Room 14 First Grade News / Dorn Elementary School
Mrs. Tischer
October 7, 2016
Language Arts
Students read more informational texts about community helpers. They got to partner read books about different jobs and share what they learned with the class. We used graphic organizers to list facts we learned from a text and used that information to write a paragraph about a job. We also read about “cool” jobs and sorted which items or characteristics went with a particular job.
In writing we are working on telling the difference between complete and incomplete sentences, adding details to our writing and using correct capital letters and ending punctuation. We are also working on capitalizing proper nouns.
This week we did a lot of measuring. First we compared objects to compare things that are the same length, taller, shorter, wider, and narrower than other objects. We measured items in the classroom with objects such as cubes, pattern blocks and special “ant rulers” we made. We have been solving word problems and sharing the strategies we used to find the answer. Students are continuing to practice solving addition and subtraction facts to 12 quickly. / / Important Dates
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Library and P.E.
Wednesday: Fine Arts
Thursday: P.E.
Friday: P.E. Popcorn Day
Word Study/Spelling Next Week
Week 8: review – went, give, the, are, was
Word families: review “L" Blends and word families as in flag, glass, sing, hand, bed
Next week’s sight words: into, many, live, out, this, they / Please remember that your driver’s license or state ID needs to be on file in the office ONE WEEK PRIOR to volunteering at school (or eating lunch with your child)

Reminders from the office:

This is a reminder that we are a “Peanut/Tree nut Free” classroom. Please refrain from sending in snacks that have peanut/tree nut products in them! Fresh fruits and vegetables are allowed for snack. Sending peanut/tree nut items in for lunch is fine!
Thanks for your cooperation! / Celebrating All Holidays-Here
at Dorn School we are proud to have students whose families celebrate a variety of holidays such as Eid, Kwanza, Hanukah and Christmas. Please encourage your children to share their holiday traditions with their friends here at Dorn, even if their friends celebrate another holiday(s). Also, please have a discussion with your children about how important it is to show respect for all families’ traditions, celebrations and holidays. / Walkers:
Please remember when you pick your child up to have your “pick up card” with you! Keeping it in a zip lock baggie will help it last through bad weather. If you need another pick up card, please send a note or call the office and one will be sent home.