Grade: 8 Subject: Guidance 7/1/2011
Unit: Personal Social Outcomes
Time frame for Completion: Grade 8 1
Enduring Understandings / Big Ideas:Effective communication skills are necessary for a successful life – personally, socially, educationally and professionally.
An empathetic person is able to understand others’ perspectives and respond to conflict appropriately.
Understanding the components of a healthy relationship is important for assisting students in making healthy relationship choices and decisions.
It is important for students to know how to cope/ handle life’s challenges.
Essential Questions: Do I know how to make an informed decision? Do I consistently use effective communication skills? What skills do I use to cope with stress? What supports are available to me? Am I a positive contributor to my school community? How do I know this? Am I involved in healthy relationships? /
Grade: 8 Subject: Guidance 7/1/2011
Unit: Personal Social Outcomes
Time frame for Completion: Grade 8 1
Learning Competencies - What the students will know and be able to do upon completion of the unit / Supportive Learning Activities / Assessments / Resources / ASCA National Standards/PDE Interpersonal Skills StandardsThe student will utilize decision making skills to make appropriate choices.
The student will evaluate their response to stress and acquire developmentally know how to access appropriate support when needed.
The student will interact with others with respect regardless of individual differences.
Students will examine how their behavior and choices affect the educational community and take positive action.
Students will evaluate their current relationships and make appropriate decisions based on their personal goals. / · Decision-Making Model Lesson
· Stressors Rating Scale, How do I Respond to Stressors, Stress Management
· Understanding Our Differences Lesson
· Extension activities, Beautiful and Ugly are Only Skin Deep, Walk a Block in my Socks
· Character Traits Inventory….Citizenship Lesson
· How to Communicate with Boys/ How to Communicate with Girls; He says/She says
· [All activities are structured to work within each student’s “zone of proximal development*” in English Language Acquisition] / Formative:
· Role playing
· Teacher created assessments
· Teacher observation
· Student self-assessments
· Exit card
· Student personal reflection/ self-evaluation / Large Group Guidance Activities: A K-12 Sourcebook, Second Edition
--Joe Wittmer and Diane W. Thompson
Skills for Living – Group Counseling Activities for Young Adolescents, Volume One
--Rosemarie Smead Morganett
Connecting with Others Lessons for Teaching Social and Emotional Competence, Grades 6-8
--Rita C. Richardson
--Elizabeth T Evans
What Do You Stand For? For Teens; A Guide to Building Character
--Barbara A. Lewis
Owning Up Curriculum
--Rosalind Wiseman
Supplemental Resources:
· ESL staff
· Bilingual dictionaries
ELL: Fifty Strategies for Teaching; English Language Learners, 2nd edition; Adrienne Herrell, Michael Jordan; (Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2003) / PS:C1.7: Apply effective problem-solving and decision-making skills to make safe and healthy choices.
3B: Apply decision-making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations
PS:C1:10: Learn techniques for managing stress and conflict
1B: Recognize personal qualities and external supports
PS:A2:3: Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences
2B: Respect and recognize individual and group similarities and differences
PS:C1.7: Apply effective problem-solving and decision-making skills to make safe and healthy choices
3A: Consider civic, safety, and societal factors in making decisions.
PS:C1.4: Demonstrate the ability to set boundaries, rights and personal privacy
2E: Create societal norms which encourage active engagement in creating healthy relationships (upstanders vs. bystanders) and promoting positive-responsibility as an observer of ‘negative behavior’.
Every Teacher Teaches ESL
ELP Standard 1: English Language Learners communicate in English for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.
ELP Standard 2: English Language Learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.