South Dakota Association of the Deaf

Board Meeting

May 3, 2008


Meeting called in order time: 2:20PM

Roll call: Mark Gunderson, Arlin Devish, Jane Souhrada, Bruce Kucker, Heidi Branch, Tom Kober, Dave Dahle and Paula Souhrada.

No Show: Jennifer Willey.

# of members in Attendance: 14 and 8 Board of members

Tom Kober (Dave Dahle) move to approve Agenda, carried.

Approval of Minutes of Date February 1st 2008

Heidi Branch (Dave Dahle) move to approve the minutes as read, Carried

Treasurer Financial Report- Jane Souhrada

January- March (3 reports)

Heidi Branch (Dave Dahle) move to approve the all of three reports, Carried

President Report – May 3, 2008.

I want to apologize in advance that I am unable to attend the Board meeting today – due to my trip to Atlanta for SIGNews.

I definitely know that I have been away quite a lot in the past quarter. But this doesn’t stop me from trying my best as the President. I want to really deeply apologize to my supporters and patronages for not being available on our Saturdays Bingo, SFingo and events. I will try to make an appearance next weekend on the 10th, and for sure, everything will be back to normal first week of June!

  1. House Bill 1115 passed through to Governor. We testified – only one actually listened to us. Next year, we will need to think on how to make it “twist” and demand the state to support hearing aids for those who are not insured.
  2. House Bill 1242 passed through the Senate, but our Governor veto-ed the bill. Parents did a great job bringing this bill to the Senate, but seems that our Governor doesn’t understand the actual need of our children. We will need to team up with the parents and children – next year.
  3. Due to our webmaster being on maternity leave – we could not get the Feb’s minutes on Internet, and even update the website itself. I believe she will come back sometime in June – hope to get catch up by then. My great apologies for the delay.
  4. NAD Conference is coming close – this July, Tom Kober and myself will be heading to New Orleans as South Dakota delegates. CSD has graciously sponsored our registration and travel arrangements – thank you CSD.
  5. Internet Café – I will allow Dave Dahle explain right now on the Internet Café’s upgrading. Greatly appreciate his work. Our Internet café is now up to date with better computers and programs for everyone to use – especially with CSD West’s independent living program. Dave – please give us what you have done.
  6. I have received Miss Deaf South Dakota’s resignation letter – disclosing unforeseen circumstances that she could not represent South Dakota to Miss Deaf America Pageant. I ask you all to respect Sherry’s need of privacy, and move forward. Thank you.
  7. Conference Report – I have not touched anything in terms of conference, all I need to do this summer is to get registration sent out to everyone by July 1 with early birds, and hotel information. Transportation – it is high likely that I will request sponsorship for a bus to be provided to bring everyone to Spearfish for free if possible. Will report on this at the next Board meeting.
  8. Thank you notes have been written to CSD, and some members of the community for their generosity in contributing monetary donations.
  9. The Board has been keeping visible with the community – you know who you are, I thank you for keeping the mission we have established last year, in mind in doing so.
  10. I want to thank Mark Gunderson – for his patience, his determination with keeping me posted on SDAD – taking my place temporarily, keeping SDAD in place in my absence, taking the responsibility to get this meeting up and running. I appreciate that, Mark.

Tom Kober added to the President’s report, internet café at SDAD center, kids are not allowed to use computer unless their parent must be there to supervise.VP now use with Sorenson, public access only.

Vice President’s report:

General Functions of SDAD Games. There are few changes and corrections.(insert changes here)

Secretary: (Arlin Devish)

No report

Treasurer (Jane Souhrada)

205 SDAD members.

Ratification of Motions:

Report from the Education committee, Edward Reitz:

I was asked in the short time to represent for the Deaf Community to meet the Executive Director of the Board of Regents for questions and discussions about South DakotaSchool for the Deaf. I was asked by Terry Gregersen, Superintendent of the school.

I told Dr. Tad Perry that my first concern about the school was that the Deaf children with CI have been separated from other Deaf children and not allowed to use ASL at all. I know ASL will help all the children develop their skills in writing and reading in English. Secondly, to improve better school system, the Board of Regents should listen (be open) to Deaf Community, parents of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing children, and children themselves. I told them not to control the school with their power, just manage or serve according to common laws on public schools. And I told that the Deaf community wants to work with the board for the best of the children.

It’s seemed to me that Dr Perry ignored my discussions. He said he and his board have to follow the Federal rules. Again I impressed him that these laws “enforce” all the public schools and even universities to open to all individuals with disabilities toattend. It does not mean that all Deaf children cannot attend to deaf school.

In closing, I suggested DR. Perry that Deaf people should be involved for the decision-making process, and be selected to task force ordered by the governor. Dr. Perry said that the task forced be done by July.

Submitted respectfully,

Edward Reitz, Jr

Rec: Curt Anderson

Deaf Day at Wild Water West...

Hopefully, will start this summer, but for sure to have one next year and start the tradition for a Deaf Day every year.

Will comminute with manager at WWW about the special rate such as discount for price.

Also, need to know when is the best time to have a Deaf Day in July or August. Make sure do not conflict with NAD, MAAD softball, and NSAD.

Pubic Voices

Betty Carlson, pay to SDCCD (South Dakota Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities) Jane said we paid last year, Tom and Betty said Jan is open to enrollment period.

Mark Johnson asked to should take action against closed caption on show on tv while emergency warns such as weather alert cut in show and display cover the show.

Bingo, few people ask to prefer to play with old way with green pads instead papers.

Meeting in Recess time 3:10

Meeting Resumes time 3:25

Bruce Kucker makesmoves to change the limit of $400 in to an unlimited amount of dollar for Bingo at the last game. No second, DEAD.

Tom Kober ( who seconded? ) move to approved T-night, who intend buy unlimited to buy tickets changed to limited such as five tickets, Withdraw.

Tom Kober (Jane Souhrada) changed limited per tickets per night. Carried.

New Business

Heidi Branch (David Dahle) motions that Jennifer Willey to make vlog to clarify on Cochlear issue to the nation.CARRIED.

Tom Kober (Paula Souhrada) motion start in June 1st to change policy for new games, CARRIED.

Arlin Devish (Bruce Kucker) move to buy new laptop since it’s old and slow, CARRIED.

Dave Dahle (Arlin Devish) moves to have new mouse and keyboard for internet café, WITHDRAWN

Tom Kober (Arlin Devish) moves to support 500 Dollars to MWCDE. CARRIED.

Tom Kober ( Who seconded? ) moves to hire one of members of SDAD as a lobbyist for a session. CARRIED

Jane Souhrada (Tom Kober) moves to ask all members to play bingo with their choices with new paper or old plastic. CARRIED

Tom Kober (Paula Souhrada) moves to close new business. CARRIED.


Tom Kober proud to announced, on Aug 3rd, open house for funeral house.

Christina Kraft announced “Forget Me Not” at AugustanaCollege, all actors are deaf!

Adjourment at 4:40pm

Submitted respectfully,

Arlin Devish