon – 2nd prize in Discuss throw
-Shri Hari Ram, SCD – 2nd prize in 400 meter race.
Use of Hindi
In order to improve the progressive use of Hindi in the Official work in the Ministry, necessary directions were issued to officers by conducting inspections of Sections in the Ministry, its subordinate offices and through meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee. This effort has resulted in improving the progressive use of Hindi in the Ministry as well as its subordinate offices. The percentage of work being done in Hindi during the period in the Ministry was 61% in Region ‘A’, 46% in Region ‘B’, 34% in Region ‘C’.
The meetings of the official language implementation committee of the Ministry were held regularly during the year and important directions were given to the officers regarding improvement in use of Hindi in official work. Actions have also been taken to implement the decision which were taken in the meetings.
The Meetings in the Hindi Advisory Committee of the Ministry, were also held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister and necessary follow-up actions have also being completed.
Hindi Fortnight
Hindi Fortnight was held in the Ministry between 16th September to 30th September, 2002 with the issuance of an appeal from the Secretary regarding use of Hindi in the official work. The following competitions were also held.
-Competitions regarding dictation in Hindi by the officers.
-Essay Competition
-Noting/Drafting Competition
-Quiz Competition
-Standard Spelling Competition
-Hindi Typing Competition
In all these competitions, an amount of Rs.92,300/ were given as awards to the 136 officers/employees. These awards were distributed by Special Secretary in a special ceremony held for this purpose, with a view to encourage more and more officers/employees to participate in such competitions.
During this period, the 3rd Sub-Committee of Parliament of Official Language inspected the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH). As regards to the assurances given to the Committee during the inspection, necessary action is being taken to fulfil the same.
Medini Puruskar Yojana
In order to encourage the authors who have written books in Hindi originally on subjects relating to environment, pollution, wildlife, cleaning of national rivers and water quality etc. the Ministry has been administering Medini Purskar Yojana. The amount given as awards in respect of best books written in Hindi under this scheme is given below:-
First Prize Rs.25,000/-
Second Prize Rs.20,000/-
Third Prize Rs.15,000/-
Consolation Prize Rs.10,000/-
Twenty three books were received under this Scheme during the year and the books selected by the Evaluation Committee for awarding the Prizes are as follows:
Name of BookAuthor’s NameAmount of the Prize
Charak Sanhita ke Jeev JantuShri Romesh BediRs.25,000/-
Plastic PradushanShri Nishant SinghRs.20,000/-
VanikaranDr. Sewa Singh SangwalRs.15,000/-
Pani De Gurdhani DeShri Sunir Kumar ChaturvediRs.5,000/-
Boya Ped Babool kaShri Dinesh Kumar MishraRs.5,000/-
Award Scheme of Noting/Drafting in Hindi
The Noting and Drafting incentive scheme of the Government of India is also being implemented by this Ministry. To evaluate the claims received from the various officers and staff of this Ministry, NAEB and NRCD have constituted evaluation committees and as per the recommendations of the committee, the prizes were given.
Organising Hindi Workshop for Officers/Employees
Special Hindi workshops were conducted in Ministry during the period for its officers/employees so that the use of Hindi in official work should improve.
“Paryavaran” Magazine
Paryavaran Magazine in Hindi is brought out regularly. This Magazine carries scientific and technical articles sent by the specialists, besides other material given by the officers/employees of the Ministry. Compliance of the instruction issued by the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, were carried out fully in respect of the publication of this Magazine. This is a special achievement of the Ministry as it has gained adequate popularity on the basis of the articles published in it.
Civil Construction Unit
It was decided to have a separate construction unit within the Ministry, being a scientific ministry, for better coordination of execution of works. The Civil Construction Unit was created in 1987. This Unit caters to construction work for all the main and attached offices under the Ministry such as Botanical Survey of India, Zoological Survey of India, Forest Survey of India, National Museum of Natural History, Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Animal Welfare Division and Autonomous bodies funded by the Ministry like, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Indian Plywood Research and Training Institute, Central Pollution Control Board and Central Zoo Authority. A number of office buildings, laboratories, museums and residential quarters have been completed at Almora, Dehradun, Jodhpur, Jabalpur, Bhopal, Delhi, Mysore, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Yercaud, Hyderabad, Shimla and Chhindwara.
There are three divisions looking after construction activities. Two divisions are located at Delhi for works in Northern Region and one is located at Bangalore for works under Southern Region. The works under Western Region and Eastern Region are executed through CPWD and monitoring is done by this unit. To have effective control on construction activities, the sub-divisions are located at Delhi, Shimla, Dehradun, Jabalpur, Bhopal, Allahabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Calicut and Coimbatore.
The use of timber has been stopped in Civil Construction Unit and its substitutes are being used in all construction works in order to have better environment. Also to have better conservation of electric power, low powered CFL fittings are being used to all common places and solar water heating system is used in hostels and office buildings at high altitudes.
Major works (above Rs. 25 lakhs) completed upto November 2002 during the year 2002-2003 and those under progress and planning are as under :
I. Works Completed
Sl. Name of WorkCost (Rs.
No.in lakhs)
1C/o Retaining wall with fencing on the
valley side of BSI complex along the
North Sikkim Highway at Gangtok55.94
2C/o Chimpanzee enclosure at NZP
New Delhi74.16
3C/o 8 nos. type IV & 4 nos type II
quarters for HFRI at Shimla109.94
4Providing & installing street light
fittings & laying of cables in the entire
campus of IBG Shibpur Howrah65.41
5C/o Boundary wall in the remaining
4th side of NBG at Noida63.40
IIWorks in Progress
(A)Botanical Survey of India
Sl. Name of WorkCost (Rs.
No.in lakhs)
1C/o Herbarium cum office building
and residential quarters for Central
Circle of BSI at Allahabad816.60
2C/o Residential quarters including
development for BSI at Coimbatore378.26
3Resurfacing of roads of IBG Kolkata34.14
4Providing & installing & commissioning
of A.C. plant for CNH building of IBG
at Kolkata150.38
5Providing fencing with MS grill at the
river front of IBG Kolkata51.69
6Bulk water supply at Arunachal field
station of BSI at Itanagar52.68
7C/o Compound wall along road for
Dhanikhari experimental garden cum
arboretum of BSI at Port Blair38.93
8C/o Farm house, Orchid house & Nursery
shed garage & store at Dhanikhari
experimental garden cum Arboretum
for BSI at Port Blair50.42
9C/o Security boundary wall & gate
around BSI campur at Shillong35.09
10Providing security fencing & security
lights around the experimental garden
of BSI at Shillong86.34
11C/o Internal roads i/c street lights at
BSI Barapani Shillong30.71
(B)Zoological Survey of India
1C/o Residential Quarters & Development
work of Estuarine Biological Station ZSI at
Gopalpur – on – Sea, Berhampur (Orissa)149.72
2C/o Office cum LabBuilding for EBS,
ZSI at Gopalpur – on – Sea, Berhampur
3C/o Office cum LaboratoryBuilding for
ZSI at Hyderabad301.81
4Providing bulk water supply for ZSI at
5C/o Office cum lab building for ZSI
at Jabalpur283.35
6C/o Additional floor on the existing office
and lab building of ZSI at Shillong62.76
7C/o 20 nos Residential Quarters for ZSI