Collaborative Session Notes 2017 NOAA EDM Workshop
Session 3B:
NOAA OneStop Metadata Requirements and Tools
Anna Milan - NOAA OneStop is brand new. New team members at three separate locations.. New goal.
Reliance on custom scripting is required since all data is different and different system requirements.
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Question on how to get to subject matter experts.
John R - Collection challenges: Theoretical versus practical discussion. Suggest automation to decrease cost by reducing the number of changes a human makes to change all related collection metadata records. OneStop Tools reviewed including CEdit, Docucomp to build full ISO 19139 XML using the latest templates and best practices to improve consistency for end user.
Chris with NASA asks if vocabulary and services are straightforward. John says some are and others are a challenge.
Yuanjie Li on ISOLite template ISOLite tools include metadata create tools and metadata validation tools. Challenges: ISOLite template can be improved, source netCDF can be improved, other network management tools.
Roland with PMEL intereste in crosswalk. Used ACDD version 1.3.
Anna aware of ACDD issues and will look at making heads compliant and go from there.
Kevin asks “When participants are looking for data, what are we looking for? What kind of things should be in search criteria?”
Are all collections created equal is another question. Kevin responds yes, highest tiers of stewardship are given a significant amount of attention for DSMM assessments. The most mature datasets of course, are ranked higher. That’s an explicit part of our work.
Martin with ESRI says there seems to be a lot of value added. How much flows back to people who are making it available? Anna responds the value added doesn’t get back to the data stewards from or other distribution entities.
Ralph at NCEI says one of the stated goals is to improve standard practices and we’re doing that across all of NCEI. How does it get back to the original data provider? That’s a good question.
Anna clarifies OneStop doesn’t want to call any data their own. That’s not the goal.